Gamma meta [Contact]
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Member Since: 08/18/2006
Membership Status: Member

Hey everyone! I have decided to put together my own archive of fics and writings, and I've pulled my fics down while this is in progress. Don't worry. I'll be back with updates and a link! With more Rogan fanfic, too. I've got two or three persistent bunnies yet. If in the meantime you'd like a copy of one of my fics, just send me an email.

Thanks to everyone who has read my stories and everyone who has left fb. It was so great to hear from you! I hope to see you at my new archive when it is up and running.
Reviews by Gamma meta
They think they know the truth.

Rated: R
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 2
Wordcount: 3093 - Hits: 7004
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/29/2007 - Last Updated: 02/27/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/18/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Heavy Duty

Wow. Very dark. Poor Logan. When paranoia combines with a savior complex, only bad things can happen. And it's worse because of his healing, his power, his mutation because it makes him that much better able to cope.

"He’s not a burden to me. Far from it. But there are those moments I told about. Clear moments. When he can pull his act together long enough to take a good look around him. Just before his concentration breaks disgusted grimace crosses his face. At that moment he’s perfectly aware of what he’s become, and I don’t think he likes it."

I love that moment when the old Logan breaks through and judges his current state. How little he is able to control it. And also that breathless moment when he *is* sleeping and she thinks he may be dead. And the image of Logan watching the thin slice of light underneath the door, rocking. It's like a horror you can't escape.

Very intense. I think enhanced by the storytelling method of interspliced thoughts.

I didn't want to read this when I still thought I'd finish one of the same title, but DAMN! there's no way I could have brought on the angst-y darkness like you. I don't know why I worried. *lol* Good work.

Author's Response: Thanks. This started at first completely different. Was going to let them tell their stories in two parts. First just Marie, then Logan after her, but it didn\'t seem to work that way, so I chose to divide and scramble their thoughts. And how the heck do you put chapters to these reviews and responses? Argh! Duh. Never mind. I chose \"Heavy Duty\", because I was quite sure only few others would take it, but now it looks like everybody took the liking to it. Grr... Should have gone with \"Golden Nuts\" instead... ;) But thanks for the fb. And once again, your version... WOW! I just fell in love with your playful Logie!

3rd in the Therapy series. Time for couples therapy. Jean and Scott are having some problems with Logan and Rogue's new found...well I was gonna put 'love' there, but shag-fest is probably more like it *g*

Rated: PG
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Foof, Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: Therapy
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1172 - Hits: 2694
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/29/2007 - Last Updated: 01/29/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

*lol* That was hilarious! Poor Jean and Scott have so many issues. I love the fact that he's put out that she can read his mind so completely, and that he can't read hers. I love his little peevish jabs of jealousy and petulance because he's not getting what he wants.

I LOVE the part where he's talking about her getting veiny and blowing out the windows and showing his leftover anger about vaporizing others into tiny little particles. *lol*

And poor Jean, trying to be the peacemaker.

Great couple squabbling. I hope they work it out. Just...just...*lol*.

Author's Response: Lol - this one totally wrote itself really. The bickering - well, Scott had a lot he wanted to say, think he needed to get it all out there *g*. Glad you enjoyed it :o)

We all have our little vices...

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 25
Wordcount: 23744 - Hits: 170228
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/31/2007 - Last Updated: 02/05/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

What a great fic. I was disturbed/aroused in the beginning, but it's a much more interesting story that Rogue is unsure about this all as well.

"She’s too fragile. That one they will get backwards, that’s for sure. Because between the two of us, I’m the broken, incomplete one. "
Yes, I think that's really true in your fics. Logan is the weaker one, unable to wholly moderate his desires. I think part of what's scary for her is that he's always needed her more than she needs him.

"I’m no good for her. For that I have to agree. But she’s good for me. I have never claimed to be selfless. "

Poor Logan. *pets him* But what I love most about it is that he's realistic, that he's mostly selfish but honest when he's not, that he's ok with his desires, and that he accepts what he can't change. Even though he's often an idito. It's so attractive.

I hope this doesn't end in tragedy. *runs off to read rest*

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14

What is he scared of? *puzzles* Why is he scared of Jean here? Oh, Logan. I'm so sorry for you. I thought this whole chapter was fairly tragic. *I* wanted to cuddle up and comfort you, and I promise that if I had been Rogue, I'd have stayed the night.

Author's Response: That one I could have probably explain better. In the beginning of the story I told how Logan must be sometimes sedated after his nightmares. In this one he was sedating himself. When he\'s sedated, he\'s unable to defend himself. Anything and everything is a potential threat.

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Unh. That was good. He gave her control, and it was ok. I wonder if she didn't pull something from his head that didn't make her far less trepidatious than she was the first time last chapter. She initiated a lot of this.

I'm also wondering, now, if Logan trying to keep her from his little vices is a good idea. They scared her. They aroused her. Is that the answer? I'm thinking Marie might have the answer if he does not.

Poor Logan. *tucks him in* Bad boy. *cackles*

Author's Response: She got quite a lot from Logan. Figuratively and literally. ;)

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/12/2007 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25

You know? I was all set to give you fulsome compliments until I figured out it was the end! *lol*

ARA! *stomps foot* DAMMIT!!!

Ok. I loved the twists and turns in this fic. I actually didn't think his lack of love was Xavier at all. I thought it was coming back round to the 'vices' again. He seemed reay to make love to her until she hit the bathroom floor and was scare of him again. He said he never wanted her in that part of his life. I'm *really* not sure I want her in that part of his life either - not in *your* hands! *lol* But I think cutting himself off from that, that fear of himself, made him fear her, made him lose the part of himself that could feel her. I didn't think it had to do with Xavier at all.

