Bancainte [Contact]
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Member Since: 11/10/2006
Membership Status: Member

Reviews by Bancainte
Rogue could almost taste his presence. Feel his hands as he guided her through the postures, see the bead of sweat making its way down the planes of his back as he turned away from her. She had to blink to chase away the fantasy: he wasn’t here yet. He might not want to come with them. With her. She had left him for dead, after all.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 30
Wordcount: 81308 - Hits: 276673
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/23/2011 - Last Updated: 07/01/2013
Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/28/2011 Title: Chapter 7: Victories

OK, this FB's gonna be written as I read along (rather belatedly; I apologise. Rogue wins against Logan? Good for her, in every possible way! And she has won, as odd as it may sound under the circumstances, a decent victory. And gets the respectful bow of the opponent that is due to her. She might even eventually learn that she does have a choice, and has become Logan's equal quite in herself, without the help of the other personae and against the insecure, victimising attitude of Marie. Will the girl get a chance to outgrow her teens, I wonder?

A leaping heart is certainly a prerequisite to life, once in a while. Oh, and it wasn't Logan she had won against with her tiny bikini, all those years ago. Now I AM curious to understand what took that victory away from her again... No, wait. This last scene is before she knew his darkest side, was it? But hadn't she long seen that he was grooming her?

Author's Response: Just coming back to clarify those few plots points - the scene in Havana DOES take place after Pasadena, when she absorbed him properly. Prior to Pasadena, she was pretty much Marie, damaged teenager. After Pasadena, Marie becomes embryonic Rogue, having taken in Wolverine. It takes Rogue AND Marie to face down Marie\'s demons (in Havana) just like it will take Marie and Rogue to face down Rogue\'s demons in the present day :D

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/28/2011 Title: Chapter 8: Wolverine and Rogue

Oh, WOW! This is possibly the best I've ever seen of the inside of Jean's mind! Yes, wanting someone to such a breathtakingly insane degree is rough to take, isn't it? Extremely well observed, her insights regarding Logan/Wolverine. I'm quite relieved to get a view of an intelligent woman here, not the rather ghastly picture Rogue presented of her earlier.

And this chapter has quite a number of remarkable lines. "The type of man who would fuck you into the floor and not even offer you a hand up afterwards." Quite an apposite way of delienating lust and love.
And in the same vein, the difference between love and romance: "It sounded like music, and felt like a car crash." No, indeed, love doesn't always play nice, and doesn't at all times involve little flying guys with cutsie wings and bows. No.

Rogue's underestimating her younger self, and she's underesrtimating Marie. Why, I wonder? Too used to being a victim? It can be quite a warm cloak, that role. Set with the shards of early dreams on the inside, but warm nonetheless.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them, despite knowing how much of a monster love can be.
Oh, and for Jean! I kinda like her. Really, REALLY don't envy her the place in the garage right now, with a good chance to be discovered by a hot Wolverine. Or a hotter Rogue. Or, worst of all, by a bewildered, defensive Rogue.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/28/2011 Title: Chapter 9: Peace?

Glowing, both! Good. And you can see how much this story has me in a twist by me admitting a certain degree of relief that the trouble prepares to come from the outside for a change.
In any case: Do keep on writing! This is all excellent stuff!!! (In case my comments have managed to be so meandering that you've never caught this central attitude. :-)

Umm... would the cat not make at least a day's worth of food? You need to teach the kids priorities, you know! :-D

Author's Response: Thank you for your wonderful reviews - I always love them. Sorry to twist you all up! I do intend to keep writing although life has me on a mini-hiatus at the moment; that, and I took a wrong turn in the next chapter and am currently struggling over a rewrite. But there should be something new this week, I promise. Thanks so much for your reviews ... they are better than TimTams.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 06/01/2011 Title: Chapter 11: The bad guy

Excellent! A sharp, bitter chapter, giving us a clear idea of Rogue´s fractured life, as outside and inside worlds clash: the mellow, glorious fulfillment with the harsh, steely end of things that were built on her outside persona alone. No trust, eh, Rogue?
A very tantalising final sentence, but the part that fascinates me most is Jean involuntarily (and without noticing?) siding with the Wolverine to keep his secret. As I said, I´ve always kinda liked Jean.
Neat artistic device to echo our own wrong assumptions and interpretations of her behaviour and the general situation in Jubilee´s attempts to make sense. Glad to find that you have managed to keep her sparkly, inquisitive and outrageous personality without making her the usual empty-headed teenager.
Tell us if we need to provide you with a cat for your neighbours, or more washing line for your kids, to make you go on at your admirable and gratifying pace! ;-)

