WitchBaby [Contact]
Real name: Sky Rose
Member Since: 09/26/2010
Membership Status: Member

Yahoo IM: WitchBaby
Hi. Um, not sure what I'm supposed to put here...I'm female, in my mid 20s, I live on an island off the coast of New England and have 2 dogs and 1 fiance. So yeah, that's me in 25 words or less.
Reviews by WitchBaby
"Every living creature on Earth dies alone." - Donnie Darko

They thought the war was over, that the dream had finally come true, mutants and humans living in peace, but beneath the quiet surface something was stirring. Logan should have known, trusted his instincts, but being with the X-men had made him softer then he realized and when he woke up back in that sterile cell with a collar around his neck, he knew he had only himself to blame.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: AU, Comicverse
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Adult, Dark, General, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: Cutting, Not Beta Read, Rape/Non-Con

Series: None
Chapters: 30
Wordcount: 59524 - Hits: 210575
Complete?: No - Published: 04/21/2013 - Last Updated: 05/15/2013
Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 04/30/2013 Title: Chapter 18: Chapter 17: Way Too Damn Long

*fans myself* smexy lemon, great job! i like how you included colossus in your story, he's a nice dude. and i can't wait to see what happens next. how will the group get in touch with the x-men? will everyone at the mansion accept rogue? will rogue even want to stay there? fabulous update, eager for more!

Author's Response: Hehe. Logan made me do it. He said after Marie jumped him in the last chapter he was gonna do it with or without me because, as he reminded me, he has been locked up in that lab for nearly six months and a man has needs. Lol. I love Colossus, I\'ve always seen him as sort of a big brother figure for Rogue for some reason and wanted Rogue to have a few people on \"her side\" before she meets the X-men just in case so we\'ll be seeing more of him. :) as always thanks for the comments :D haven\'t had as much time to write the past few days as I would have liked but that should ease up soon and I\'ll get back to posting multiple chapters a day instead of just one.

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 04/30/2013 Title: Chapter 15: Chapter 14: Less Yelling, More Moving

if that group of rescued mutants doesn't give rogue their undying loyalty, i'll be pissed. i mean, she went back in the compound after escaping, broke them out (with logan's help of course) and saved all their lives with her shield. seriously impressive right there.

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 04/30/2013 Title: Chapter 19: Chapter 18: A Complicated Man

aw. now i kinda feel bad for victor. it's like he wants rogue but doesn't know how to go about getting her (at least willingly). would he turn her over to magneto if she picked him? i'm not sure. maybe i'm just a softie... ;-)

Author's Response: Yeah, he\'s really struggling with the whole situation b/c he\'s never gone through anything like this before and on one hand he really hates the feelings and confusion and yet there\'s a part of him that\'s interested and likes them and wants more. He\'s very bipolar about it all too, so I\'m not sure if he would hand her in to Magneto or not. It would probably just depend on his mood and if she\'d done anything to piss him off right beforehand. lol. BTW, thank you for commenting on each chapter! I think I write now partially just to read your comments! :D

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/01/2013 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 19: Castrate, Then Maim, Then Kill

i liked bolt from origins, plus dominic is adorable. and damn, it's kinda cute how wolverine has fanboys. i can imagine them trailing after him like ducklings... ;-)

i wonder what creed's going to do with rogue...? will he be feeling selfish and want to keep her, or will he give her over to magneto? i'm guessing magneto wants her for his machine. will the x-men help logan rescue her? or will they write her off since she's only one mutant? i hope some of the able bodied mutants saved from the lab will offer to help get rogue back.

loved the chapter and i'm eager for more as always!!!

ps i can totally see why rogue was distracted by sabertooth and wolverine fighting, too bad she can't have both... ;-)

Author's Response: Wolverines groupies came out of the blue, just sort of appered on the page as I was typing but I love the idea of them so much now they\'ll have a big part in the rest of the story and they will fit right in with the final chapters I\'ve already written. Still a bit to go between here and there though :) and I was distracted just by writing about sabertooth and wolverine fighting lol so I don\'t blame rogue in the least. :D

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/03/2013 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Sex On Wheels

oh yay! they're going after her! i knew at least piotr and bolt would help! i hope rogue's ok wherever she is, maybe sabertooth will make sure she's not abused by mags? it's cool you're incorporating legacy in your story, it's such a great plot line. as always, i'm eager the next update! especially for the rescue and for rogue to meet the x-men!

