Summary: A lesson in understanding.
Categories: X3 Characters: None
Genres: Drama
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: Yes
Word count: 6709
Read: 33445
Published: 02/26/2010
Updated: 03/06/2010
Story Notes:
A/N Set way off in a time far from now.
Still don’t own Jack $*!* although technically Jake is all mine.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Then let us begin.
Today’s lesson; never judge a book by its cover
Chapter 1 by litlen
Title: A Special Kind Of Mission.
Chapter 1.
The class heard her customised wheels approaching long before she arrived and the newest addition to the mansion (so far only known as Jake something or other, sent here because he’s trouble with a capitol T apparently,) got off to a far from perfect start if the looks on the rest of the class were anything to go by. Not only had he stared with a mix of awe, admiration and approval which by all accounts was bad enough but he’d also muttered what was apparently the ultimate sin by letting the word ‘cool’ slip from his mouth as those wheels came into view.
The boy sat in front of Jake shifted his seat around - threw his hands up and made air quote marks while quietly pointing out that Mr Logan always said - ‘something that looked like it’d been through an explosion in a paint factory could never be considered cool’, this was followed by another greatly exaggerated hand gesture to signal the end of the quote. Jake took one quick glance around the room and seeing the others all nod in agreement quickly decided he’d been given a heads up and that whoever the hell Mr Logan was it was probably best to agree with him. Maybe he was just like Mr Collins, his old head teacher and no finer example of a complete and utter bastard were you ever likely to find. Just his luck he thought as he sat quietly trying to take it all in, this place was supposed to be better and already it was looking like all teachers no matter where you go are all the same. It was the only explanation he could come up with as to why no-one else thought that the unique multicoloured custom wheelchair that just came in the room wasn’t the coolest thing they’d ever seen.
“Good morning class.”
Good lord above, the teacher must have been 90 on a damn good day Jake thought, probably couldn’t remember what happened yesterday let alone recall all the relevant information needed for a history class. Maybe there was a sickness bug at the mansion or something and the old lady had been the only person well enough (or though that was probably debateable given her age) to sit in with them today.
Credit where credit was due though, to be that old and have the balls to ride in a chair like that – or then again maybe she’d totally lost her marbles and she and he had missed out on some kind of practical joke.
“Good morning Miss Lee” came a chorus of kids from all around the room. They were all smiling Jake noted, maybe they were about to get given a free pass to ‘study on their own,’ after all, it probably took all her energy to get to the classroom let alone trying to control a whole class of kids for a few hours.
“Lets just get one thing straight before we begin shall we? Whether I’m sitting back there with you or sitting up here at the front its Jubilee or Jubes, either or, I’m not that fussed but you can all drop this Miss Lee twaddle right now.”
The girl sitting to Jake’s left shot her hand up in the air so fast that he thought he was loosing it, the ‘teacher’ and at that thought Jake couldn’t help but smile, (teacher in the loosest possible sense) had only just said good morning, when were the questions? Was the lesson conducted telepathically?
“Yes Sasha?”
“Have you seen Mr Logan this morning?”
Ahh Jake thought, good for you, keep track of the bastard before he can sneak up on you. Smart girl. Be prepared, God they must all be really worried in case he’s taking over from the already-decaying-OAP-who-doesn’t-want-to-be-called-Miss-sitting-in-the-not-allowed-to-be-cool-because-Mr-bastard-Logan-said-so-chair.
“I have.”
Short and sweet. Straight in there with a truthful yet useless statement. Definitely not enough of an explanation there, lacking the relevant details required, is he running late? Is he relieving her at all or is he sick? Better still is he on his last legs? Leaving?
“Why’s he just sitting out there? It’s snowing, wont he catch cold or freeze to death or something?”
“He’ll be just fine Sasha, you know very well he’s a healer and so far nature’s only ever come up with one thing stronger than him and able to knock him on his ass. A little bit of snow won’t hurt him, hell, if a great big avalanche fell on top of him he’d just dust himself off and walk away, that’s not to say he wouldn’t moan like a stuck pig about it mind you. The big old fool is, well he’s..........
I tell you what, stuff the lesson plan, why don’t we do a different kind of history class today.”
Jake knew it, bastards were bastards the world over and this one just happened to be a mutant healer. To top it all, history class was now officially in session with Grandma Julie/Judy/Jubey or whatever her name was probably about to reminisce or something. He wouldn’t be surprised if an old photo album thingy or two came out. Still pictures, Jesus, how boring. Thank god for the evolution of technology – Christ this place was the pits.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.