JaqofSpades [Contact]
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Member Since: 09/13/2006
Membership Status: Member

Beta-reader: No
I have been reading fanfic since the X-files fic explosion of the mid-90s, but it wasn't until I came across Xmen fic - and specifically, the old old WRFA - that I was moved to write. It took me years to get around to doing so, however, and I published my first story in mid-2006.

My work tends to be rated R or NC-17 due to tendency to let Logan run off at the mouth, and a fondness for smut. My muses are big into psychodrama, so expect some weird stuff to happen, but otherwise I tend to mix it all up - angst, romance, action, sometimes even a stab at humour. I am not prolific, due the constraints of mothering two young children but am arrogant enough to think that the quality of my stories is worth the wait.

I also beta for a number of my favourite authors (go visit SkyblueRae, Sares/Deepsaltwater, and Laenwyn). I can't say no to these fabulous writers and tend to overcommit myself, so can't help anyone else out at the moment. Sorry!
Reviews by JaqofSpades
Femslash. Age issues. Threesome, then shippery goodness. "The Logan-in-Rogue’s-head hybrid is turning me on more than Logan ever did."

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 10058 - Hits: 4030
Complete?: Yes - Published: 09/21/2008 - Last Updated: 09/21/2008
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 07/14/2012 Title: Chapter 1: Dreaming the Same Dream

Not sure if you're still about, but just to let you know I have ALWAYS adored this story, it's in my alltime Top 5, and I've just recced it on my Tumblr Blog Caution: Adult Themes.

Admin Note: This story was plagiarized from the book “I’ve Got You, Babe” by Karen Kendall. You can read the first chapter of “I’ve Got You, Babe” here:


She doesn't want the type of excitement that he has to offer. And for a guy that spends his days looking for the next big thrill, he finds her to be a bigger turn-on than adrenaline.

Rated: Adult
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 11
Wordcount: 26270 - Hits: 56678
Complete?: No - Published: 05/06/2009 - Last Updated: 06/03/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 05/26/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Nice and leisurely til now, but I suspect things are heading towards a fast boil. The chemistry between your Marie and Logan is exquisite, and the verse is an interesting one. Waiting with bated breath for the next chapter (and willing Logan to behave himself for Marie's sake!)

Author's Response: good suspecting! Things are definitely about to heat up.
I\'m trying to change up the writing style and try something new by adding more detail and histories instead of basically focusing on the here and now. It\'s a nice change of pace but I don\'t feel like I\'ve found my \'style\' yet. I guess I need to keep practicing with more stories? ;)
Thanks for feedback and wonderful compliments. I\'ll whisper to Logan to behave himself better... but I doubt he\'ll listen. :)

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 06/01/2009 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Sigh. That's what I'm talking about. Right THERE. Wonderful fulfilment to all that UST ...

And "bok bok" made me fall off my chair!

Author's Response: *grins* the call of the smoochies was just too great to be ignored! As for the \'bok bok\'... ah hell. i\'ve got to be the only person in the world to have ever referred to lust as hormone chickens. lol. i know. i\'m weird. ;)

"We both know that we’re just waiting until you grow up. I said I would let you grow up, I never said I would let him be the one that you grow up for.” 2nd part - Map Me With Bruises - is up.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1, X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Hurt Me
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 10419 - Hits: 6231
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/24/2009 - Last Updated: 05/24/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star half star
Date: 05/24/2009 Title: Chapter 1: The Marks Of His Affection

You certainly know how to threaten a review out of a woman :0

Enjoyed it immensely, even if I was somewhat uncomfortable with your Logan. His disregard for consent worried me; his selfishness appalled me. You redressed that a little in the last paras by showing something of his fear of losing her; before that, he came across as an obsessive brute. Sexy as all get out, though :(

Marie, I liked. Her vacillation between silly teenage Marie and a more grown up version was very in character, I thought - knowing she should be scared of Logan was wise. Knowing she didn't really WANT to say no, so should just try to stay the hell away, makes a lot of sense in that x1 verse.

