“Logan, wait!” She screamed, but it was already too late.
*Looks like beheading works just fine for vampires, too…* Logan grunted, watching when Claude’s body and severed head disintegrated to dust at his feet.
*I’d much rather curl at your feet as a beast than cry over your grave as a man, Marie. What ever Claude was talking about, it was already too late. Sun is rising in few hours. Had he been alive then, you… You would have been gone.*
“You could have at least asked what he was talking about before you killed him!”
*Why stall the inevitable? And at best he would have only told us lies. They do anything to stay alive. If there is a permanent cure, why haven’t I heard about it before? Heck, why haven’t you heard about it before?* Logan asked, kicking at the pile of ashes Claude had left behind. Marie could hear how uncertain he was.
“But what if there is a cure? What if he was telling the truth?” She asked. Logan shook his head.
*I don’t believe it. But if there is one, we’ll find it, sooner or later…* He murmured.
*Right now we have bigger problems at hand.* He pointed somewhere behind Marie’s back and she turned to look.
*You’ll be dead until the sun rises. We have to get out of here before they make a meal out of you,* Logan said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the opposite direction, away from approaching ghouls.

“Do you even want to get rid of it?” She huffed when they stopped. They had been running from ghouls, she was exhausted from lack of rest and hunger. Being dead wasn’t helping the matter. Now that Claude was dead, every nice little quirk she had had as half-vampire were gone. No more superior sense or powers. She was just a dead girl with a pair of very clumsy feet and spinning head.
*Want to get rid of it? Marie!*
“I’m just saying it doesn’t look like that.”
*What does it look like, then?* Logan asked with a venomous voice.
“Like you’re liking a bit too much the way you are now.”
*You think I like this? Big and clumsy, I can’t touch you; I’m drooling for God’s sakes! And I’m not even going to start about the things I have to eat…*
“Just stop it! Stop lying! I’m not stupid! You like it when you’re bigger and meaner than the things you’re supposed to hunt, Isn’t that right?”
*It really gives an advantage in some situations… Hadn’t even thought about that…*
*No time to argue now. You can chew my head off later.*

Ghouls were approaching fast. Faster than she had thought would be possible. They looked slow, stupid and clumsy, but they were very determined and hungry, some of them even gnawing their own rotten arms when they stumbled after her.

“I can’t… I… We have to stop, I don’t feel so well…”
*Stop whining and run! They’re going to make a meal out of you!* Logan growled, reaching for her hand, but it was already too late. She fell down, exhausted, unable to move. Ghouls let out a collective shriek of victory, gathering around her. She could hear Logan howling. Wet, soggy and slimy hands grasped her, stench of rot and decay nearly suffocating. She struggled feebly, and then Logan was there. Blur of fur and claws, tearing in to dead flesh.

He stood above her, shielding her from greedy corpses, pushing them back and tearing them apart limb from limb, teeth gnashing and jaws crunching bones, crushing skulls and snapping vertebras.

*Do I like it when I’m bigger and meaner than them?* He asked, his gaze following torso that tried to crawl to Marie. It was about to take a bite from her cheek when Logan’s foot landed on top of its skull.
*I do. God damn me, but I do!* He leaned on the skull with his whole weight, crushing it, grinding it to a squishy pulp right in front of her eyes.
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