Reviews For To Run In Circles
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Reviewer: Moviemom44 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 01/02/2016 1:55:35 AM Title: Chapter 6

It seems, well, almost sick to confess that I did, in fact, enjoy this chapter, that I obtained a delicious, perverse satisfaction at having my suspicions confirmed, at having correctly guessed the gruesome chore Rogue had performed in Chapter 3. It feels a lot like my reaction to the movie 'The Killing Fields'. I describe it as one of the 10 best films I've ever seen, and yet wouldn't necessarily call it a 'favorite' because that would feel too creepy, to say that something so chock full of suffering and depravity -- expertly balanced with hope and beauty by the director and the cast, to be sure -- was something I would seek out to relive as if it were any other favorite, like 'Aladdin' or 'The Magnificent Seven'. What I shall truly enjoy, what I will relish, in fact, will be what comes next, when Logan turns on all that protectiveness... or so I hope.-- Wendie

Author's Response: Okay, so now I'm dying to watch The Killing Fields. I have to now. Although, I have no such compunction about depravity--how else could I watch a certain mutual friend slurp ranch dressing from its container while driving 77mph on the interstate? Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and I have all my fingers/toes crossed about the next one...You should see it anywhere between a week and four years from now.

Reviewer: smilinghoney Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 05/05/2013 6:38:37 AM Title: Chapter 6

Oh, please don't give up on this. This has so much potential with the way you're going so far. I can't wait to see how Logan and Rogue handle this start to their relationship. Please, please come back to this as soon as you can!

Reviewer: Oracle13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/10/2012 5:51:13 AM Title: Chapter 6

Hey now, you are being too hard on yourself. No forgiveness is needed, life happens. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to post a response.

I'm sorry that something "drastic" happened, that sounds ominous. Hopefully "drastic" is really something more positive than it sounds.

I just wanted to thank you for sharing your stories. You have clearly touched a lot of people with your writing. I know that I for one will be rereading your work and I'm sure others will do the same. You are an exceptionally talented writer and your contributions have made this site the better for it.

And who knows what the future brings. Someday your muse might grab hold of you and drag you back to this site. There are some movies in the works (Wolverine and X-Men First Class sequels) that might inspire you. But even if that doesn't happen, we have been truly fortunate that you have shared these gems with us and they will continue to be read and enjoyed. Thank you again and I wish you the best.

Reviewer: g-love99 Signed star star star star half star [Report This]
Date: 07/06/2012 1:47:51 AM Title: Chapter 6

this is such a powerful story...logan finally gets at glimpse at what rogue does, will he find out the extent? how will he help her right now? cant wait to find out! thanks :-)

Reviewer: Oracle13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2012 2:13:28 AM Title: Chapter 6

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I haven't forgotten this story or your incredible writing. I hope you are doing well. You have been missed.

Author's Response: There's a special place in hell for me, for taking so long to answer your kind words. Please, please forgive me. You're words are very generous, and very much appreciated..... I'm afraid something rather drastic happened, and it drew my attention away from this beautiful, wonderful site and the fanfiction I enjoyed so much. I don't believe I'll be able to go back to it, but I will always be thankful for the encouragement I found here.

Reviewer: Oracle13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/14/2011 6:35:41 PM Title: Chapter 6

Hope you are doing well and I look forward to seeing you back here with a bright and shiny update.

Reviewer: Tasa Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 07/12/2011 2:16:58 AM Title: Chapter 6



Reviewer: Dita Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/13/2011 7:28:52 AM Title: Chapter 6

Wow, fantastic update and well worth the wait. I think you are equally as good at writing this kind of scene as the bedroom scenes lol. Hope to see an update soon!

Reviewer: Ebony10 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/2011 1:45:34 PM Title: Chapter 6

Aw, I'm sorry you're having a rough time of it. I hope it gets better.

As for your writing, there is no need to apologize. RL gets precedence. And your writing is as beautiful and seemingly effortless as ever. You have a wonderful way of wording something. It's like creating poetry in a scene. I am glad Logan is starting to get more of the puzzle pieces to form an accurate picture of what is going on. I can't wait for the next chapter, though really take as much time as you need (as long as months don't cross into Thanks for the update!

Reviewer: doctorg Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/2011 12:51:11 PM Title: Chapter 6

Rose, Rose, Rose. The only thing I didn't like about this chapter was the Author's Note -- stop apologizing! Good fic is worth the wait. :-D

This chapter was amazing, so acutely heartbreaking, the connection and pain between Logan and Rogue that has been glimpsed in previous chapters so fully, starkly revealed. So many great lines in this, it would be ridiculous if I quoted them all, but I'll try to weed it down.

His voice was warm with the pleasure that came from denying Logan something, anything.

Dealt with quickly because Scott like to maintain the element of surprise, that grey and tense calm for as long as possible.

There was Scott, saying, "Enough. Enough, Logan," though not half so insistently as usual. The young team member who'd accompanied them, trying to look brave and and not to puke with an equal lack of success. A hand that reached out as if to restrain the bloodier, clawed one, but knew better than to actually do so.

