Logan’s hands were locked in a death grip on the steering wheel as he drove away from Xavier’s; glancing sideways every so often to stare none-to-subtlety at the young girl next to him.

The scenery further north wasn’t much to look at, but Rogue gazed out of the truck’s window in feigned awe as though the snowy trees that whizzed by were the most interesting rural detail since the birth of the first cow.

Logan noted the changes in posture and overall attitude that signaled the shift between Jean in Rogue’s head and just Rogue; it made a part of him hurt though he couldn’t pin point exactly why.

Neither of the pair had said a word since leaving the mansion and awkward could not even begin to describe the tension building up within the confined space of the truck’s cab.

After about half a day’s drive, Logan pulled into a motel.

He had been reaching for his duffel bag between the seats when he was caught off guard by Jean's/Rogue's voice.

“Don’t you want to know?” she asked; seemingly mystified that Logan hadn’t prodded her for more answers once they were on the road.

His response was desolate; “I’m not sure.” Logan pulled his bag across the driver’s seat and made a move to open the door when he hesitated; waiting as though he was hoping for a response, anything to make the inevitable conversation easier.

An eternity seemed to pass before a voice cut through the silence, “No, you have to know. You have to know what she did for you… for us.”

It was quiet again for a beat before Logan shifted toward her, “Then tell me… tell me everything.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong Logan, it was my choice… it was my choice and I chose you.”

Rogue had more to add, but she knew that it would have only made matters more complicated.

Jean wouldn’t have chosen him; not if Scott were still around.

She would’ve cheated with Logan; no doubt about that, but every morning she’d wind up lying next to Scott again which was where she belonged in the first place.

~You’re right Rogue, at this point I couldn’t lie even if I wanted to, but you’re right. ~

Rogue didn’t need Jean to tell her that, she didn’t need Jean to tell her what she already knew too well.

~ I know. You cared- care about him, but it’s not love. It never was, was it? ~

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