Member Since: 01/25/2001
Membership Status: Member
Beta-reader: Yes
Traveling has been my life, so maybe that's why I can identify with Wolvie and Rogue so well. I was born in Tennessee, then my parents moved back to their hometown in West Virginia when I was less than a year old. We moved to Ohio when I was three, and we lived in eight different houses until I graduated from high school. After that, I joined the military, and so far I've been to Texas, Florida, Japan, and Alaska. Now we're back in Ohio. Interesting life I'm living. I have a wonderful husband and adorable daughter.
I was hooked by Wolverine and Rogue as a couple from the first movie, and I'm still a big fan, even if the movies haven't been exactly encouraging. I love to write fanfiction, and I'm an avid reader as well. I also love to make websites, so of course I have a Wolverine and Rogue website. Who doesn't?