Interesting that this started as a PWP, because your strongest moments describe emotion, rather than action. I'm not knocking the sex scenes, they're fine, but they simply don't compare with the few paras where you describe how they FEEL about each other:

“Is it time now?” she asks, desolate and hopeful at the same time. Because as much as she knows her future is with him, as much as she knows that she loves him with all her being, a little part of her is also scared. He doesn’t love her like she loves him. She loves him like ice cream on a sultry Mississippi day, like a rocking chair for 80-year-old bones. Like getting to know him and learning to love him and looking up baby names secretly but never telling him.

He loves her like he wants to burn her up and cover himself with her ashes. Like he wants to steal her away and let no one touch her and die with her because he can’t imagine living without her.

While she’s still muddling through ’want’ and learning what it means, he has sped his way through ’need’ and is somewhere much, much further."

.... truly masterful, and the true action in this story.

Author's Response: lol I\'m a review hog ... it makes my world go round. i stare at them on the screen and say don\'t need food when you have reviews! see, you get to read my fic and thin my waist at the same time!\r\n\r\nlol i know - sexy as hell right. although yeah ... i was a lil worried about how some would take the consent thing. he\'s rough and marie knows it - he only gets rougher in the 2nd part (soon to be posted), or maybe he doesn\'t. you can tell me once you\'ve read it. he\'s like a man with a 15 year olds mind at times, someone once said to me, cept since he\'s got a man\'s body that can be a lil ... dangerous? too strong a word? \r\n\r\nthanks, i\'m really proud of my marie. normally us girls love the guy and don\'t much like or care for the girl. but i put a lot of work into making her likable, otherwise this fic wouldn\'t work, so i\'m glad you did. yeah, she\'s very knowledgeable, she understands how people tick, knows how she ticks too.\r\n\r\nawww shucks ... thanks *blushes* sometimes i go through the crap i\'m emoting and think wther ppl will actually get it so i\'m glad you mentioned that. yeah, it did start out with the intention of being a PWP but i can\'t seem to write a story without delving too deep. just like i can\'t seem to write a bad guy without making him human, and flawed and kind of pitiable - an annoying habbit of mine.\r\n\r\nwell, i loved your review - shed a 1mm of the waist just gloating over it. see you soon at the next part hopefully

He blanched, reached out to twist her chin around to face him. “What did you do?” he rushed out. Rogue quivered, shut her eyes. Shut him out. “Marie!” he shook her. “Marie what did you do?”

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1, X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Hurt Me
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 12865 - Hits: 5766
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/03/2009 - Last Updated: 06/03/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star star
Date: 08/01/2012 Title: Chapter 1: Feels Like Suffocation, Baby

I've no idea why I haven't reviewed Map me with Bruises before, and haven't read this story before, but just to let you know I found this incredibly heartwrenching and hard to read, but ultimately, satisfying and right. You've cut right to the core of their dilemma, and as drastic (and ill-advised, because if she'd thought about it more perhaps the pain would have been more endurable?) as her solution was, it might actually have been the right one. Yes, that would have been one potentially screwed up kid, and Maree really did need to find herself a little more before becoming a parent. Huge kudos for taking the tough path with this fic rather than the easy, people-pleasing one. It really needed to end the way it did and kept the trilogy tight, dark and true. (And I'm going to rec this trilogy on my tumblr Caution: Adult Themes, if that's OK with you.)

Total AU set in Wyoming. The Mutant Tolerance Act has been passed and mutants are trying to live normal lives. Marie (Rogue) is Scott Summers cousin and is enjoying her normal life. Then she gets involved with her cousin's business partner, Logan. Jubilee, Kitty, Angel, and others will make appearances.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Holiday, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 12
Wordcount: 46451 - Hits: 80498
Complete?: No - Published: 08/12/2009 - Last Updated: 10/20/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 09/26/2009 Title: Chapter 11: Chapter 11

There? You're stopping THERE? *sobs*

Great chapter, lovely story so far. And the anticipation is killing me!

Author's Response: I like to leave my audience wanting. *grin* I\'m glad you like it. Bare with me for the next chapter, real life is interfering! Thanks!

When the most significant barrier to their undeniable attraction unexpectedly vanishes, will Rogue and Logan finally act on their feelings? Or will something--or someone--else keep them apart?