Thin and distinct as a line of thread, cutting through all the space and material that separated Logan from it's source. A thought, no firmer than smoke. Intuition, that was considerably stronger. Realization, recognition of what should have been obvious.

(Yes, I'm cheating by quoting multiple lines as one. Wanna make something of it?)

All this he saw in a moment's forward shadow, that special breath of silence before the opening note of a song begins.

Jean was livid, enraged...but underneath, underneath ran a current of shame that the harshness of her voice could not hide.

...blinking in a way that spoke of glasses crushed somewhere in the room-...

She was curled in a ball, huddled against the forever motionless legs of friend--still warm, of course, because what felt like ages passing in this room had only been a span of minutes

Reviewer: litlen Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/12/2011 10:15:55 AM Title: Chapter 6

Will start off with 3 bits that particularly stood out to me.....

“And it didn't matter how little he knew her, how even less he understood of what was going on. It didn't matter that his interference was resented by even the subject of it, that such nosiness was a quality he deplored, would loathe in any other case but this. It didn't matter that he wouldn't have been interested, may even have approved of what was going on if it had been anyone, anyone but her.”
“All this he saw in a moment's forward shadow, that special breath of silence before the opening note of a song begins.”.
“Logan's own alarm mingled with appreciation for the violent for of a fellow artist. If it hadn't been her, hadn't been Rogue, perhaps the latter sentiment may have prevailed. If he could have seen the wet trails sparkling over her cheeks, perhaps only the former would have.”

…..but then we had the last two lines, which you more than nailed, and every favourite bit I thought I’d read went right out the window. Now then, from your end notes you seem slightly uncomfortable with this one. Don’t be, I’ve said it before but I’m going to say it again, I still think this is the best writing from you so far, there is such eloquence in your words as you read, with a hidden depth to nearly every sentence. I really don’t know how to put it into words and I really don’t care if I’m the only one getting it, I am and therefore you have to continue! This chapter was well worth the wait and I’ll quite happily wait as long as you need just so long as it continues! x

Author's Response: I wish I knew how to thank you in a way I haven't already. You are absolutely fantastic, and I am beyond thrilled that you feel that way. Thank you, thank you so much for your unbelievable generosity.

Author's Response: I wish I knew how to thank you in a way I haven't already. You are absolutely fantastic, and I am beyond thrilled that you feel that way. Thank you, thank you so much for your unbelievable generosity.

Reviewer: tamisnead Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2011 8:18:53 PM Title: Chapter 6

Still loving this story, but could wish for quicker updates. You have such a way with words, I simply love to be transported by them.

Author's Response: Oh, thank you so much. It would be my greatest pleasure to grant that wish.

Reviewer: sahara Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2011 7:15:46 PM Title: Chapter 6

Was the repetition of "there" deliberate? Because I liked the effect.

There's too much to like here - if I were to copy/paste my favorite lines, I'd end up highlighting the whole damn thing.

I missed your wonderful way with words. So much detail without beating us over the head with anything or dragging the readers down in plodding exposition. You always, *always*, manage to keep a consistent, deliberate tone that says as much as the content.

Can you mail me a little smidgen of your awesome abilities? Perdy puh-leeeease? With a nekkid Wolverine on top?

Author's Response: Yes, it was. So glad you enjoyed that, so glad you enjoyed this in general. Thank you, thank you so much. You are absolutely incredible, like amazing coated awesomeness drizzled in fantastic.

Reviewer: serafim Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2011 6:06:31 PM Title: Chapter 6

I have NOT forgotten this story.

I devoured each and every word. I can't cut and paste my favourite lines of your delicious chapter - I don't think this tiny review box could handle it - but I'll choose one (though many, many others run parallel to it for top spot):

Vague pity, but no particular interest in doing so. This was nothing, after all, but the casing of a bullet that had long been discharged.

I am so glad you are back.

Author's Response: Oh lord. There is no way for me to express how happy this made me. I wish I could hug you, wish I could give you a pony. Would you like a pony? Thank you for your kind, wonderful words. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Reviewer: baybelletrist Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 06/11/2011 6:02:30 PM Title: Chapter 6

Hi, Rose! I'm so happy to read a new chapter from you, and glad that things have settled down enough that you were able to pick up your story again. Please don't be too hard on yourself; you don't owe anyone any excuses for the delay.

As for the chapter, I like it! Events are building toward a real blowup among the X-Men. Conflict is always more interesting. ;)

I did notice one sentence that seems to have a word missing:

The enjoyment of this activity seemed reciprocally related to how important the matter seemed: like now, with the walls meekly absorbing every snarled statement like a .

Should there be something at the end there?

Author's Response: I can't even begin to tell you how much your words mean to me. I bounce up and down every time I read this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And you are absolutely right about that sentence. Whoops! The analogy there was supposed to involve a battered wife, but that felt uncomfortable and I trimmed it.

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