And throughout this chapter, I was thinking that I wasn't feeling detachment from him. I was feeling ache and melancholy and loneliness. Numbness. Fear. He thinks she deserves to be loved. He doesn't think he's worthy of her. He still thinks it's something that she cries. I guess I saw those as signs that his love for her hadn't gone. It was all just hiding behind insecurity and impotence and fear.

Well...that's how it goes in my head anyway! *lol* And since you say it's done, I'm going to go ahead and make up an ending like that for them. Where vices somehow save the day.

But I loved this fic - bunny slippers, dark sexual images burned on my brain, humorous love scene, evil Xavier, teary ending and all. I think your fics are only getting better, Ara. I'm constantly amazed. Don't stop.

Author's Response: This was the end. But I\'m not ready to let go of this particular story yet. As soon as I get my head sorted out, I\'ll start a sequel. I got them in to this mess, and now I have to figure out a way to get them out of this. Nope. Logan\'s love towards Marie isn\'t gone. But how he feels right now is all on Xavier. I already have some ideas for the sequel, and things will be cleared on that one. Thanks for the fb on this one, and other fics you have commented. Appreciated, and given new points of views. :)

My attempt at a songfic.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Songfic
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 913 - Hits: 2479
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/01/2007 - Last Updated: 02/01/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

*shiver* I love how songs can catch you up in the moment, make you do and say things that you wouldn't normally because it's everything you're feeling at the time.

I really think it works much better from Logan's POV here. Good choice. I see such aching loneliness in him, but he really feels he belongs to her. It's a side of Logan we rarely get to see--the thoughts behind the words.

This was my favorite part:
"Clothes left abandoned on the floor he laid her on the bed. He had saved her life, given a ocean full of blood for her and right here and now she was saving his. Saving him from loneliness, saving him from killing himself with buried feelings of love."

Great visual images. I could see the clothes falling. The ocean is particularly fitting for them - boundless and deep and emotional. I like the way you tied it thematically to L&M.

Very nice songfic. Evanescence's passion does remind me of L&M, too.

Marie follows Logan when he goes out on a 'Job' for the Professor.

Rated: Adult
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 53
Wordcount: 150677 - Hits: 466051
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/02/2007 - Last Updated: 07/30/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/03/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow. Your stories are usually a bit darker than I can manage at one go, but I have to say that I really enjoyed this one. A completely different take on L&M, one that used their mutations in a completely new way.

"Because one day your going to have to put me down permanently an' before that happens I wanted you to have a few good memories of me before you found out the truth about me. About what I really am underneath all this.... humanity."

Poor Logan. But he doesn't want pity. And as much as I think that it doesn't have to be that way for him, I think that's the way it is. It's the world they live in, and I don't think Logan's the kind of man who shuts his eyes to that. So if Rogue wants to be close to him, wants to live with him, she has to accept that, too.

"But that wasn't how she saw it, it wasn't how she felt, how she needed him. Seeing the truth of what he did didn't make her hate him, it made her love him. He did what needed to be done but the price was one that Logan didn't need to pay alone. "

No, I think your Rogue knows exactly what is at stake here, and she's becoming like Logan, too. The price isn't more than she's willing to pay.

And I love how easy Logan's acceptance of it is. He's not tortured. He's not regretful. He's not jaded or spiteful. This is how it is. And if he's lucky enough to get help, then he knows how to accept what's valuable in life, too.

A hard lesson, one I don't want to have to learn myself. But a powerful story, I think. Much enjoyed it. Thanks.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it, I was going for what felt like \'the truth\' between them. I\'ve been reading more of the comic book Logan and I\'m finding a depth in there I\'ve missed before. Hopefully it\'ll be coming out more in the fic I\'m writing. He\'s a grown up, seen a lot of death and knows the value of someone he can rely on. Marie is just learning her way and Xaiver is not a nice man, Logan will teach her what it means to be what they are. Think I should carry this on Gamma? Thanks for the feedback anyhoo, it means a lot to me, thanks.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it, I was going for what felt like \'the truth\' between them. I\'ve been reading more of the comic book Logan and I\'m finding a depth in there I\'ve missed before. Hopefully it\'ll be coming out more in the fic I\'m writing. He\'s a grown up, seen a lot of death and knows the value of someone he can rely on. Marie is just learning her way and Xaiver is not a nice man, Logan will teach her what it means to be what they are. Think I should carry this on Gamma? Thanks for the feedback anyhoo, it means a lot to me, thanks.

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/04/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

In my opinion, one should continue writing anything that inspires you if you can. It inspires you for a reason. I always love the point in writing where I'm actually discovering depth that I didn't know was there.

So, yes, if you're excited by the idea. I think it'd be interesting to see where you take this. Because I think Rogue accepted this pretty easily, and I don't think she'll regret it--but she may find it more difficult than she thought.

Author's Response: Thanks, have a read when you can I\'m goin to give it a shot. Something back at the school where the black and white world they think exists is suddenly forced into the varient shades of grey it really is.

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/12/2007 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Between Wolverine and Logan

Wow. This got much darker, didn't it? I see what you mean about exploring Logan/Wolverine more fully. I think it's clear that he's trying very hard to keep Wolverine at bay and below the surface. But Xavier needs Wolverine, and Logan sometimes needs to let him out. It's interesting to see how much Wolverine is like the ID - completely and utterly selfish, about power and assertion and control. In some ways, I think Wolverine has more control over himself than Logan does - he just chooses to exert that control in different, purely selfish ways.

