WiseWords [Contact]
Real name: Beka
Member Since: 01/01/2011
Membership Status: Member

I love Wolverine/Logan/James/Hugh, I have briefly visited many other fandoms, but none are as satisfying as this one.

His manly, muscly, broody, hairy, growly, overprotective yumminess always brings me back. He can never feel right with anyone but Rogue, and after X3, I cannot stand Jean.

I just want to thank a) the people at Marvel who brought this wonderful creature into being b) the people at 20th Century Fox who had the genius to bring him to life with the wonderful Hugh Jackman, and most importantly, C) all the amazing writers on this site, as well as the creators of this site, who make it possible to get my fill of yummy, uninterrupted by other characters who get in the way, and doing it all with amazing talent that I have never seen in fanfiction before
Reviews by WiseWords
Booze, half-naked Logan, growling, and indignation.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: AU, X1
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2037 - Hits: 4812
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/24/2010 - Last Updated: 11/24/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/02/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

"He snatches the crumpled money out of her hand anyway.

She has the audacity to look indignant. “Hey!”

The New Marie just giggles from her position pitched over his shoulder. “Logan, I don’t think ya earned that, sugar.”

“Don’t you worry darlin’.” He gives her backside a swat. “I’m about to.”"
um, so I melted into a puddle. And its the fault of that ^ and all the growliness. Just thought u deserved to know

Author's Response: Oh dear, I sure hope you didn\'t make a mess! Tee hee, yeah I *try* to make Wolvie growly & shirtless in most of my fics, but sometimes he just doesn\'t want to cooperate. Then I\'ll tell him, \"but you\'ll get your girl faster!\" and sometimes he follows through. He usually growls about it though, but I can\'t complain ;p Thanks for reading & reviewing my catalogue of stories!! You\'re on a roll

What could've happened after Logan rescued Marie

Rated: PG
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 325 - Hits: 2450
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/30/2010 - Last Updated: 11/30/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/02/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Love it!! So so much!

Just a fun little one-shot. What would the Wolverine do to stop Marie from marrying the wrong man?

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Lunarkitty's Oneshots
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1630 - Hits: 2954
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/04/2010 - Last Updated: 12/04/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/01/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I had to go listen to the song first, but I loved it!!

a tragedy occurs between Logan, Marie, and Remy. Someone is left to pay a penance.

Rated: Mature
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Tags: None
Warnings: Character Death

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 985 - Hits: 1910
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/04/2010 - Last Updated: 12/04/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/02/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Penance

Wow. That was intense. And angsty. So sad...
But VERY well-written!

Now COMPLETE!!! :-D The X-team, including Rogue, liberate a mutant lab and find our favorite feral...

Okay, that's not much of a summary, so here's an excerpt to give you a feel:

She held out her hand, palm up, and for a second time seemed to stop. The man narrowed his gaze on her hand, and then again on her eyes. He took one shuffling step forward, and she concentrated on keeping her body loose, letting no tension show in her posture. The sudden /snick/ as the claws retracted startled her, but she managed not to jump. He watched her closely, reaching toward her hand. Suddenly he grabbed it, and for a second she thought he was going to bite her palm. But he just took a deep inhale, smelling her scent and then looking back at her eyes, assessing. She thought she saw a slight lessening of the tension in his posture after this strange ritual, but either way they were out of time.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Angst, Drama, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 20
Wordcount: 45928 - Hits: 198325
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/06/2010 - Last Updated: 01/22/2011
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 1: The Prisoner

Yay Storm!!! The lake house should be fun... *grins in anticipation*

Author's Response: Aw, it\'s so fun watching someone review chapters as they read them! Thanks!

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 2: The Lake House

Wow, I love this chapter! I can tell im gonna be saying that a lot

Author's Response: Yay!

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 3: The Bath

Oh my god AMAZING!!! Hehe Loved it

Author's Response: Thanks! I was really unsure how this chapter would go over, I\'m glad people didn\'t think I\'m hopelessly pervy. Or at least if I am, it\'s in a good way. ;-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 4: The Dream

The way they both had nightmares bonds them so much... I wouldnleave more detailed reviews but im so anxious to get to the next chapter I dont, Im sorry.. But its YOUR fault! Lol

Author's Response: Ha, I\'m definitely guilty of that -- leaving short or no reviews because I\'m too anxious to get to the next chapter of something. Thanks so much for reviewing so faithfully!

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 5: The Fever

Yay Logies up!

Author's Response: Yeah, Feral!Logan was fun, but it\'s time to say hello to Coherent!Logan...