Rated: Adult
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 9
Wordcount: 27809 - Hits: 66955
Complete?: Yes - Published: 09/17/2009 - Last Updated: 11/28/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 09/26/2009 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

I've really enjoyed the first three chapters. Loving your Logan-voice, and a slightly different take on Rogue. Interested to see where you take this ...

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 10/22/2009 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Better and betterer. Loving this.

Author's Response: Thanks! This has been my favorite chapter so far, but I\'m hoping the next chapter will be just as good and just as much fun to write. -- Wendie

Jealousy; the suspicion and envy of a rival.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X3, X1, X2
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, UST
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 570 - Hits: 3307
Complete?: Yes - Published: 10/11/2009 - Last Updated: 10/11/2009
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 10/12/2009 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Loved it. Need 3000 words more, but ... what a yummy little tidbit!

Author's Response: Knew from the start this wasn\'t going to be a story as such only a little snippet, but as I said before I do think there\'s room for a series of little scenes like this but I\'d have trouble with the last one [cause they\'d have to get \'down and dirty\' if you get my drift and doing it and writing it are two completely different things!] who knows though, never say never. Thanks for fb x

Rogue, a teacher at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, interacts with Xavier’s newest, feral recruit, the Wolverine during summer break. Picture this: No students, no teachers, just Logan & Marie with the mansion all to themselves. Interested? ;) Very Comicverse :)

Rated: Adult
Categories: Comicverse, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 7602 - Hits: 24009
Complete?: No - Published: 02/08/2010 - Last Updated: 12/05/2010
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 12/08/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Girl Interrupted

Just to let you know this is floating my boat in all kinds of ways! Loving the rawness of it, and the different take the characters. Loving the smut, too, but don't let it (him?) overpower you too much because you are taking us into such interesting new places with these characters. Nice work!

A loose and dark retelling of Beauty and The Beast, Rogan style.

Rated: Adult
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Dark, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2680 - Hits: 5171
Complete?: Yes - Published: 07/17/2010 - Last Updated: 07/17/2010
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 06/24/2012 Title: Chapter 1: Beauty

The fact that I have never reviewed this before is a crime - I know that I've read it before. (Even if the twist at the end surprised me still.) Usually I hate the use of the southern dialect (Ah) but for some reason it just dragged me right in there with her and the intensity steamrolls us right until the end. Which is shocking and brilliant and wonderful. Love this fic, and while I think Stray is a magnificent piece of writing as a whole, this has so much power and shock value ... not sure which I love more. *goes off to rec on adulthemes*

Ultimate Comicverse AU Post-Ultimatum: The world believes Wolverine dead; killed by Magneto. But Rogue believes differently. Can she track down Wolverine or is his survival only in her head.

Rated: R
Categories: AU, Comicverse
Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 10
Wordcount: 26419 - Hits: 54342
Complete?: No - Published: 07/20/2010 - Last Updated: 09/22/2011
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 02/11/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter One

I started reading this last night and then had to break - to go and watch Ironman, would you believe! Weird, completely unplanned coincidence. So came back to the last few chapters with a different feel for Tony Stark, poor, misunderstood baby. He's just hurting on the inside ... :) He can keep his greasy paws off Rogue, though! I'm loving the plottiness of this, and the depth of the Stark Industries crossover ... your Paul Morrow character is really nicely done, as is Stark himself. I'm wondering though, about Rogue ... I'm not getting much of a sense of her as her own person? I get what she is doing, and why, but I want to know more about her motivations and her grief and her fears ... loving your plottiness, but I'm greedy enough to want plottiness and thinkiness too!

Wedding bells are a-ringing at Xavier's when Kitty drags Logan, Marie and Jubes off to New Orleans for her big day. But Wolverine's going to regret sending her to see his old friend Gambit- Because suddenly he's not the only handsome, cool badass with an interest in Rogue. But there's no cause for alarm, is there? And why are Jubes and Kitty grinning like that anyway..?