I'm not sure what Logan's defining characteristic is, except that he seems to be constantly under the pressure of fighting, of holding everything in. He seems incredibly unstable to me in this fic. It's clear he loves Marie, but he's wearily resigned to what Wolverine does and makes him do - EXCEPT for this rape. But at the same time, he knows his weakness, too. And his love. I think, for right now, his world is dominated by fear - of himself. I hope he can get through it. I hope Marie can.

Xavier seems to have pushed Logan to this. I'm thinking that Wolverine might have been easier to handle before Xavier needed him so much. And I can't really forgive Xavier for the way he handled their departure in Chapter 3. Wolverine could really have injure someone. He nearly did. He later does. He's using him and Marie, without regard to the consequences. He's not evil so much as someone who benefits from evil.

I was glad to see that Marie had Logan's # in chapter 4. She's got sass and charm and brains, and I love it! My favorite was the moment when she takes over the steering wheel and notes with satisfaction that that was *exactly* right. And she seems able to read him and stand up to him - good. But she's constantly on egg shells around Logan. Even before the rape, everything was about him. She was always accommodating him. I even know why. But that's got to be breaking her, too. It's not just about him. It's about THEM. The two of them. Her, too. I hope she gets the support she needs. I hope being strong isn't being just strong enough to survive him.

My God, you deliver on the angst-y darkness! *lol* Excellent characterization. Am waiting, nervously, anxiously for what happens next.

Author's Response: Thanks Gamma, The whole of chapter 5 was about the \'animal\' within him, that he is intelligent, knows what he\'s doing but he shields his weaker half (Logan) from seeing it. It\'s like a split personality, he *had* to conform to the \'rules\' around the mansion and Wolverine *knew* that. But now he\'s away from there permanently he can breathe again. I\'ve known several bi-polar people and I\'ve really been giving Logan some thought on those lines. I mean in his history he\'s been shot, murdered, tortured, abused, spat on, betrayed, had the people he loved killed in front of him. He\'s *not* stable, I mean sure his mind shields him from some of it but Wolverine remembers EVERYTHING. So when Wolverine gets involved he really is a killer, he cares only about himself and what pleases him. But now Marie has cast her lot in with him, she\'s strong, she\'s had to be. I mean she got a dose of Eric, all his memories, all the abuse he suffered, his life wasn\'t easy. She knows what suffering means, she has first hand evidence in her head. Yet as Logan said, \'Remembering it an seein it for real are different worlds.\' (I think it was that) She\'s got some words to say, some rules to put down herself, it\'s a partnership and for Logan it\'s a risk. He could end up killing her, or getting her killed but Wolverine *knows* her too, he knows she\'s strong enough to take it. It\'s just how to get to that strength, he\'s had to suffer to get it, how she\'ll get it is another question entirely. I\'m really glad your enjoying it, things about Logans character remind me of John Rambo in First Blood. All he wants is to be left alone, to get a drink an pass through. He\'s damaged yes but he knows he is and he avoids people because of it. Logan ignores everyone but Marie because she\'s deadlier than he is she just doesn\'t know it yet. Wolverine will hone her and she won\'t be used by anyone, not even by him. It\'s just the journey of how she gets there and if she survives it. Thanks for following me along this dark road, now you know why its called \'I never wanted this for you...\' Thing is it could be the best thing to ever happen to her now she\'s seen the other side of Xavier, it is a war just a covert one, seen through the eye of the soldier.

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 03/20/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Wow. I now think I can see what you mean about Logan training Rogue, about them both having to be strong and survive. This living-in-a-cave business is not some idyll. Even when no one's there, it's dangerous. Nothing light or cheery about this. *lol* I wonder if they can ever joke.

Some of your scenes are incredibly powerful. The scene where she breaks her leg and discovers her claws, and Logan's uncertainty about how much of him is going into her. The vivid, graphic detail of her first kill - the blood splatter, the bone, her indecision and bloodlust and the bile in her throat. And the way she's not sure if she will kill herself later, how Logan is afraid. The writing makes you remember those scenes. It makes you live them.

There are things I still don't understand. *Why* is Xavier so evil? Or is he? I mean - what would happen if they didn't kill those dangerous mutant children? If Logan thinks it's wrong, why did he ever participate? In what way are the others at the mansion culpable?

And Rogue and Logan don't seem to *like* the animal - so why embrace it? Just because it's part of them? I guess - it seems like there's an emphasis on their choice. Is stronger and wilder always better? Why? Does it make them happy? Do they believe that they're making the world a better place that way? For revenge?

It makes for gripping reading, not having all the answers. Lots of moral ambiguity. Ooh! I'm sure more is coming. Am looking forward to knowing more.

Author's Response: Gamma, your questions helped me to resolve some of the plot (so thanks honey!) but I\'m going to answer the animal question. Embracing their darker urges makes them responsible for them, the way Marie tries to understand them through her eyes. The way she *feels* her way through the anger, the pain, the rage that Logan has to deal with all the damn time. Even talking to Scott pushed his buttons because he\'s an alpha male as much as he is. Logan *knows* the price of his darker side and what he loses because of it. If Marie loses the same things he\'ll never be able to forgive himself. Yet in that respect she won\'t because she\'s *not* Logan, she already had darkness in her, the coiled snake in her belly that was willing to fight no matter what. Adding Wolverine to her only made her darkness stronger, more accessable. Men have mercy, women don\'t, we kill enemies when we find them, we dont cripple and dominate. Logan\'s in for a surprise about her depth and it maybe something for him to fear but I\'m not sure just yet. But I\'m glad your following the story, more soon I hope!