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 6: The Beer

Whats happening??? Its so well written! K now im off to read the next chap

Author's Response: Thanks! And seriously, you are awesome for reviewing each chapter.

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 7: The Escape

Hahaaa poor Logan! And VERY lucky MARIE..

Author's Response: Yeah, I could do with some snuggles in a sleeping bag with Logan...

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 8: The Attack

Ohhh I love how he's all protective and worried about her! Mmm yums.

And I'm so glad you appreciate my reviews, the more theyre responded to the more Im encouraged to write them (hint). I love having that communication with the author, its one of the best things about fanfiction!
One thing, are the golden eyes hers or Sabretooths? Im a tad bit confused by that

Author's Response: :-) Yeah, I was worried the story was trending towards Marie bossing Logan around a lot, so I wanted him to have a chance to take care of her for a little while. Plus, the smut potential of Feral!Marie was too good to pass up! Yes, the golden eyes were supposed to signify that she was being \"controlled\" by Sabretooth. I actually thought his eyes were yellow in the movie, but turns out I was wrong about that, they are kind of a pupil-less black. Oh wells. And I always respond to reviews as soon as I can, but you managed to pick a day I\'m off work so I\'m being especially prompt (i.e. obsessive)! :-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 9: The Stranger

Well that answers that question. Mm I love his resistance at first, and the way he 'takes care' of her, guh, I melted when she tried to get into his pants, and he just wanted her to enjoy herself... Yummmyyy! And I look forward to his reward!

Author's Response: Oh, for some reason when I\'m writing my response to reviews it listed the chapter as \"None,\" so I thought your prior review was about \"The Stranger.\" Glad the yellow eyes thing was more clear in that chapter. I\'m glad you liked the way the smut went down...I wasn\'t sure that readers would buy that Logan could suppress \"Wolverine\" enough to be okay with that, but that\'s part of what I thought was so sweet about it. Just like she couldn\'t take advantage of Feral!Logan in the tub because he wasn\'t fully in control of himself, he\'s protecting her when she\'s not fully in control of herself. What a pair. ;-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 10: The Drive

Logie, you're so sweet! You think its all your fault, that she regrets it, but really she has the same struggle as you always did!!

Author's Response: \"Logie\" is cracking me up! I\'m glad to hear your thoughts about this chapter. I wanted to try to keep some \"issues\" between them so things weren\'t just suddenly all happy couple between them, but I hate when characters have distance between them simply because they won\'t talk to each other to clear up a simple misunderstanding.

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 11: The Professor

Ohhh I cant wait for the fireworks!! Yeahhh !!!!

Author's Response: :-D Hope I didn\'t oversell that, they are actually kind of civil. More a lot of guilt-tripping than fireworks.

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 12: The Face-off

Aw Scott just doesnt understand...

This chappie was soo well written!

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! I feel like the non-Rogan chapters might be boring, so it\'s good to hear that people still find them interesting. And I was a little worried that it would seem that Logan was too easily convinced to ditch Marie, but Scott does get some good points in there, in his own way.

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 13: The Alley

Yay, Marie isn't letting him be an ass and walk out!

Author's Response: Of course not, what fun would that be? ;-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 14: The Showdown

So. Hi. Im in a puddle on the floor. Yeah. It was that yum. And I have to tell you, growly Logan=happy WiseWords

Author's Response: Ha, I always think I make Logan growl way too much, but what can I say? I like a growly man. ;-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed star star star star star
Date: 01/03/2011 Title: Chapter 14: The Showdown

Aww I realize now that this is the last chapter so far! But I gotta say, what a great time to stop! Lol. So I will be anxiously awaiting the next chapter as I recover from the puddle I'm in.
How much longer do you plan to make this story?

Author's Response: Aw, glad you liked it -- and made it all the way to the end without getting bored! I would have been quite devastated if you had been like, \"Okay, enough of this story already, bye!\" halfway through! I\'m embarrassed to admit that I didn\'t have the whole story planned out from the start. I first had the idea of it and that made me think it up pretty much through \"The Beer.\" Then I had to throw some obstacles their way to keep them together, and that along with the idea of Feral!Marie smut carried me through to \"The Stranger.\" Since then I\'ve been making it up a few chapters at a time. I realize it\'s getting ridiculously long, though, so I think a few more chapters should tie it up. I do have some idea why the military and Magneto are after Logan, but how that\'s going to play out exactly will be news to me. :-)

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/04/2011 Title: Chapter 14: The Showdown

So, I just reread the chapter to refresh my memory- fine, ok, I'll admit it, it also had somethin to do with that yummy smut- and I gotta say, it's something that doesn't deteriorate when you reread it. That was an awkward sentence, but I can't seem to bother to make it un-awkward, I still have thoughts of spooning... With Logan... And all that comes (hehe I'm so punny) before, fresh in my mind.

