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Marks the spot. Professor Logan

He's fought to provide a safe world for his fellow mutants. He's fought to defend the helpless and the downtrodden. He's fought to avenge brutal acts against innocent victims. And now, he brings that same intensity to the fight against bad grammar.

He's...Professor Logan!

Lesson #2: Quotation Marks
Lesson #1: Couldn't Care Less

Professor Logan graphic made by cschoolgirl.

Contact I'll be back for this. The Danger Room I'll be back for this. XMMFF Archive
Wolverine, Rogue, and the X-Men belong to Stan Lee, Marvel Entertainment, and 20th Century Fox. The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive and wolverineandrogue.com are not intended as an infringement upon those copyrights. This site's layout, design, and all related graphics are Copyright © 2000 - 2004 wolverineandrogue.com and its contributors. Do not post graphics or stories elsewhere without express permission of artist or author. All database functions are Copyright © 2003 EZ Archive and are not to be reproduced elsewhere. Wolverineandrogue.com and the WRFA are owned and maintained by Devil Doll.