The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
you did such a good job with this - wonderfully written, full of emotion with lovely dialogue and the perfect ending for the story. well done x
"You remember that milk carton I gave you this morning?" "Let's call that foreplay." - priceless!!!! You can't help but feel sorry for Logan all the way through this - great job well done x
assertive marie and an incapacitated logan, how we all would like to be in her place!! brilliant fic, well done.
'I'm so tired' - such a simple little statement but within this fic it has so much depth to it. I really enjoyed this well done x
I agree with you there is nothing wrong with a little bit of sin now and then. Loved the 'little Logan' lines :)
I think Empress got it spot on - this was powerful - so sad. beautifully written well done x
Loved the whole thing especially the lead up to their meeting and Logans thoughts in the last chapter. great job well done x
Author's Response: Thank you! This was my first story ever...I\'m so tickled it seems to hold up. ;-)
In your own words; Amazing didn’t begin to cover it! damn good story and the last chapter - wow!!
Author's Response: Aw, thank you! I am seeing a pattern from you tonight...
loved it all especially the goodbye kiss - it was only a few lines but you captured every underlying emotion. Wonderful story from the beginning in Fighter right to the end.
yet another great story from you and another that gets 'highly recommended' from me!
I like their not so perfect relationship as described in both this and it's companion Lose All the Battles It made the story more 'real'. A different take on the 'getting together' story line and a great read. well done x
brilliant! i loved it - well done
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it!
“I'm glad you decided to play.”....... oh just the thought of playing with logan!!!!!!!!!!!
this being the 2nd of 3 storys no-one seems to have bothered to review but i bet they all enjoyed! so i am making sure that it's written in black and white.... Great installment, loved it well done
Author's Response: The second installment appreciates the attention. ;-)
great set of storys i really enjoyed reading them all -
cant write myself but love to read so just wanted to say a big thank you for keeping us readers entertained with your talents. x
completely unique and just f***ing brilliant. (sorry about the swearing but saying it was good just didn't cut it!)
erotic, full of desire, lust, passion, and love all built around a great story - what more could be asked for in a fic. wonderfull job well done x
I'm just gonna say ditto to what ct xfan's review said cause i couldn't put it any better. It said everything i wanted to say. This one was at the end of your list and i've been re-reading them all only this time making sure to review any i've missed - my only dissapointment is having to wait (impatiently i might add) for your new fics!
Speechless -not something that happens to me very often!
This fic was absolutely wonderful – It is by far the most heartbreaking and moving I’ve read.
Author's Response: I am going to have to argue with you about being speechless. *g* Thank you for all the wonderful feedback and for working your way through the catalogue! I\'m very flattered (and impressed by your dedication!).
you did so well for a virgin
[you know what i mean ;) ]
Loved the ending - I know there's more though so i'm off to read it now!
Author's Response: Thanks *g* Glad you enjoyed it.\r\n*pets first fic affectionately*
read your A/N and quite frankly if this is what happens to your angsty plots when you have a few glasses of wine, I'll buy you a few bottles so you can keep that so called 'evil smut monster' around to kill off the angst bunnies!
I have respect for his self control after the shower and the sponge and the underwear! didn't think he'd be able to hold off that long! Great little fic well done x
This fic was beyond funny - absolutely brilliant. I have a feeling 'wrinkled but manly' is an image i'm gonna struggle with for a while !!!!!! fantastic well done x
Author's Response: Thanks *g* Sorry about the \'wrinkled but manly\' part lol! Not the kind of image you want to stick! Glad you enjoyed it though :o)
Again with the visuals, why do you have to be so good at it? - Logans fingers on bits of the Hoff?? these are things that are damn funny but they tend to linger in the back of your head when they really need to dissapear!
great fun!
"What the hell do you think I've been tryin to do for the last hour," he growled. "Singin to it?"
Priceless! you write the humour too damn well, my sides are aching
fantastic - I love how you captured such deep emotions and keep it going throughout - damn good story well done x
Author's Response: Thank you :o)