Author's Response: Glad you are enjoying the talkier sections as well as the ... other sections ;) I do love the opportunity to explore truth and perception from so many different angles, then fill in the full story, shade by shade. And the chance to play with Jubilee is always a bonus ... she won my heart when I first wrote her chapter in (my old fic) The Bargain! I\'m hoping to post the next chapter tonight or tomorrow ... husband has taken children swimming this afternoon, to allow me quality time with the computer. Bless.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 06/24/2011 Title: Chapter 13: Out of control

So Rogue's remember the smell of truth now, clear like a rain-washed sky? Glad to hear she likes it. Very interesting (and promising) that Prof X is the more powerful telepath compared to the Whitish Majesty - and that the Wolverine can actually be impressed by that. Not quite the stupid do-goody-do, eh, Logan?

Quite expressive little scene: "He wasn't sure what had shaken them more. His growl, or his manners."
Heh. Honour exerts an unexpected gravitation on Logan, doesn't it? Does he know that it's pulling him in, I wonder? Against his worst intentions, as it were? Quite intriguing.

Utterly surprising and opening not only an avenue, but a whole new landscape of a story is Hank's insight! Oh yes, he IS a Beast, after all, isn't he? Amazingly un-feral in his attitude, though. There Logan has put such a leash on his thoughts for the telepath's sake, and all it takes to sniff him out is one of his kind. How COULD he possibly forget? By being one of his kind, and detaching himself so muc, presumably.

I will also happily continue to congratulate you on your skill of aptly painting stage settings:"Charles shook his head silently ... Homicide didn't look likely right now" [I don't envy the Prof his job of keeping the Mansion together, doubtlessly a task that encompasses the emotional, intellectual and physical realms] "... he was reminding her of her obligations, and Rogue was generally quite professional...

“I need to see that fucking control room, right fucking now!”

… except when someone tried to give her orders. Oh dear. Hank stood stock still, then shook his head in puzzlement as Rogue refrained from hurting him." And here we see not only what everyday life at the Mansion takes, but also how well Hank at least knows Rogue. Does she realise it?

Good to see that Beast gets a role (an often needlessly neglected character), and how he suddenly comes into play - quite the background figure. I enjoy how the storyline echoes the character in this way. We also learn a lot about Wolverine's skills and ways of using them by listening to Beast here - the way he figures out a relationship by scents.

And yet he is so very different with his scientific mind and training. What is his "relationship" with the Beast-side of his nature, I wonder? And how does he keep it in check? He seems to have more "everyday" access to it, and he also seems less violent. Does that mean he needs less of the iron discipline that Logan uses to tie down his feral side, I wonder? So the Wolverine was sympathetic, and Dr. McCoy secretly wants to be more feral? Hm, that sounds a bit out of character now. To me anyway. It's true, though: McCoy's intellect is certainly sharper and clearer than Logan's, which makes it perhaps more difficult to give room to the Beast? But do all ferals actually enjoy a fight? Will McCoy slip down into the feral realm as Logan re-works himself into a truly honourable man? (Please note I avoid the term "decent" ;-)I am VERY much looking forward to Logan/Henry McCoy interactions!!!

The Wolverine might underestimate Dr. McCoy quite a bit, as he underestimated the Prof., perhaps relying too much on a fighter's assessment of people. An assassin needs to be single-minded, doesn't he? Now what's gonna happen with said assassin in a surrounding that demands a lot more foci on a huge variety of issues? Hm...
Oh yes, I am quite looking forward to your updates! :-D

Author's Response: Wow,what a review. It\'s the ultimate compliment when someone takes the time to think about what I\'ve written, to question my thinking and the world building going on. Thank you so much! I\'ll confess that I don\'t actually KNOW a lot about Beast, not having read the comics and I haven\'t seen the new movie yet, so my assumptions are based on the little we saw in X1-3. AND all the thinking I\'ve done about the nature of feralness. (Feraldom?) Hank\'s very mannered speech, his labcoat, immersion in science etc - these to me always spoke of someone keen to hide or ignore the feral side of their nature, to sublimate it. But sublimation is a bad strategy psychologically, because it denies a person a level of freedom and self-expression, and Hank is intelligent. He probably realises it is unhealthy, and being in contact with Logan shows him another possible path. Where the feral is not dominant - this Logan, in Sleeping Dogs, has it well controlled - but is not denied, either. And that would be quite appealing to a \"closeted\" feral, I would think. Not sure exactly how they will bounce off each other in future, but its bound to be interesting, I think.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 11/02/2011 Title: Chapter 19: Lie down with dogs ...

