[Reviews - 7] Printer
With new found understanding, Marie comes to a decision, Logan has been running long enough.
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Beta Read, Not Spellchecked
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 5950 - Hits: 36459
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/11/2016 - Last Updated: 08/17/2016
Story Notes:
Disclaimer: do not own, just borrowing.

Had alot of fun, reading cschoolgirl's short stories, so here is my attempt.
This is part one of the peace offering. The smut won't come till the second chapter, soon as I figure out how to properly write it.
Not Beta read. Please excuse any mistake that slipped by me.

1. The Trap is Laid by Nebelwerfer42 [Reviews - 2] star star star star star (1381 words)

2. The Trap is Sprung by Nebelwerfer42 [Reviews - 2] star star star star star (1824 words)

3. No More Running by Nebelwerfer42 [Reviews - 3] star star star star star (2745 words)