"Sunny day, chasing the clouds away…"

"Guiet' ewerybody… iss' stawting." Said a four year old Scott as he shushed the other X-babies in the room.

Next to him, Jean beamed as Elmo appeared on screen; she just loved red.

Just then, Logan rode into the room on his big wheel, well… Scott's big wheel.

"Hey Marie, wanna' go for a ride?"

Little Marie, clad in only her green Oscar pajamas, shook her head.

She ran up to Logan and dragged him towards the television set.

The five year old cringed, "Change it ta' Power Rangers."

Scott, who was cuddling Jean, chimed in; "We not ah-lowwd."

A small but dangerous pillow promptly hit the little leader in the back of the head.


A six year old Hank looked up from the very intriguing Harry Potter book he was reading, "Oh dear... not again."
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