The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
This story is amazing. It is totally awesome and completely epic. I absolutely love it. There was action, mystery, suspense, romance, adorableness, angst, and awesomeness. I think I already said the awesome part but that is because it is doubly awesome. Thanks for sharing such a fantastic story.
You rock =D
Author's Response: You are very kind. I'm proud to hear this old story can still amuse and entertain. You made my day. Thank you.
I effing love your stories! I love them more than 75% of the original plot lines. I love it more than ice cold cheesecake with caramel topping. Your words are incredibly powerful and graceful and I can't help wanting to consume them whole. As a matter of fact, if your stories were food, I would have the worst most glutinous, messy table manners ever. Thank you for sharing the amazing talent and original genius that is your storytelling. You have made this past week of being sick much more fun. Truly. Thank you.
Author's Response: I cannot begin to tell you how loudly I laughed when reading this wonderful set of words nor how deeply I blushed at your sentiment. It was very kind of you to let me know how you felt. I am thrilled to be of service during your time of illness. Thank you.
I am so glad to see these chapters from your Logan/Marie series are finally appearing here! They have definitely raised the overall quality of this site.
Author's Response: Ah, that is extremely kind of you to say, and I thank you for that opinion, but my stories are really the result of other writers challenging and encouraging me to be better with each story I pen. Many of them have examples here that are far more beautifully written than mine, and I still exchange ideas with them on lj because they have my respect and awe. So, as much as I am humbly flattered, I must disagree - I can never raise any bar higher than they have already set it.