I love Marie saying she trusts him not to get her pregnant.

You ever think how lucky it is he has that healing factor? Besides the obvious reasons of not-dying and more sex, he would probably have at least a couple of STDs at this point, considering how many barflies he's done. Just a thought

Author's Response: Aw, thanks! So sweet of you to leave another (!) review. :-D Yeah, I was wondering if I should make it more clear that Logan is disease-free by mutation because I sure know condoms aren\'t just to prevent babies, but I figured in the world where superhealer is a common term that kind of thing is taken for granted. And he did buy condoms for the barflies, but I figured it was mostly because he knew it would save explanations he wouldn\'t be willing to make anyway. Yeah, I\'ve spent way too much time thinking about the details of Logan\'s sex life. Tough job.

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/10/2011 Title: Chapter 15: The Shower

Guh. The smutty goodness has left me in yet another puddle

Author's Response: :-D Glad you liked it. Thanks for your review!

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/13/2011 Title: Chapter 16: The Promise

Wow! Ok first of all, thanks for the dedication!! yay I'm special! lmbo
And now about the chappie!
I loved how Logan got all growly and sad and mad when he read that file, it was so sad when he pushed Rogue away... and then, when he thought she was gone, and he was all "Im such an a**hole, I dont deserve her" (not actually a quote, just the way its sticking in my mind) was so deliciously angsty, but was nicely happyafied (don't I have the best grammar?) when she comes back from doing the LAUNDRY, of all things! I loved that bit the best, I think. Or maybe the bit about her being so mad she'd take all of his clothes with her as well- I snorted a bit of OJ up my nose with that part!
All in all, another fantastic chapter! Keep it up! I'll have to read the next chapter another time though, my bed calls to me

Author's Response: You are definitely very special! :-D Sorry I made you snarf OJ -- that stuff burns! And hope you got some good sleep!

Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/13/2011 Title: Chapter 17: The Stakeout

I was shocked for maybe half a second, just when he slammed the door, then I was like, duh.
I like how he made love to her the whole night before, and he seems pained by what he's doing, but certain that its necessary, and determined to keep her safe. I think its really convincing that he was prepared for her powers, and worked ways around them. The touches that make it most believable are: the food in the tub, buying off the clerk and paying for surrounding rooms, and calling Scott to come get her.
So good! I loved it!
Can't wait for the next chappie!

One thing, I usually only read stories that are already done, but this one just looked so interesting I couldn't wait that long, and I am beyond happy I started it when I did.


Author's Response: I\'m glad I managed to catch you by surprise, but still make it believable. As much as I think Logan is being both thick-headed and high-handed, I did think it was kinda sweet that he is willing to get past his issues with Scott to call on him when needed to keep Marie safe. Glad you started reading before the story was complete, your reviews were the perfect pick-me-up at the perfect time. I\'ll try to write the rest extra-fast to keep you from being in suspense too long.

It went against his instincts

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Drabble, General, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read, Not Spellchecked

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 789 - Hits: 2487
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/06/2010 - Last Updated: 12/06/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/01/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

The story about the wolf was supersad, but I think its sweet how she threw pebbles. And I like the flash of jealousy in his worry over who she'd trust

Author's Response: You can thank my textbook for the basis of the wolf story, but without it, it wouldn\'t have inspired what I wrote. And yeah, Logan\'s got a case of the green-eyed monster when it comes to his girl - he doesn\'t think he\'s quite good enough, but no one else is either ;)

Marie's chasing her demons, Logan's chasing her. Things get angsty.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Drabble, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read, Not Spellchecked

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 679 - Hits: 2824
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/09/2010 - Last Updated: 12/09/2010
Reviewer: WiseWords Signed
Date: 01/01/2011 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

"He tries to use a gentle voice when he calls her name, ignoring the part of his mind that’s all too ready to remind him that he’s never done anything gently. Inching closer to her, incrementally, with a patience that he doesn’t feel."
I melted when I read that. Theres something so yummy about Logan struggling to control the animal, the Wolverine, within, especially when its for the sake of Marie. Would you hate me if I begged for more? Cuz reading this has left me itching to know what comes before OR after!

Author's Response: Aww thanks! Hope you didn\'t make too much of a mess when you melted ;) While I do have a tiny baby bunny munching on my leg with this fic, I\'m currently tackling another giant rabid monster bunny that demanded a multi-chapter story. So maybe after that I\'ll come back to this. Thanks!