[Reviews - 4] Printer
A story about how we become who we already are. Four days in Laura’s life, each day shown from three different perspectives. Takes place immediately after the events of Fray and is pretty much a sequel, so spoilers abound.
Categories: Logan
Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 92244 - Hits: 54930
Complete?: Yes - Published: 10/17/2017 - Last Updated: 02/06/2018
Story Notes:
Spoiler warning: Since this is pretty much a sequel, this story contains spoilers for Fray. It also won’t make a lick of sense without reading Fray first. I also recommend the first chapter of Outtakes before this, just because Laura refers to couple of events that happen in that little story too. Muchas gracias, mis amigos!

1. Chapter 1: Laura by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 1] star star star star star (5351 words)

2. Chapter 2: Rogue by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 1] star star star star star (8751 words)

3. Chapter 3: Logan by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (11752 words)

4. Chapter 4: Laura by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (6375 words)

5. Chapter 5: Rogue by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (10325 words)

6. Chapter 6: Logan by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (6892 words)

7. Chapter 7: Laura by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (5859 words)

8. Chapter 8: Rogue by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (4614 words)

9. Chapter 9: Logan by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (3963 words)

10. Chapter 10: Laura by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (4274 words)

11. Chapter 11: Rogue by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 0] star star star star star (6887 words)

12. Chapter 12: Epilogue by englishmajor226 [Reviews - 2] star star star star star (17201 words)