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 04/14/2007 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22 - Perfect Prisons

I know I haven't commented in a long time. RL, you know. And also - believe it or not - it takes me longer to comment on fics that I think are really good. I think this is your strongest fic. It's got an impressive character arc in Rogue and an impressive character in Logan. They're both so tortured, so wild, so loving at their core, and yet so hard and restrained and menacing on top. I think, more than anything, the deal with Xavier has proved that. Because as evil and sick as that deal was, Logan *still* would have chosen Rogue, knowing he shouldn't, wanting her anyway, willing to save her, die for her, waiting to claim her. And it would be claiming.

And Rogue - I'm not sure if she would necessarily have had this darkness always, but the potential was always there. The grit always was. And now, it's like the moment has come for her to act. Her purpose in life, her path has been illuminated and here she is walking it. She's chosen it. Herself. She's made herself into someone who will walk it. And that's a little terrifying, frankly. What she's willing to become for the belief in - I'm not sure what. Maybe in hope? Oddly enough. Hope that there's a better way than Xavier's way. Hope that others with lethal mutations, like hers, can have some contribution, can learn control, can let someone in. Hope that it doesn't have to be all machinations and lies.

The pair remind me of the soldier in Firefly, who is sent to kill the Captain. "My way is not the way. It is the way that the rest of humanity will exist." (*mumble, mumble* badly quoted *cough, cough*)

But what makes these two human is the way in which they are *not* perfect. They have vulnerabilities - huge ones. I think Rogue has not really considered the repercussion for herself in choosing this life, in hiding and sneaking and lying and killing. And she seems to still need reassurance that she chose this way, that Logan would have chosen her, even if Xavier hadn't been involved. That Logan will forgive her for being sometimes stronger and sometimes different than him. That he'll still love her when she's sometimes wrong.

And Logan's vulnerability is how much he mistrusts Wolverine, maybe? He doesn't trust Rogue to love that part of him. He doesn't himself love that part of him. And he may always need reassurance that he's done the right thing in training Rogue. That he'll be loved anyway even after being Wolverine in order to claim Rogue all those years.

Ultimately, I hope these two will realize that it's not Xavier they're really fighting. It's themselves. Because Xavier had no real power over them to begin with. He used Rogue as bait, yes - but what was to stop Logan from just taking her at any time? How was Xavier ever in a position to promise Rogue to him - without her consent? He put Rogue's life in danger and kept her alone and apart. But how could he have prevented it if she became the most popular girl in school later? Or if she left and never came back?

Everyone in this fic makes choices. I love that they're morally ambiguous. And if that wasn't enough - I LOVE the reference to spider silk!! Hahahah Yay! If it weren't a favorite already, that alone would push it over the top. (Although - spider silk's major benefits are its strength, moisture regain, elasticity, and low density. So it has major benefits over kevlar or nylon for things like parachutes, seat belts, and bullet protective vests. But the abrasion resistance - not so hot. It's a protein fiber. So I wouldn't expect it to be the world's best fiber for lady's unmentionables. Still. Soooo cool you mentioned it. *lol* And I love that Logan planned that ahead of time. *fluttery sigh*)

Author's Response: Thanks Gamma, as always your insights to what I write illuminate more to me than I realise. For me it\'s sometimes just \'head\'s down and pour it out\' type of writing adn when that happens I\'m never sure of what will come out or if it makes sense. Marie\'s choices *have* brought her here, to the place where she is with Logan/Wolverine. A child\'s view of the world being broken apart and being reassembled as she works out what she wants for *herself*. Logan has control issues, he\'s been controlled by others, with his food, his behaviour, his very mind and now when he\'s with Xavier he had a modicum of freedom until Marie came. Him being controlled he could live with, he\'s paranoid enough to see it happening to him but to see it happening to Marie when he *knew* she needed better. He\'d have taken her eventually, Wolverine would\'ve acted and stolen her if not for the machinations of Xavier. In this world she wasn\'t put in the Machine in X1, she never made it that far. Sabs nearly killed her and Logan ended up giving her everything he had on a lonely piece of road with the rest of the crew fighting around them. Now Marie has some modicum of control it\'s going to be hard not to show it, underneath she\'ll be screaming out to them all \'look I can touch!\' But she has to keep control of her emotions, Xavier has shown his first piece of humanity. His fear of *her*, that she\'s done this *willingly*, that she wanted to do this with Logan and would have eventually. His control over Logan will be tested and it\'s like the possum who play\'s dead but in reality knows exactly what\'s happening to it. Just dont be surprised when he actually bites back, now Marie has her path and her freedom he\'ll kill for her to keep it. And Marie will for Logan, whether they end up as heroes or villians is another story altogether and that\'ll only come out in time. So thanks for commenting Gamma, and I loved that you liked the spider silk, apparantly there are places where you can buy underwear with it in. Besides if it feels good wear it, an Tiny isn\'t a man to turn down someone like Logan. Thanks again hon.

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 04/18/2007 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Rumour Mill

Oh, dear. *horrified* That is one of the creepiest things I've ever read. Xavier is really out of control. If he doesn't understand the difference between recruitment and this, between persuading someone and using them, then he's really, really lost it. It's not more acceptable because Kitty & Piotr like each other and might have slept together anyway. *shudder*

Interesting that Rogue seems much more bothered by it than Logan. It's like he came to terms with it because he played his own game with Rogue. He was determined to have her - and the easiest way was to go along with Xavier. Or maybe instead, Rogue is all that matters. Now he has her, he's only concerned about Xavier because *she* cares. He interacts with the rest of the world much more as Wolverine than as Logan, sometimes.