No need to excuse yourself for thinking, luv; glad the story's still rolling! :-) And it's sure picking up speed. It has me wish the general public would use more sense, for a start: how do you make children "rise up" against their parents on this scale (even mutant children...)? Silly idea, and sadly credible.
Interesting twist about the president prevaricating rather than being clearly committed to one side or the other (which would be unlikely in a high-ranking politician, anyway).
Not sure if I can go with the speed at which Rogue retreats behind her walls. That was not full-out surrender, that situation in the security control room, now was it? I thought she had gained some understanding of her own power, of her own rank with the Wolverine? And this "cagey, mercenary, violent, misanthrope of a man" did tell her now of his assignment, quite without any other need than a moral and/or emotional (!) one.
I notice with interest that is was Marie's name that was on Logan's mind. Rogue hasn't managed to obliterate her in this relationship, has she, for all the sexual abandon. And neither has she done it in herself. Wanting "to float away on a golden cloud of obnoxious bliss" seems to be a very Marie kind of notion to me.
Typically, Rogue reacts in her habitual way: she retreats behind hurt, shame and a sense of loss, conveniently blameable on another. Which must be another Marie trait still alive subliminally, because Rogue has schooled herself to be all about fight. It's intriguing to watch her cheat on herself, and rather sad. Also very true to reality!!!
Anyway, it's time to grow up now, and it is painful to read through her not doing it. "Had she overlooked his motives and their own history all for the sake of a few good fucks?" Well, Logan in her life is way more than hot sex, and a relationship is not about golden bliss. Those are clear-cut and therefore rather unrealistic concepts (Jube's domain, Rogue, haven't you learned ANYTHING from watching your teammates, apart from how to fight them?!?).
Unfortunately, the team have quite a lot on their plates right now, so we probably have to continue stressing over these issues.
In terms of story strategy, if I may be so bold as to give advice, it might in the long run become a little tedious to read, Rogue reverting to the same concepts. Even drama can be repetitive.
She has one great disadvantage (speaking from her perspective) that alters her familiar game: she has grown part of a team, a family. They might not be all friendly, she will lose the relationships built on her persona of Rogue, but Gambit and Hank, Ororo and Jubes are around. They are players in this game, too, and they will very efefctively block the retreat into the Rogue persona. That's shattered for good, I think, though the shards might serve as a temporary armour of sorts while the global mutant emergency has to be taken care of.
As for the action part of the story, I'm curious to learn why none of the team have been affected yet. And what's Mystique up to? (I was quite intrigued by her take on the mutant in-fighting; hadn't pegged her as the rreflective type.)
Glad you manage such a fine balance between different character's views, and between action among(and within) characters and out in the world.
[I'm off work at the moment and can co-beta, if you like. That's not to say I think you can't do it on your own!!!! Just thought it might help to toss ideas off someone else... :-)

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 05/12/2012 Title: Chapter 22: Shatter

Oh, surprise! :-D SO delighted it'S up, and it's become an excellent chapter! Great you took the time for Emma/Dying Xavier interaction - very imaginative, very dramatic, lots of condecsed story and characterisation. We are all looking forward to the next chapter by this wonderful author... ;-)

Author's Response: Working on it, I promise! I nearly shot you back that chapter to take a second look, but I was pretty sure it worked OK, so I posted anyway. Glad you liked:D And I\'m an ungrateful idiot for failing to mention the fact you beta for me and make things all better!

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 07/02/2013 Title: Chapter 30: Then let them lie

Excited, excited, excited to see the end of it here! And glad and slightly honoured for the advice you've taken. Thanks for a grand story!!!

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 12/22/2012 Title: Chapter 25: A Sense of Self

Good chapter, really like it! Hank's progress is a little abrupt, I find, but it's great you've made room for him. Logan and Beast McCoy as cellmates, that's going to be interesting. Still love your Jubilee; wish I could write her like that! And what a very interesting exercise for all of them, to discover their sense of self and their identity in the absence of their mutations. It happens whenever our lives turn upside down, doesn't it, this question of who we are and what we must keep to remain... us.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 12/22/2012 Title: Chapter 26: Gods among men

Despite having read this before, this chapter still grips me. It's great, this sense of decay amidst what should be a flood of power, of new beginnings. Scott is great here, credibly providing the human (i.e. non-godly) level between those epic opponents. Do keep going... ;-)

"It is harder to love than to find someone to love."

...The path of the Xmen has become much darker in recent years. Rogue finds her way to the mansion one night and meets our favorite surly Canadian--but has she been there before? And what exactly do they want with her?