Author's Response: It fit in great with the storyline I was going for and its very classic X-men. Even people who don\'t really read the comics prob have at least heard in some way of the Legacy Virus. Lots of action coming up, so much in fact, I\'m writing between three different chapters as ideas come to me. :)

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/03/2013 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Smelled Like An Awful Way To Die

oh how exciting! things are really speeding up! i'm so glad victor is looking after rogue, even if it's somewhat stilted and awkward for him. oh and the last line about being an animal but keeping his promises was perfect! so well done!

i can't wait for logan and his fanboys to arrive, though i have faith rogue could take care of herself. (loved the bit where sabertooth was admiring her stubbornness!) great job!!!

Author's Response: Thank you! I got such a soft spot for Creed at the end of the day. I guess b/c him and Wolverine are so much alike, but on two different ends of the same spectrum. If you change a few different events in history and Wolverine could have easily ended up like Sabertooth or Sabertooth could have ended up like Wolverine. So its hard not to at least have a little soft spot for the guy. He\'s like the bad guy you don\'t want to like but have to because every now and again he does something heroic that makes you think, well he ain\'t so bad. \r\n\r\nI would love if someone who was good at writing like fluffy/funny/happy W/R fan fiction would write one about Rogue, Logan and his fan boys, cos I could see some hilarious stuff going on b/c of them.

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed star star star star star
Date: 05/03/2013 Title: Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Fastball Special

noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't leave it there! what happens next?!? is she ok?! gaah! i must know!!! ;-)

Author's Response: Can\'t give it all away in one go :D otherwise what would you have to look forward to tomorrow lol. Glad you liked the chapter I was surprised how long it ended up being but extremely pleased with myself for finding a way to get the fastball special in. Granted in the comics it\'s usually Colossus throwing Wolverine. I promise more tomorrow, that\'s my promise :)

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/04/2013 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 23: My Nonnegotiable Voice

holy shit!!! another heart pounding chapter! the bit where logan and victor were searching for rogue was so poignant, it said a lot about how she's affected both of them. and i so adore the parts where wolverine gets control when he's separated from rogue, very squee-worthy. ;-)

i also like how marie gave the info to creed, it was a nice acknowledgement of his efforts for her. i loved how you described him as an animal, but not in a disparaging way. he's just more primal and connected to his instincts than nearly everyone else. 'course he's still wicked dangerous, but he's more like a wild creature than a serial killer. great depiction.

and now rogue's infected and logan's touched her, dun, dun, DUNNN! i hope that at least they end up in the same boat, so to speak- they're either both infected or both cured.

anyhoo, enjoy your new comics (and that new comic smell!), can't wait to see what you have planned!

