**What the hell is this?** Wolverine snarled when it found itself shackled. Marie suppressed shiver and stood tall and straight in front of it.
“You lied. There’s no such thing as bonding.” She managed to mask the trembling of her voice almost perfectly.
**Really? And this is the payback? What’s next? Some whipping, perhaps?**
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet in to your skull and end this for once and for all…” Marie hissed. Wolverine smirked, revealing a gleaming row of teeth.
**Wouldn’t that ruin your plans for the future… With that pathetic hunter you’re mating with…**
“Shut up.”
**You could do so much better… Just a one small nick, and come the next full moon you would know how good it feels with a real wolf…**
“Shut up.”
**Just a small bite… We could hunt together… Mate together… We could have a pack…**
“Shut up!”
**Make me,** wolf dared her, turning its gleaming eyes to the muzzle.
**I won’t bite… Too hard…**

She turned her back nauseated. To think she had actually talked with the beast, trusted to it… All she wanted to do right now was to force it out from Logan. Beat it, drown it to the cure, make it release the man she loved.
“Two nights, and it will be over…” She whispered. All she had to do was to endure two short nights of insults and threats, and Logan would be back for good.
**Immunity is not unheard of…** Wolf chuckled.
“Be silent!”
**Cure may force me to stay away for a while, but do you really think it’ll work forever? From where do you think all those wolves hunters chase come from? Cure isn’t exactly a secret…** Wolverine snickered.
“I’m not listening…” Marie huffed and walked away.
**Go! Run, little bitch! Before I get out of these chains and eat you!**

She didn’t run, and she didn’t walk very far, either. Just far enough to block out Wolverine’s taunting voice. Logan had suggested using a muzzle if it got too noisy, but she wasn’t going to stick her fingers anywhere near those jaws. She could hear horses and the mule shuffling nervously in the darkness. She walked to them. Time to eat. And start working. There had been ten small vials of cure in brother Jeremiah’s bag, but they needed more. Much more.

She wasn’t sure what had possessed her to buy and gather ingredients needed to prepare the cure, but she had everything she needed, neatly packed to the bottom of the backpack. She gathered enough dry wood to keep the fire going through the process and lit a campfire. Took out garlic, silver and holy water and went upon her task.

Rustling of dry branches woke her up. Fire had gone out hours ago and she had fallen asleep, cradling a small pouch filled with vials of cure against her chest. Sun was rising. Again something moved. More rustling.
“Logan?” She called out. Instead of man she had been waiting for a small rabbit wobbled from the bushes, and upon noticing her fled back to the thick undergrowth. At least wolverine was gone again. She doubted if the rabbit would have gotten this close if the wolf was still trashing in its chains.

Logan was sitting on the ground, free from chains and manacles, leaning his back against a tree. Bits and pieces of fur still clung to his skin and he was shivering slightly.
“Good morning,” Marie greeted him. He just kept staring to nothingness. She reached her hand, but he flinched away from her, soft warning growl rumbling from deep inside of him.
“Watch it…” She pulled her hand away confused.
“Silver. Garlic juice. Holy water,” Logan rumbled the list of ingredients.
“You have those on your skin. Scent of it… It makes me sick.” He still didn’t look at her.
“But… You’re going to take the cure later, right?” Marie asked with wavering voice.
“Later. Yeah. Now? Stay the hell away from me. Go and pack our stuff. I’ll get dressed and run past that last village. There’s a small lake ahead. Meet me there before the sunset.”
“Okay…” She turned to leave.
“Oh, shit…” She heard Logan huffing. Clink of iron when it fell from his lap when he stood up.

“Come here…” Logan’s hand landed on her shoulder and he spun her around, backing her against the tree. His lips sought hers, his strong hands cupping her face and his body grinding against hers. He was trembling.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” She cut off his pleading voice by kissing him again, whimpering slightly, wanting to touch him, her hands hanging limply on her sides. Logan grasped her wrists and brought her hands to his hips, hissing and grimacing slightly from the contact.
“No, I don’t want to hurt you…” Marie tried to push him away. Logan snarled and grasped her wrists harder.
“It hurts, but it doesn’t matter. It riles up Wolverine. Throws it off from balance. And we can’t really do this without you touching me…” He purred, lowering his head to her throat and nipping her lightly, letting go of one of her wrists and letting his hand wander downwards, settling it to the crotch of her pants and giving her a slight squeeze.
“Oh…” Her hips bucked instinctively, trying to get more pressure from his palm.
“Take your clothes off.” She shed her pants and shirt hurriedly; feverish gleam in Logan’s eyes telling now wasn’t the time for gentleness and drawing it out slowly.

He held her against the tree and entered with one swift thrust, making her gasp from sudden intrusion.
“Wrap you legs around me…” Logan urged her, hoisting her up from behind her knees, opening her completely.
“Be careful…” She whispered, finding it hard to relax. She knew Logan wouldn’t let her fall, he wouldn’t intentionally hurt her in any way, but there was simply so much of him wrapped around her and inside of her. He practically dwarfed her smaller frame with his bulk.
“I won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be afraid,” Logan whispered, his eyes locked to hers. His hands left her legs and cupped her face.
“I won’t hurt you…” He rocked his hips slowly, barely moving inside of her, but providing delicious friction to her clit. She winced a bit when she felt the bark of the tree scraping her back. Logan turned around, bending his knees so that she rested on top of his thighs. His hands cupped her buttocks and he started grinding against her, moving in and out of her core more rapidly. She clung to his shoulders, now completely oblivious to their surrounding, her whole being narrowing around the slick cavern and his cock pounding in there. She could hear Logan gasping and cursing silently. There was something slick and wet under her palms.
“Don’t… Don’t look… Just feel…” Logan hissed when she was about to open he eyes. And she felt. Felt every move he made. Shifting of muscle. Small twitches. His hands kneading her buttocks. His lips and tongue leaving a moist trail over her breasts. Dull teeth clamping over her nipples finally released the tension that had been building inside of her, and she came, with Logan close on her heels.

“Oh, Goddess! Why didn’t you tell me anything?” She exclaimed. Skin on Logan’s shoulders had blistered, and partly peeled off. Small trickles of blood were flowing over his chest. He was smiling.
“It doesn’t matter…” He slid his hand between her thighs, fingers brushing through her wet curls, and brought them in front of her face.
“This is what matters. Us.” She could smell their combined scent. Curiosity got the better of her. She grabbed his hand and licked his fingers. One tentative lick. Logan growled, closing his eyes.
“Christ…” She braved herself and suckled his index finger. It didn’t taste bad. Just different.
“Marie… I will throw you down and fuck you again if you don’t stop that right now. And we don’t have time for fooling around. We have to get moving.”

She felt reckless and giddy. Horses and the mule seemed to understand her elevated mood, and put on their best behavior, obeying her from the slightest hint. Logan had used foul language. He had treated her roughly. Yet she hadn’t felt this loved never before. This wanted. Logan wanted her. Logan. Next night would be the last for Wolverine. Last night they would be letting it out. After that it would be only her and Logan.
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