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 26484 - Hits: 59058
Complete?: No - Published: 02/27/2011 - Last Updated: 02/09/2018
Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/27/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

There I had managed a Lent cleared of sitting around wasting my time, and now this storymust come and remind me that not all reading of fan-fiction is wasted... Ah, well.
Love the thoughtful Logan, even more the Rogue whose dead-pan snarkiness is ingrained beyond weariness to erase. Rich, full texture of sensual impressions; great especially in contrast with the taciturn outward demeanour.
Tantalising how the setup of this story ('Ro gone, Jean there) is only slowly revealed.
Too much Nabokov, methinks though, to the point where the flowery expressions become a veritable jungle of poetic shoots and vines the seem pretty unconnected to occasion or character at times.
And of course, I should review aftert the last published chapter, or at least check that these observational gems have not yet, by some strange and unforseeable coincidence, been uttered by some other reviewer, but if we wait around for that to happen, another age is likely to swing past. So here you go. :-)

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/27/2011 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

And I did mean to say that there's a few tense-issues (present tense sneaking in where there should be simple past) that mar an otherwise relievingly well-executed story. Uhm... and now I'll actually go and read this chapter.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/27/2011 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

See? You've made me read along in one go. Glad you got over the Nabokov. Like the balder, starker voice as the story comes along; glad to see how that's stil coupled with careful language a few registers above its subject matter. Find myself hoping she can find a rest with him, and he with her by providing it. Have they know each other way back? Somehow I get the ompression that she remembers him, though that shouldn't be possible unless he's suffered another amnesia in the last 15 years. Anyway, glad the story and its author are around!!!

Author's Response: Please forgive me for taking so long to reply. I\'m glad you enjoyed this, and I hope the future chapters will answer your questions.

Little girl, little girl, soft and sweet little girl. Wear the Spring Maid's green and a wolf will come for you...

A story about little girls who like big, bad wolves.

Rated: Mature
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 33
Wordcount: 75469 - Hits: 229468
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/22/2011 - Last Updated: 02/20/2013
Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 02/24/2012 Title: Chapter 24: Sacrifice

This is such a breathtakingly beautiful story, complex and yet not convoluted,ever surprising but never inextricable. Love how the language fits the story. Just great!

Author's Response: hey hun, nice to hear from you again. glad you\'re enjoying it.

Sometimes love is the unrequited kind. Rogue is growing up. Logan is in love with Jean. And nothing is simple.

Rated: Adult
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 5
Wordcount: 15101 - Hits: 29446
Complete?: Yes - Published: 07/01/2011 - Last Updated: 08/02/2011
Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 07/03/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Ahh, wait.... if I look now if this is really a finsihed one-shot, I'm losing what I've reviewed so far, right? Bol***ks.

Well then, what do we have here? A beautiful story from a too-long absent favourite is what we have! The familiar adroit characterisation, perfectly to the point: "but he does give me his comfort, albeit gruff and unpractised." Says what we know about Logan, and manages to say it in shoret expressions actually worth reading.
Similar the relation between Marie and Logan, complete with her still-teenage absence of wondering whether his reluctance to accept anything in return for the gift of comfort could possibly stem from reasons not connected with her person: "So when he needs comfort in return, I’m there. Because it’s the only thing he lets me give back."

The whole story feels like one translucent layer, expertly mined, of two characters in a relationship (the latter in the loose meaning). They have acquired more over the years and will probably add to them in the future, but here is just this, Logan and Marie and the person each is.

And one of the two is doing some growing up, part of which is learning to distingzish between unrequited love and self-conscious, dramatical pining: “He gets to treat me like a kid. He gets to screw Jean, insult Scott and be completely unaware of my feelings, but he does not get to have an opinion on what I choose to do with my life. Those are my choices to make." Uh-huh, some Rogue is making an appearance. Good for her.

She's also doing some maturing. It is good to see that, despite the rather conventional plot, your author persona has no lost the skill of subtlety in relations: "I was frantic to know. ... But she was so desperate to hide her emotions that I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. ... And I was afraid that if I said it out loud I would break her."
It's this sort of subtlety, and the strength it demands to live with the disruptive powers of grey-scales, that let her grow: "I never thought I would end up being the strong one."

Sometimes, though, there seem to be explanations for daft readers, as if there was a need to make reallyreallyreally sure: "Stupid isn’t it. I fight for touch, and when I get it, I decide I don’t want it after all. Even I don’t understand me."
Well, yes, there might still be people in the world who can be amazed at contradiction and who need a story spelled out to them. Only these stories neverr seemed to cater for them. A bit of rust, maybe, dear author? Or a wholly unfounded lack of trust in your skills to make things clear without explaining them? Tsk, tsk, cut it out, September! YOU have no need of this!

