[Reviews - 17] Printer
Rogue needs to get a little revenge. Logan agrees to help.
Categories: X3
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: "50 Reasons" Rogan challenge
Chapters: 4
Word count: 7608 - Hits: 19700
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/09/2013 - Last Updated: 12/02/2018
Story Notes:
I couldn't help myself. I swear.

Note: This is set sometime after the official end of "The Wolverine" but assumes that the after-credits scene was not the first time he "returned" in the two year interval.

1. Discovery by Ally [Reviews - 8] star star star star star (1938 words)

2. Beginnings by Ally [Reviews - 4] star star star star star (2149 words)

3. Confrontation by Ally [Reviews - 3] star star star star star (1577 words)

4. Climax by Ally [Reviews - 2] star star star star star (1944 words)