The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Um, more please? Please?
This is a really great story. I really hope you continue it
Very enjoyable. I'm curious who the father is going to be. Any shot it's twins?
Thanks for continuing the story- when do we find out who the father is? Can't wait :)
OMG, please don't let this story go! I was so excited to get the notification about an update. You just made my weekend. Why does Rogue even care about Remy? Logan is there for here so much right now. That's sexy by itself. Combine that with the fact that he's LOGAN... well, there's no contest ;) Please continue to update!
Really enjoying this. And it's wonderful to see something on the recent stories page! ;) keep up the great work on this!
Hey there! Thanks for coming back to this! I'm looking forward to rereading this and getting up to speed. I was really excited to see a new post on the site. It was kind of depressing to not see any new posts from people in a while. Thanks for not giving up on this.
Looooved it. :)
Love the story so far. Write more please!!!!!
Please Please continue with this story. I love it and can't wait to see what happens between Logan and Marie... please say it ends happily :-)
Ah, I love this! I love the dialogue and the descriptions, they are so vivid! Please update soon :)
Seems like everyone is terribly confused. Kinda fun for me.
It will be interesting to see where you'll go with it all.
I really love this story!! I am so glad to see that you are back to writing it!! :)
I like this very much. :)
so awesome! love the story line and the character integrity!
Great update and I hope for more soon!
awwww! yah for an update. i had to reread a bit to refresh my memory and it was worth it. can't wait for more!
I just read all the chapters so far and I am loving this story! Can't wait for more!! I hope logan's the daddy!!
Oh boy, poor Remy! :(
There is just something about the way you characterize him that grabs me - so true to form, really. I just bet Jean knew - probably convinced him to go for it and as for Jubes...can I kind of hope she's able to "comfort" him? ***wink, wink***
And yet, this line really got me:
“I’ll tell you when I know.” He grumbled.
Love this new chapter, especially reading how out of his element Logan is. No worries about the long time in between chapters, as long as you keep up the great work! :)
Perfect blend of Mean Jean there. Gah I love to hate her.
Loving the claws coming out. Love, love, LOVE the "fertile" line - something about Jeans always struck me as very unmaternal.
I also really like the way how real Rogue is, noticing how beautiful Jean is and how insecure she feels when around her.
Great story! :)
oohh... Evil Jean xXx
ooooo catfight! logan is sweet and remy is an ass.
Lots of unwed mothers can't get one man to take responsibility for their babies, and now Marie has two men ready to stake their claim -- one of whom would just as soon gut the other one for the right to be the papa. I'm loving this story. I'm anxious to see where things go from here. --Wendie
omg more! that was great