Author's Response: I\'ve tried to answer your query about Logan in the last chapter (26) because he *does* feel it, he is bothered by the actions of Xavier, especially now. He\'s had to hold himself in check because of the place he\'s in and where she is. They\'re back in the lions den and he doesn\'t want her dead or a vegetable with no mind of her own. Wolverine is selfish, bloody minded and brutal but we do get a further insight into his feelings about all this when Marie brings the documents back. Things get faster and Marie gets her head on, she\'s out to save as many as she can but if they resist.....*evil grin* We\'ll just have to see won\'t we?

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 04/22/2007 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27 - Typefaced history

Xaviers ivy clad walls were about to come tumbling down from beneath and they'd be the ones removing the keystones.

Great last sentence. They *had* known that Xavier was manipulating people in this way before, but to hear it in detached, bureacratic language such as this is always worse. It sounds inhuman. And yet, I have to ask myself, if I was Xavier and I observed unstable mutants all around me, saw their potential for destruction, if I wouldn't act the same way. If I wouldn't seek to manipulate them into 'positive' behaviors, and secure situations wherein negative behaviors and instability is mitigated. To me, where he draws the line is in using personal relationships to suit his own ends - the 'breeding programs', 'rewards', etc.

It seems to me that Marie is actually the leader and the stronger one in the relationship now. Am I reading that right? His snagging of her chicken seems like something much more like what she might have dared in earlier chapters, when she wasn't yet her equal. And she's been able to drop him not once but several times in the danger room. He later leaves after she bests him, in a defeated posture, and he seems to be leaving opinions about Xavier and plans to defeat him in her hands. A lot of the time, he seems to comfort and support her. Interesting. I think Logan's own self-worth has always been low, and maybe he's seen this potential in her alway. Perhaps her being strong means he no longer has to be so much. Or sometimes, when two people shift from teacher-student to a more equal relationship, the teacher backs off from a leadership position for a while, as though to cement the new parity. At any rate, very interesting.

And now we have possible allies in Storm, Kitty, Piotr, Emma, and the secretary at Xavier's. I wonder if they will be part of taking him down, or if the will be part of the solution to come.

The foursome are at it again while on vacation.

Rated: R
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: The Insane Adventures of Two X-couples
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 249 - Hits: 1870
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/05/2007 - Last Updated: 02/05/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/11/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Two X-couples Find Themselves In Paris

Scott: I’m on board with that plan… wait, uh… you’re going to misbehave later too right?

Jean (half sarcastically): Yes Scott… I’ll be your naughty little X-whore.

Scott, Logan and Marie (in shocked unison): JEAN!

*lol* These women have their men's number. They're always seducing their men into things. Heh.

Also love the contrast between the two men. Scott's parsimony with Logan's brutishness. But I also love all the hints that Scott and Logan love it all as much as anyone. They love getting together to complain and bait each other. The women love to 'whip' their men in public. Everyone has a good time. And very, very *little* gets done. heh.

Logan finds something that may or may not have something to do with his past. Rogue decides to do some digging on her own.

Rated: G
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 18
Wordcount: 33185 - Hits: 116867
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/07/2007 - Last Updated: 06/26/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/19/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh, don't worry about your story summaries! I suck at them, too. And titles. But people aren't judging them - it's just a quick little 'there' so you know what you're getting into, the type of fic. But shorter is best - we're all skimming. :) I think the two sentences you have after the disclaimer work well.

Now - onto the story. I really enjoyed this, especially as the chapters progressed. Probably because I've done that kind of research, I loved Rogue's time in the library and the archives, finding out information on the family tree, digging up relatives and yearbook photos. I thought you described the high you get from that well - and the delight - and the speculation: what was he like? What did his friends call him? Did he have a girlfriend? All really true, and I think this version of Logan is fascinating. I can picture him. *bunnies dancing about* :)

But my favorite chapter was this Xavier chapter. I liked his 'little smile' like he gets a high from reading minds. I loved Rogue's paranoia, how that wasn't really appeased because he kept trying to reassure her while reading her thoughts. Heh. Unintentional comedy.

But I also loved that the professor *knew*. I see this getting really interesting now. Is the professor right? Is Logan suppressing these memories for a reason? Or is the professor up to some nefarious plot of his own - because he came off like a fatherly benefactor *and* a little control-freak-y. I love that you don't really answer that question.

And now I can't wait to hear what Rogue does. Because I think Logan could react a variety of ways to this information. The secrecy, the knowing, and the not knowing. And if he really is suppressing a horrible past, WHAT IS IT? And if she decides, like the professor, not to let him know, even if it's for his own good, what will that do to their tentative relationship? What will his knowing that she dug up ANY part of his life do? He's a private man. It was behind his back.

*intrigue* Good job. As I say - especially this last chapter.

Author's Response: Good gawd, Gamma!! You always manage to see more than even I do, and I\'m writing the damn thing!! I always love your FB, so much really useful stuff, even when your giving criticism, it\'s ALWAYS constructive.
I\'m the unofficial genealogist of the family, so I know first hand the thrill of \"the hunt\", I\'m glad it showed thru in the library setting.
As for the Prof and his convo w/Rogue, this whole story is just sort of writing itself! That whole chapter wasn\'t even a spark in my head until I laid my fingers on the just all sort of spilled out!
Now I\'m all nervous, wanting to live up to your expectations! I was gonna have chapter 5 end it, but you\'ve got my brain workin\' overtime now, dammit! I guess, though, I\'ll just put my hands on the keys again and see what happens, it hasn\'t done me wrong yet!

Again, thanks for the FB!

