Author's Chapter Notes:
Scott had been silent the whole trip, stoic, focused, running through the motions of piloting the high-tech plane as a means of not having to think about what was happening around him. They had been landed, near the abandoned farmhouse Rogue had directed them to as a meeting point, for ten minutes before he finally broke his silence. His tone bitter and angry to hide his devastation and grief.
“I told you it was too good to be true, it’s probably a fucking trap, or a decoy to get us away from New York, I’ll bet you right now Magneto and Mystique are rounding up our kids from the safe houses to join their little bitch squad,” Scott muttered loudly, pulling Logan from his thoughts where he was pacing at the bottom of the jets loading ramp, waiting far from patiently.
“Magneto and Mystique wouldn’t have a clue what had happened at Alkali, asshole, they’d already left long before we even got out of the base, it was definitely Rogue I talked to,” Logan stated vehemently.
“Uh huh, sure, your brain was either playing tricks on you, or it was wishful thinking, face it wolf boy, you were duped,” Scott snapped in return.
Logan growled menacingly before replying, “When the fuck did you turn into such a nihilistic prick, it was definitely her.”
“Probably some time around when I watched my fiancée die, on top of that I now have to watch a teammate losing his marbles, shit I don’t feel like dealing with right now,” Scott declared, as he stood to his feet to turn and stalk inside the jet.
Logan intercepted him with a lunge, slamming him against the wall and waving three razor sharp claws menacingly in his face. “Listen here you insufferable little shit, just because you’re willing to give up on them so easily doesn’t mean the rest of us are, Marie damn well had some sort of plan on going out there to rescue YOUR wife, I’m not giving up on her just because you’ve lost your mojo all of a sudden. Marie said there was trouble around them, the locals were being shifty, and they were having to lay low, I’m going out to look for them, because there aren’t many things that would prevent Marie from keeping her word but asshole humans are one of those, you can either come with to look for YOUR wife, or you can stay here hiding like a little bitch, alone. What’s it going to be?”
Scott glared at him for a few moments before batting Logan’s hand away from his shirt collar, and turning to continue walking back onto the jet.
“Pussy,” Logan spat after him. “I hope Jean dumps your sorry ass when we get her back to the school,” he snarled, ignoring Scott’s cynical retort as he stalked away from the jet and the farmhouse, heading towards the town that was not too far away. He knew roughly where Marie’s old home was, she had shown him once on a map, and where the payphone she had called from earlier was, worst case scenario he could track her from there.
Ororo sighed, watching Logan stalk away as she listened to Scott throwing things inside the jet. Should she stay with Scott, or go with Logan... on the balance of probabilities, Logan was the most likely to get himself in trouble.
“Scott... just wait here, we’ll be back soon,” Ororo stated, after quickly rethinking her plan to try and talk him around. She discretely shut the jet ramp, and locked it for good measure. Sure Scott knew how to unlock it but hopefully he wouldn’t try, she was doing so more to protect him anyway.
She jogged to catch up with Logan – damn he walked fast – and trailed him silently wherever he was going. After a few minutes she squeaked almost silently when Logan came to a dead stop in front of her, sniffing at the air.
“They were here,” he gruffly snapped, “Both of them, someone, three people, dragged them into a vehicle.” Without another word he took off at a steady run, leaving Ororo to follow after him.