Because, you know, you are perfectly capable of evoking the depth of understanding of Marie for Logan, plus an exciting sense of potential for development between the two, apparently without breaking a sweat: "Only in something that can be so destructive, so violent, can there be such beauty and stillness."

Now, having assumed the right to criticise on the strength of old acquaintance:WELCOME BACK! I have often thought of your recently, and wondered if you were still around or I was beginning to devolve into a troll, being the only one of the "old team" still around. But I see the re-surfacing of Jaq harbingered more good things to come! :-)

[These review boxes really are deplorably small. But then maybe, that's to protect the author's sanity from ranting reviwers. I fervently hope it worked in this case. :-D]

And after that things just fall into their normal screwed up routine.

Author's Response: Hello!! I think your review might be longer than some fics I\'ve posted. That\'s awesome! It made my day *g*. It\'s really good to hear from you again. I haven\'t been around as much - real life has a stubborn way of getting in the way of fandom, but it\'s nice to be back here and writing some fic again. As always, I really appreciate your feedback - you know I\'m always trying to improve. And god yes I am rusty. I am creaking with the stuff. There will be mistakes - just you wait! You picked out my favourite line though: \"Only in something that can be so destructive, so violent, can there be such beauty and stillness\" and I could hug you for that. (Subtly, of course *g*) I just hope the next chapters live up to expectations. There should be 4 of them and an epilogue in all, so not a one-shot. Hopefully.

Now COMPLETE!: A black-market ring dealing in mutants, and Logan and Marie. AU. My usual promises -- good grammar, smut, angst, action, drama, and a happy ending.

Rated: Mature
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Drama, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 31
Wordcount: 56517 - Hits: 241449
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/25/2011 - Last Updated: 05/24/2012
Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 01/30/2012 Title: Chapter 16: The Instinct

Applause to regularly updating writers!!! Just discovered this great story and would be quite upset if it never got to a close. :-)
Great plot, excellently paced story with a good balance of action and backdrop, observant and respectful characterisations. Really enjoy your easy sense of humour.
Hope Feral!Marie doesn't entice you into the cliché of mindless sex now...
Anyway, happy to find this story here; do keep on going!

Author's Response: Yay! So glad to have you on board, and thrilled to hear that you are liking the story so far. Especially that you think the pacing is appropriate -- I think it\'s amazing when I look back and realize my 16 chapters or whatever have only covered like a day and a half, but I guess that\'s a bad habit of mine, writing stories that are very time-compressed. I\'m glad that you\'re liking the characterizations, and the humor. And don\'t worry, sad to say there is no mindless sex imminent. I\'m having the opposite problem, in fact -- I have a little thing for mature and committed relationships, and these characters are having a hard time getting there! Thanks so much for reviewing, it\'s so nice to know I\'ve picked up a reader, especially one whose opinion I respect so highly.

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 03/06/2012 Title: Chapter 21: The Symphony

You go back and study; shoo! It's a decent enough chapter, but it'S a good story - don't waste it on unbalanced emotionalism and and on writing that doesn't flow. You can do better when your mind's immersed with your characters (excellently constructed in previous chapters). Except that, as we know, you are stuck in the quagmire of impending-exam-preparation. Go study, luv!!! If you need a break, go for a run, not to your computer. If your mind needs a break, daydream of Rogan. That'll help with your stoy. LATER. Says bancáinte, who should edit a thesis and beta another story. :-D

Author's Response: Ouch. I am duly chastened. Your comments are insightful...I was actually trying very hard to convey a level of panic and urgency in Marie\'s thoughts, but obviously I went a little too far. Although...go for a run? You\'ve obviously never met me. ;-) Thanks for your review, even if it stung a little...happy thesis-editing!

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/02/2012 Title: Chapter 22: The Cell

SHOO!!! Good chapter, though. I'm not confused. ;-) Good luck for exams!!!

Author's Response: ::runs away, tail between her legs:: Thanks for the good luck!

Reviewer: Bancainte Signed
Date: 04/29/2012 Title: Chapter 23: The Present

Oh! Well, I must say, this time you are making it really hard to remind you of studying. Good chapter! (And I see you are beta'ing now. Surely that must mean your exams are over?)

Author's Response: Ha, yes, my exam was more than a week ago, thankfully. Although I was very naughty and started beta-ing beforehand...but in my defense, I hadn\'t realized Syrin would be posting a chapter every darn day!