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X3, X-Men Origins Wolverine
Characters: None
Genres: Humor, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read

Series: None
Chapters: 17
Wordcount: 30458 - Hits: 113991
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/23/2010 - Last Updated: 06/23/2011
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star star
Date: 06/25/2011 Title: Chapter 17: Epilogue: (I've Had) The Time of My Life

Do you know what synchronicity is, dear Hobbit? It's finding this story again, and deciding to reread it from the start, the very day you post the final chapter. It was fated, I tell you. Because something this funny and romantic deserves to be slurped up like a whole tub of icecream - just delicious. From a writerly pov, I have to say, not only are you very, very funny, you also use your funny really well; some of this could have been schmalzty if you had leavened it perfectly with the humour, and the great dialogue, and the wonderful narrator voice. (The line about the garage of love ... and lo ... it killed me. Killed me, I tell you!) Sixty five stars.

Author's Response: hey hun, just wanted to say thanks for your review. i always look forward to hearing from you, (thanks for all the \"Stray,\" reviews, BTW) and i\'m glad you enjoyed \"jitters.\" it\'s lovely to hear that you thought it was funny, because that was the one thing i was nervous about; writing funny (as you point out above) doesn\'t always turn out well, and it took a lot of time to do it here. But if you enjoyed then it\'s all worth while. so thanks again for the reviews and hobbits away, hey!

Now COMPLETE!!! :-D The X-team, including Rogue, liberate a mutant lab and find our favorite feral...

Okay, that's not much of a summary, so here's an excerpt to give you a feel:

She held out her hand, palm up, and for a second time seemed to stop. The man narrowed his gaze on her hand, and then again on her eyes. He took one shuffling step forward, and she concentrated on keeping her body loose, letting no tension show in her posture. The sudden /snick/ as the claws retracted startled her, but she managed not to jump. He watched her closely, reaching toward her hand. Suddenly he grabbed it, and for a second she thought he was going to bite her palm. But he just took a deep inhale, smelling her scent and then looking back at her eyes, assessing. She thought she saw a slight lessening of the tension in his posture after this strange ritual, but either way they were out of time.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 20
Wordcount: 45928 - Hits: 197594
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/06/2010 - Last Updated: 01/22/2011
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 01/22/2011 Title: Chapter 19: The Kill

Whew. That's a lot of chapters to read in one fell swoop. Not sure why I haven't read your epic before now, possibly something to do with prisonerLogan stories not generally being my cup of tea. However. What a however. You have mastered the genre, and moved it forward. You do action incredibly well - seamless and convincing - and the emotional moments are beautifully drawn. (The sex too, but it's the emotion in your sex that made it so readable, I think.) I'll be sad to see this end, and I'll probably reread it slowly and leisurely once it does. Amazing job.

Author's Response: That\'s so funny...I spent a lot of last night reading your stuff too -- I\'m loving your writing! And out of curiosity, is that a real book you refer to in \"Tooth and Claw,\" and if so is it by Arnie Buss? If so, I know him. :-) I\'m part-way through \"The Bargain\" now. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing...I was on my phone last night, but now that I\'ve snagged the laptop back I can review your stuff too.

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 01/23/2011 Title: Chapter 20: The Butterfly

Lovely ending. I adore that they are naked to each other, I adore that they are able to have fun together. (And I love the thought of Scott thinking he was naked in front of the class - genius!) Your Valediction, however, made me think too much about the sequel I promise I'm not going to beg you to write ... it's just cruel after you've finished an epic. But one day, be nice to see them make their end, so to speak.

Re the book from Tooth and Claw, it certainly is real; it was part of my Evolution of Human Sexuality coursework. The author is David Buss, and it was a fascinating read.

Author's Response: Aw, thanks! I\'m so glad you liked the ending. I don\'t know about a sequel, for me so much of the plot is just an excuse for the characters to get to know each other, and I think I may have less to say for characters who have already reached that kind of understanding. But, I\'ll keep it in mind! And I realized after I posted that I meant David Buss, but you can\'t edit comments. :-) Arnie Buss is his father, they both taught at the university I was at, but David came around the time that I left so I didn\'t know him as well.

Rogue's life has become pretty complicated after Alkali Lake. Logan's gone, Christmas is coming, and her relationship with her friends consists mostly of notes left in strange and unlikely places. Ororo gets the brilliant idea to teach the kids the Joy of the Envelope, and now a total stranger knows more about her than anyone else. Told through letters, emails, and notes from Secret Societies, like in Feeling Sorry For Celia

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Friendship, Humor, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 20
Wordcount: 82395 - Hits: 112605
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/13/2010 - Last Updated: 01/01/2013
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 04/21/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

This is a fabulous read. It takes a lot of skill to build a story on purely second-hand accounts - you've done so well that we can actually see the action and envision it, even simply through Rogue's words? The events are taking a turn for the interesting, too ... the virus, John, and Logan coming home. Logan needs to step up his game if he wants Rogue, though ... you've actually got me thinking Ryro might work, right now!

