Sakashi [Contact]
Real name: Laura
Member Since: 06/01/2008
Membership Status: Member

Yahoo IM: sakashi
Newish- comer [think I'm going on about a year of finding the joys of this site]to the Rogan (Which that name confuses me, if it's Ro/Rog- for Rogue, and the -Gan/-An for Logan. Shouldn't it be a mix of either Rogue and Wolverine, or Marie and Logan? Granted those don't flow off the tongue as well, but I mean it makes more sense that way. Oops Sorry, that's the CDO kicking in, it's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be. ;B )
Before Rogan my main shipping was Kaka/Saku (of Naruto :Gets pelted with rotten fruit for being a Narutard:). Before that my first shipping was Sesshomaru/Rin (Of Inuyasha).
Noticing a pattern there? Yeah, so am I. I've considered actually pondering it in depth, but I'll just chalk it all up to natural selection, going for the strongest most dominant male, all that stuff. Makes me feel less.... disturbed.... on the inside.
I absolutely love this shipping, and fell in love with it when I re-watched X1 and X2. When I was younger and first saw the movies I did see the connection between them, but at that age (I was like, what, 11-ish maybe?) I wasn't into Fanfiction. Although, I did get started on a huge X-men kick at that age. (My first account on an internet site ((Neopets)) was X-related (MutantToad)) And what I realize now is that I REALLY did not appreciate those skin hugging leather suits at that age either. ;3
I've read a large amount of the W/R FF out there, both on this site and on FF and AFF. And other sites too.
Anyways, whatever I haven't explained here may be asked and I shall answer!
I'd love to beta if you need it, although there's no guarantee that I could help at all, I'm still in high school, with a total of three AP [Advanced Placement, it means that they're actual college level classes] and currently have a hard work load.