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 03/20/2007 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

I don't mind the angst. In fact, I rather like it. This has gotten personal for Marie now. She knows she was a part of his past, too. And now that she knows that he definitely *had* a past, that he didn't just spring from some lab somewhere, she knows that that past may interfere with *their* future -whatever it is.

I think it's a very male-female conversation. A woman trying to feel a man out for a possible reaction. The man knowing something more is going on but not quite knowing. Not wanting to be pushed yet on this difficult issue. Still not quite sure himself. Nothing going as planned - the news *still* not being told. "All will be revealed in its own time..." Hehe. You got that right.

I didn't mind the dream sequences. They were expositional. Sometimes they need to be that way. I still more strongly identify with your Rogue-centric scenes than your Logan-centric ones. But that may be know...I'm a girl. *lol* I find Logan difficult to write.

It looks like the series is wrapping up. I wonder how Logan will take the actual news, however.

I love the little detail about how she had enough of his senses that she could detect him coming. But she didn't let him know. Heh. And then she gives him a little something - "I always keep an ear out, sugar." And it's true. Aw...

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 04/22/2007 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Oh, I was extremely busy, and I hadn't gotten around to reading this, let alone have time for fb. But I'm so glad you're continuing. I love the way the insecurity and uncertainty is coming into play here.

The telling had it's comic moments, with bad-ass Marie giving Logan a piece of his mind, and Logan's facial expressions were priceless. But as the full import weighed down - when so many things like whether Marie was *Marie* or some incarnation of Marie or Jean Marie were unclear - it all became much more complicated. What implications do the past have on the future? And what, after all, is Logan looking for?

And meanwhile, they're both confused and hurting. Poor Marie, falling asleep in ice cream. Incredibly sweet that Logan lugged her to bed. And I hope Logan listens to his heart, because as Xavier says, maybe his memory isn't important now anyway, not like it was. Of course, maybe it's the bugaboo waiting to seize him at an unlikely moment! *lol* But if he wants something, he should take it. Love him.

And I love the balance of humor and angst in every chapter! Greg? Greg who! *lol*

Author's Response: Thanks so much for the FB and great support, Gamma. I\'m still not quite sure where I\'m going to go next...I\'m leaning quite closely to another face to face between our favorite couple, I don\'t know about specifics yet, but they will end up together, I promise.

Yeah, the humor stuff, it just pops outta nowhere, I\'m a terrible smart @$$ in real life, and that\'s the sort of thing I\'d say, even knowing what the word meant! And besides, Logan is so easy to screw with that way, ya know?!

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 05/11/2007 Title: Chapter 16: Chapter 16

What?! How could you do that to me? AAAAAAHHHHH!!!

*huffs* Fine. End it on a cliffhanger. See if I care. :P

The emotion in this one was really honest, and Marie & Logan here are so alike. They're both a lot of bluster and bark on the surface but soft and hesitant underneath. It's so sweet. I also think you made a strategically good decision by putting the humor at the front of the fic but dropping it as the emotions ran deeper and became more sweet. Also technically (although I am eyeing you narrowly), the cliffhanger worked well at the end because it offset some of the sweetness.

Small quibble: I know it's common, especially in X-men fic. But it's usually not necessary to do use symbols for thoughts in any fic. There are ways of writing thoughts so it is obvious who has them (the symbols don't provide that information anyway), and it becomes part of your writing style. Symbols can be distracting.

However, you did have a complicated POV situation for this fic, and maybe that's why you decided to use them. You not only switched from his POV to hers you also included third person omniscient here: Sure, they were good friends, hung out together, shared lots of good times. He knew she worried over him like a mother hen, but couldn’t see anything beyond that. Even when everyone in the mansion knew, if you messed with one you were messing with them both. This fact was one of the first things new residents were informed of, right after the grand tour and before room assignment. This is information known neither to Marie nor Logan. And...the changing POVs make this chapter a little awkward. (It's all understandable, just a little choppy.) I actually think there's a way to convey this information without resorting to a third person omniscient's voice, because it's not beyond belief that Logan or Rogue could be aware of their own reputations. Or that some other behavior could indicate their close but undefined relationship.

But those are just small things - easily fixed. (And a beta would also help with other small things like typos and tense changes and run-ons.)

These were my favorite lines:
Marie, ya know I’m not comfortable with letting my emotions out, ‘cause when I do, they always seem to be bad ones, and they end up just flooding out, uncontrolled.
aw...and so true for Logan, IMO.

Logan begins to noticeably tense, he suddenly can’t or won’t meet Marie’s eyes, a faded spot on his jeans is all at once, more interesting to him, and receives almost all his attention and concentration.
Love that moment. Such a contrast to what went before that the heart skips. :D

Also - 'tizzy', 'Toastmaster Master of Ceremonies', and 'hellbent on the destruction of my room'? *lol*

Author's Response: So glad you liked this chappie, GM. I hemmed and hawed for a week, reading and re reading it, deciding if I couldn\'t end it a different way. I\'m really glad it got to you! I was afraid it was gonna end up corny, with the other cliffies I did.

Yeah, the POVs are what drove me the most nuts I think. I had so much I wanted to put in here, and I totally suck at trying to get out of third person (see my \'Words Unspoken\' duet). I tried to do just dialogue, like I did in the middle of chapter 10, but I just couldn\'t get it to my liking. I honestly thought about dropping you a line and asking if you\'d look it over. I\'d be very curious about your ideas for dropping the third person. Did I have a lot of typos? I try hard to catch them all. And yeah, run-ons, I\'m probably the run-on queen!