Author's Response: Thanks so much! Some scenes are definetly harder than others and I cop out sometimes with longer letters, but over all I like the challenge of telling the story this way. \r\n\r\nAnd gah..the Ryro! Several people have told me that, and while I like the interaction that they have in the story (it sort of took on a mind of its own) I\'m a very much a Rogan shipper and probably always will be. :)\r\n\r\nThanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest!

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 05/14/2011 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

My heart is just aching for her right now. Poor wee baby. I think one of the things I am loving most about this story generally is how you have nailed that teenage angst; the need to do something, to take that risk, the crippling sense of inertia and things being beyond your control ... it's very insightful. Now hurry up and come up with a cure for the Legacy virus :D

Author's Response: That is a wonderful compliment and exactly what I was aiming for. If you get the chance to read anything by Jaclyn Moriarty, she is the one that has the angst down--every time I read one of her books I wonder if she went back in time and read my mind while I was a teen. Thanks so much for this review, it really made my day :)

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star star
Date: 05/14/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

And stars, you deserve them.

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 07/03/2011 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Not ridiculous! Lots of drama without going over the melodrama cliff ... beautifully pitched in fact. I love that Keltie has seen the Logan and Rogue show in action, and that I'm confident she'll be using that to help cut through the bs! (Please, lovely author?)

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 07/03/2011 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

And there was another chapter. How much do I love that? This was very hurty, though. Poor Rogue. Poor Logan! Poor John ... poor, fucked up world. *Sigh* You, dear author, have a responsibility to make it all right. *nods sternly*

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star star
Date: 01/09/2013 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 20

So I gobbled the last few chapters in a great big gulp and it was so, so satisfying. Absolutely love this; so funny, and filled with action, and real, aching human interaction right to the very end. It's a fabulous accomplishment and you should be so proud! Putting aside the writerly stuff, I'm going to descend into sheer fandom and omg, squee! Those last dozen paras made my Rogan heart so happy.

Author's Response: That is such a compliment, and I really appreciate it, (also I saw your rec on tumblr and it made me glow with a totally ridiculous amount of pride, so thank you!) And thank you for describing my story exactly how I wanted it to be---I don\'t think there is anything more satisfying!

Marie thought she needed a cure. Logan thought he needed answers. Turns out fulfilling a need is a lot less satisfying than accepting a want – but no less achingly complicated.

First part in the Use Somebody series. Post-X3, the architects of Marie's cure and Logan's amnesia conspire within the government. Only together can Marie and Logan break their cycles of self-destruction and stop a war they were never meant to start.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, X2, X3, X-Men Origins Wolverine
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Use Somebody
Chapters: 13
Wordcount: 24694 - Hits: 77076
Complete?: No - Published: 12/16/2010 - Last Updated: 08/15/2011
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 03/07/2011 Title: Chapter 7: Wish I Was the Moon: I

Oh, I adore this. I love it when really clever people can weave the various Universes together ... so much richness results, and a narrative depth that just the Movieverse doesn't offer. The moments with Cal and the other cured are just so poignant, and him flicking through her messages and knowing she has somewhere to go, and someone missing her ... that's so sad.

Not sad was my absolute favourite line in fic for a while: "No doctor ever vowed her case was hopeless, then turned around and left her with his dog tag, a promise, and really sensational suggestions to get herself off."

Yes. Amen. Poor mixed up Rogue. Now I want to know what was going on with Logan under that there tree, but I'm sure you'll get to that sometime soon *whistles idly*

Author's Response: I really don\'t know much about the comics, but I\'m ridiculously bothered by continuity errors and obsessive about fixing just because I\'ve been a fan of the movies for so long (has it really been ten years since X1 came out???) :D That line is one of my favorites, too, and the sentiment behind it will be explored in the next chapter (*smacks Logan*).