Author's Response: Yeah, I think one of the reasons both Wolverine and Sabertooth feel such a connection with her is because she really understands them, at the base of it, and whether its just because she\'s that understanding of a person in general or because of her time in the lab or if its because of the feral part of her it doesn\'t really matter. She knew that Sabertooth would want to know who was behind everything, she\'d understand his need for revenge and she wanted to give him what help she could because she understood if the roles were reversed, she would want someone to do it for her. I just couldn\'t see her NOT telling him, because when she took Wild Child\'s memories and saw all the plotting, she probably got really pissed off, as she does, and it would have been one of things foremost in her head, \"If I survive, I need to tell Sabertooth this, because if I knew someone had backstabbed me and tried to kill me I\'d want to know everything so I could kill everyone of those bastards.\" In my head, when I think of the feral mutants and animal instinct, I just think that trust, honesty, honor, those sorts of things are very important. It\'s why Sabertooth and Wolverine respect each other as much as they hate each other, its why Wolverine coming to find Rogue was such a big deal for her, its why Sabertooth hated to see Rogue being drugged, its why Wolverine and Rogue hated seeing Wild Child torture Sabertooth and why Wild Child gets no respect b/c hes a sneaking sneak who plays dirty.. its just a huge part of their dynamic and while Sabertooth is in no way the good guy, I mean ripping Logan\'s throat out is not really nice guy behavior.. at the same time he isn\'t just like, this mindless killing machine who has no thought or anything. He just doesn\'t have any control, which I mean, I doubt most animals do. I can\'t see a lion having an intense internal dialogue contemplating the qualities of life and death and morality before attacking its dinner (or maybe they do). I know my cat sure as hell doesn\'t lol. Survive. Food. Eat. Simple. Least that\'s how I picture it anyways. Logan\'s a bit different because he\'s retained more of his humanity, and I think his feral part is more of a side mutation to dominate claws/healing, where as with Sabertooth, I think the feral is the dominate mutation, and the healing/claws is more of a side effect of that. Least in my head that\'s how it all plays out and that\'s how I think of them when I write. :) And that turned into a HUGE long ramble that I didn\'t really intend lol

And I love my new comics! Yay new comic smell! Especially the free ones, but I mean who doesn\'t love a big bag of free comics (even if none of them are X-men). I think my favorite though is the X-Babies comic I snagged. I\'ve read bits of it before online, but not the whole thing and it was just screaming at me to buy it because I mean honestly, who doesn\'t love an itty bitty Wolverine and itty bitty Rogue running around kicking butt! :)

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/07/2013 Title: Chapter 25: Chapter 24: Back In Business

love how this is in creed's pov, fun change up. you wrote him well too, it felt authentic. and i like how even he's not sure what exactly is going on between him and rogue. it's almost as if he respects her and maybe even likes her as a person, but isn't quite sure how to recognize that or deal with it. great job!

Author's Response: Thanks! He\'s definitely a big part of the story so I\'ve added his POV into the rotation. Besides, we need someone to tell us what the heck is going on plot wise while Rogue and Logan deal with drama/angst/etc. at Xaviers. ;)

Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 05/07/2013 Title: Chapter 26: Chapter 25: Define; Fear

aw, this chapter was so cute and funny in parts. i loved the back and forth and rapport between rogue and logan. i can totally see why rogue would be pissed (and scared) by what logan did, but i'm glad she thanked him.

but wtf is going on with the virus and them? are they ok? are they infectious? what's gonna happen?! as always, can't wait for the next update, great job!

Author's Response: Thanks :) Sometimes I get really nervous writing some of the back and forth dialogue with them because I don\'t want anything to come across as out of character or too cheesy, but that being said, some of the stuff in the comics is extremely cheesy so I guess I shouldn\'t be too worried. Next chapter is up and answers all the questions. :D

Logan and Marie have some fun in the woods.

Rated: NC-17
Categories: X1
Characters: None
Genres: Adult, PWP, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1913 - Hits: 3965
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/26/2013 - Last Updated: 04/26/2013
Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 04/26/2013 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

awesome, sexy story! thanks for sharing!

Author's Response: Thanks! There\'s just something about the idea of Logan in the woods that just seems to inspire my muse. ;) (I can\'t imagine why...) lol

Follow Logan and Rogue on their first year of married life.

Rated: Adult
Categories: AU
Characters: None
Genres: None
Tags: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 13
Wordcount: 21033 - Hits: 59565
Complete?: No - Published: 06/25/2013 - Last Updated: 08/07/2013
Reviewer: WitchBaby Signed
Date: 06/28/2013 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10

beautiful story, i really like it! thanks for sharing!