[Reviews - 53] Printer
Rogue is keeping a complicated secret that could change everything.
Categories: X1, X2
Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: Not Spellchecked
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Word count: 10155 - Hits: 57260
Complete?: No - Published: 06/07/2011 - Last Updated: 04/18/2014
Story Notes:
Sorry about any spelling errors. I didn't get the chance to edit through here yet.

1. Prologue by Ransom99 [Reviews - 13] star star star star star (1302 words)

2. Chapter 1: Instant Cravings by Ransom99 [Reviews - 8] star star star star star (1342 words)

3. Chapter 2: Mood Swings by Ransom99 [Reviews - 6] star star star star star (1114 words)

4. Chapter 3: Prenatal Exercise by Ransom99 [Reviews - 7] star star star star star (1115 words)

5. Chapter 4: Chorionic Villus Sampling by Ransom99 [Reviews - 4] star star star star star (1445 words)

6. Chapter 5: Impulses by Ransom99 [Reviews - 5] star star star star star (1119 words)

7. Chapter 6: Fat Clothes by Ransom99 [Reviews - 5] star star star star star (1632 words)

8. Chapter 8: Consequences by Ransom99 [Reviews - 5] star star star star star (1086 words)