If the archive is down, you can always check the LiveJournal/Dreamwidth communities or the mailing lists for announcements to see if it's a planned or known outage (preferably before sending me capslock emails).


Love and porn,

Devil Doll

Welcome to the WRFA. We're in the process of moving old stories to the new archive, so bear with us.

This site is for stories that revolve mainly around the relationship between the characters of Wolverine and Rogue, as friends, teammates, or romantic partners. If your story does not focus on them, it probably belongs at our sister site, XMMFF.

Please read the Submission Guidelines and our Terms of Service before you begin.

In 2006, the WRFA went to an eFiction format. At that time accounts were created for authors already in the archive, and their stories were added. If you wish to have access to your account here to add, delete, or edit stories, please email devildoll @ this domain name for a password.

If you have problems creating an account or have other questions about using the archive, please email them to devildoll @ this domain name. DO NOT post them to the WRBeta mailing list.

If the site appears to be not be working properly, or is down completely, you can always check the mailing list and the LiveJournal community for updates.



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Site News
Update Complete
WRFA has now been updated to e-Fiction 3.5.5. There are still some issues with security policy, if you have posted a story and it has yet to show up in the archive please send an e-mail and lets us know to update your validation status.
--Nebelwerfer42 on 07/17/2019 12:41:17 PM (0 Comments)
Site Info
We are the home of 613 authors from among our 2081 members. There have been 27644 reviews written about our 3820 stories consisting of 9111 chapters and 22049522 words. A special welcome to our newest member, SOBQJMV.
Featured Stories
Fresh Rain and Second Chances by lachlanrose (Adult)
A look at life at the mansion sans rose-colored glasses. Marie and Logan perfect...
Story of the Moment
After Action Review by cschoolgirl (Mature)
It's not how Rogue imagined her first real kiss in years to be like.
Most Recent
Stealing Powers for the Greater Good by erro (PG-13)
She watched out the window as the jet lifted into the air, Jean looked like...