This isn\'t the end of the story, I\'m planning on at least one more chapter - the \'happily ever after\' chappie! *grin*

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 06/26/2007 Title: Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Do you know what's interesting to me? Marie seems to trust others much more than she trusts herself. She trusts the Professor to go inside her mind, and she trusts Logan not to hurt her. She trusts Hank to know what's going on.

But she doesn't trust herself to know the answer. She went searching through the library searching for something for Logan, some lead, some following of a dream of hers, but she had no expectation she'd find anything. And though she expressed doubts to the Professor about how Logan would react, when she told him, she didn't really feel *those* doubts - not that he'd be mad at her for prying or for looking, not that he'd

She doubted that he'd like that *she* was a part of his past. She doubted that she was important enough to him, that she was enough for him. Poor Marie. She has such a lot of faith. I hope she gains a little in herself. *hugs her*

This chapter didn't really settle *anything*! hahah! You meanie! Except for the fact that Logan is alright, all those same answers are waiting there for us. Are Marie & Jean Marie the same person? Related? Does Logan remember? Does he want the same things in this life as before?

*rushes off to read next chappie*

Author's Response: I didn\'t realize how much of myself is in Marie until this review of yours, GM. You really hit me between the eyes; and here I thought I was being sooooo detached in my writing!!

GAH!! There you go again with the insightful stuff that I don\'t even see and I\'m the darn author!! Gawds, you\'re good!

Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 06/26/2007 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 18

I was doing a lot of sighing and awwing and clutching my hands to my chest in this chapter. I wondered how you'd finish without a sense of anticlimax, but you kept the bittersweet tension until right at the end. And Marie *did* just have to believe it herself. She had to know it deep in her bones. Logan got there first, and he was there for her. It was very sweet - she unearthed him, and then he was the rock for her. It was made explicit with the symbolism of his claws - physical - and then she has to make that leap of faith. She knows - in *his* bones. :D

I think this may be my favorite chapter in terms of writing and descriptions. It *flowed*, for lack of a better word, and it was very visual.

He turns to look at me, his face still that unnerving calm. He fingers one of my platinum locks and tucks it away behind my ear. “Ya always looked so pretty with your hair piled up on top of ya head in that bun. Even when the wisps of gray would fall loose like they always did.”
My heart melted.

Logan was finally remembering things that were at least real, real bits and pieces of his past. They were a part of him again and hopefully their revelation would lead to more.

But what about me?
Yes, her desperation and uncertainty came through in words and in deeds - clutching the shirt, studying him. And it was like she reading his face, focusing only on him because if it was ok for him, it might be ok for her - until it wasn't, not quite enough. Because what if his past wasn't also *hers*? What if she wasn't the love of his life that he made a family with? Jealousy, right there. And what's more - what if she was his descendant? *shudder* She was finally honest with herself that she wanted him "as a woman loves a *man*", but what if that wasn't possible? Or enough?

I don’t know if it was the gaping hole that opened up under my nose or the clattering of utensils that caught his attention first.
At least he had the common decency not to belly-laugh at me; I’m sure I must have looked like a prize Bass on the end of a hook.
Haha! Marie is given to hypberbole about herself. She comes off as almost aggressively flippant when she's insecure: "“Logan, I got a part of me screaming for us to get on with it and another part that’s hiding in a dark corner, refusing to come out!” But Logan calms her down, and if she just takes a nice breather, like that five minutes outside the Professor's door, she can handle anything.

I liked Alma. I myself am extremely cautious about OC, and Alma did rather function as a deus ex machina. But in its own way *that* worked as well - you needed something to branch the supernatural (Jean Marie/Marie, dreams) and extremely natural/practical world of this fic, and Alma did precisely that. She had elements of the everyday (the flight) and of the extraordinary (her leprechaunish appearance).

Looking back over the fic, I can see you struggle a little with pacing, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but I think that comes from writing a fic along the way. You got better at it as well, and wrapped up this chapter, this story, really well. I was engaged the entire chapter.

Marie and Logan had story arcs as well - Logan was a lot more volatile and Marie more introverted when the story began. But their transformations make sense, too - love. *grins* And I love how much they love each other in this chapter. It goes deeper than friendship.

Thanks so much for sharing! Enjoyed the ride immensely. ;)

Author's Response: Wow! Thanks so much for the wonderful words of encouragement, your beautiful insights, and peeks into what feelings *my* writing evoked in you. I never much thought about what others might think of my ramblings, I pretty much write what I like. But nice comments and constructive criticism are good to get also...and you do both!!

Thanks so much GM; I always looked forward to your comments!

“I’m so fucking cold and tired…”

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2805 - Hits: 4189
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/09/2007 - Last Updated: 02/09/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed star star star star star
Date: 02/12/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I don't actually *like* this fic in a way. At the same time, I think it's incredible. I think you managed a kind of detached description throughout that was indicative of Rogue's state of mind, her body-mind disconnect, how good everything can feel, how certain even when you're down and know nothing about what's really going on.

And the sex was *incredibly* hot! More hot, somehow, because Wolverine was intimate but not particular. He made a deal. He got what he wanted. But neither of them are getting what they need. Wolverine is so fucking cold. I think they both are.

Author's Response: Don\'t know why, but at the moment everything I try, all the fics I try to write come out like this. I have a good life, great hubby, lovely kid and a cat that drives me nuts. Yet I feel somehow detatched, and that feeling leaks to my writings. Probably have to put aside WIP\'s until I feel normal again. Yup. They\'re both cold. I\'m not sure if Marie has always been this cold, or did the shock of seeing \'uncle Logan\' again after five year\'s absence and his proposal made her like that.

It was just a nightmare.