Marie's a little crazy. Logan's a little farther south than he should be. Everyone's a little worried about the political climate in the nation.
A long and mixed up AU containing our favorite cast of characters, in which Logan and Marie try to live their lives peacefully (yeah right).

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 16
Wordcount: 49249 - Hits: 114942
Complete?: No - Published: 12/23/2010 - Last Updated: 05/16/2013
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed star star star star half star
Date: 01/25/2011 Title: Chapter 5: Having nothing, nothing can he lose

I've read and reread this chapter after flying through the first four - your writing is quite dense in this one, and what with the crazy ... it can be a bit hard to understand what's going on. That's not actually a criticism - Marie is a complex, fascinating character, and she deserves a bit of extra time and attention (from the reader) to try and figure out what the HELL she is up to.

As a long-time Rogan reader, there is NOTHING I love more than finding a setup I haven't read before, and I'm pretty sure crazywoman-in-the-attic Marie is unique. She's a fascinating character and its going to be a very interesting ride to see Logan move past his grudging interest and build something with her. (If that's what you have in mind). Please don't rush it, though ... this story is magnificent and deserves time and space to let the characters you have created develop and grow naturally.

Author's Response: Thanks so much for taking the time to review. I did struggle a little in this chapter because I felt like she had so much to say, but I didn\'t want to lose anyone when they were reading. I\'m glad that how dense it was didn\'t make you give up part way. Hopefully the rest of the chapters won\'t be quite so bad. Please let me know if anything ever doesn\'t make sense or is to convoluted because sometimes things make sense to me and other people are like WTF? Anyway, I have no plans to rush this because there is so much to this story in my head that I don\'t even know what to do with it half the time. \r\n\r\nThanks for letting me know what you think! Reviews are my bread and butter!

Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 03/06/2011 Title: Chapter 7: In my mind's eye

Oh, the three hags were just sublime. Beautifully written, perfectly paced, so incredibly visual. I could see it perfectly in my minds eye. With regards Marie's explanation of her music and the personalities etc, I would have liked a bit more detail, and perhaps a few more shades of emotion in that. I would imagine sharing like that would be a huge deal for her, almost a catharsis. It did seem a little anticlimatic after the potency of the hag scene. But a very minor quibble - still loving this.

Author's Response: Thanks for letting me know that the end of this chapter didn\'t settle right. I think sometimes I know the story so well in my head that I see all everything that is written between the lines but I don\'t always get it all into the text. Also, I think Marie was trying to make it seem like no big deal, so she was just playing it all off to the others and wasn\'t letting herself feel any of the intense emotions so no one else would see them. I think it\'s going to become a bigger deal for her later on. Either way, I greatly appreciate knowing what other people think towards my writing and constructive things are amazing to get. Thanks for taking the time to do it! Kiss kiss.

"...home of lost causes, and forsaken beliefs, and unpopular names, and impossible loyalties!" -Matthew Arnold

A Brotherhood Rogue is betrayed and finds herself in the middle of a very fractured team of X-Men after she kills one of their own. Now she has to figure out what Carol was & still is up to while juggling a tentative friendship with Jubilee, a growing resentment for the Professor, and a distracting attraction to the growling feral mutant who was sleeping with the woman she killed.

Rated: R
Categories: X1, AU, Comicverse
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Dark, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 12
Wordcount: 42049 - Hits: 86602
Complete?: No - Published: 12/28/2010 - Last Updated: 08/18/2011
Reviewer: JaqofSpades Signed
Date: 01/26/2011 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Oh, I laughed. I would have liked a bit more reaction from Logan - what does HE think of all the ogling - but this left me with a lovely anticipatory feeling. Especially now he know's she's not a kid :D

Author's Response: I\'m glad I could make you laugh! I find that I can\'t write straight drama without injecting a little bit of comedy - or at least try to, anyway. Since this fic is based around Marie\'s perception of things there\'s never going to be anything from Logan\'s POV. So essentially, we\'re not going to know what the guy is thinking unless he can man up and say it. I feel like his glowering was just enough in the kitchen scene since anger is his go to emotion - he probably doesn\'t know what to think of Marie since she\'s not a kid, but she still killed Carol. Alas, we\'re not meant to know yet! Thanks for the review.