Rated: R
Categories: X2
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst, Dark
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1265 - Hits: 1433
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/10/2007 - Last Updated: 02/10/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/12/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

"And as much as he would like to think in the light of the day, that he would just heal her, in the darkness he knows there’s no way he could bring himself to touch her again."

Wow. What a reversal from most canon. Loved that, made me catch my breath. I'm not so sure I'd call it selfish. Maybe all this time I've been selfish thinking that he always *should* for Marie? I can't blame him for thinking that he's given up enough of himself already.

"Twice he has done it, given a piece of his life, his personality and memories along energy needed to repair damage done to her body. Twice. Second touch nearly killed him, and brought forth sudden realization. Third would do him in. And as much as he loathes the life he’s living, he’s not ready to let go."

Logan has always been the ultimate survivor. I think he'd always want to survive, too.

I'm not so sure I'd call this selfish bastard Logan as desperate Logan. It's pretty clear he loathes himself, even as he does the only thing he knows to give himself the space he needs. And when he's better, he may never forgive himself for this moment.

The world's not always a pretty place, and Logan has seen a great deal of it. I loved the way you turned fanfic conventions on their head here.

Author's Response: Actually this is something I have wondered for a while now. In the end Logan is just a man. Not even a nice man. Fighter that drinks a lot and doesn\'t give a flying fuck for other people\'s well-being. Why should he be any different towards Marie? Okay, he may love her, well actually he has to love her, nobody would do things he did to a casual aquintance, but he got tortured and nearly died because of Marie. No matter how much he feels for her, I don\'t think he would be willing to go through anymore pain because of her. Not if it can be avoided by simply staying out of her reach.

When Rogue gave Logan his tags back, she gave him something else. Rogue reflects. Takes place on the car ride from North Salem to Boston in X2.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: X2, AU
Characters: None
Genres: Drabble
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1612 - Hits: 2491
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/11/2007 - Last Updated: 02/11/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/12/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

I think you've nailed Logan's voice, his slight teasing, the edge, the worry underlaying it. I also liked the characterizations of Bobby and John, their slight peevishness with the decidedly more manly Logan, the way they baited each other, egged each other on. Bobby's jealousy. How Marie didn't know how to be with Logan and those two in the car at the same time. Very true to life, IMO.

“What do you say we take off, kid?” Logan grimaces, cracking his knuckles. It’s loud, and it makes my stomach churn.

“It hasn’t been five minutes yet,” I point out, for reasons I cannot fathom. Logan just propositioned me, whether it was serious or not, to run away with him. I twirl my hair and avoid his sweet, chocolate frosting colored eyes. He reaches across me and, instinctively, I recoil as much as possible. He gives me ‘the Laughlin eyebrow’, as I’ve affectionately named it, and mentally I bang my head against the dashboard. He pops open the glove box and snoops around. “I don’t think Professor Summers would appreciate you going through his things, Logan.”

**** The UST is killing me here. The whites of his eyes. His Laughlin brow. The confined intimacy of the car, the way his arm stretches out over her seat, the way she's rearranging her nightgown and her hair.

This Rogue is so true to the movies, I think. Sexually aware but unsure and inexperienced due to her mutation. Wise. A little sassy. Knows she's playing with fire.

I'm not so sure I'd always describe L&M as a sports car and a truck respectively, *lol*, but I liked the metaphor for this fic. And I'm now imagining this exchange inserted into X2. *sighs my shipper heart* Because there weren't enough moments in that film. Great short fic.

Author's Response: Thank you :) You give the best, most constructive reviews!

Logan mocks Scott's leather slippers. Big mistake. BIG.

Rated: PG-13
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Foof, Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1577 - Hits: 2965
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/13/2007 - Last Updated: 02/13/2007
Reviewer: Gamma meta Signed
Date: 02/18/2007 Title: Chapter 1: Swashbuckle!

*lol* There were too many parts to snip! I'd be snipping the entire post, and that'd Hehe.

But I loved the idea, that these two men were really just aching to fight each other. It could have been over something or nothing, but they were rather determined. And it kept escalating, each having so much fun they didn't really stop.

Johnny Depp vs. Johnny Depp? The whip from Indiana Jones? *lol* The Jaws theme as no one casually wonders if Logan is actually too heavy to swim. Hehe. Jean getting popcorn, and Rogue's indecisiveness as she thinks twice about telling a *telepath* her husband just grabbed her ass. The constant references to the wetness, the hotness, distracted by their bodies.

Where *do* you come up with these things?

But, ok, I lied, some snipping! I think I love the insults they throw at each other - the pacing and everything as you let the audience imagine the fight themselves:

"That the best ya can do One-eye?" Thump.

"Canine." Kick.

"Pansy." Headbutt...and ouch, that one looked like it hurt.

Get OFF me you hairy lug!"

"Then stop hittin' me you tight assed fuckin' bastard!"
School boy," Logan growled as Scott charged at him, sending him sprawling.

"Thug...oof!" Scott found Logan's fist returning the gesture.

"That didn't hurt ya...pansy."

"You said...*gasp*...that one already."

"Ya...OUCH!...*anal* pansy."

*chuckles* I get a real kick out of how lame their insults are and how much they mean them.

Author's Response: Lol - I know - I always got the impression in the movies that they enjoy disliking each other - they were just waiting for the right opportunity *g*. But then there\'s nothing serious behind it. I imagined it to be one of those really girly fights, with kicking and bitch slapping and feeble insults - the sort that make me giggle *sniggers*. Just because it\'s so unmanly and they\'re both so... macho. Bless \'em. Wish I could take them both home with me... *sighs* :o)