Author's Chapter Notes:
I still own nothing. Sad but true.
Logan woke up in the medi-lab below the school. His whole body ached, and he had no memory of why he was hurting so much.

“Don’t move, Logan. I have you attached to every machine in the lab.” Dr McCoy’s familiar deep voice greeted him.

“What happened?” Logan felt like his mouth was full of cotton. He looked around and tried to focus his eyes.

“You don’t remember?”

“Gee Doc, that’s why I asked what happened! Get these things off of me. I hate needles.” Logan tried to sit up, only to feel violent vertigo, and lay back down again.

“Would you like some water?” Dr. McCoy asked helpfully.

“Yes, and tell me what the fuck happened!” The yelling hurt his head, but not knowing whey he was in such a state was starting to piss him off. The Doc brought him one of those little paper cups filled with water. It soothed his mouth and he was able to sit up before he finished drinking it.

“Easy. Go slow. I had you on some intravenous fluids, you don’t want to pull the I. V.s out.” He made quick work of removing the needles and monitoring equipment from Logan’s chest and arms.

“How long was I out for?” Logan crumpled the cup into a little ball and threw it across the room.

“Just a few hours this time.”

“What do you mean 'this time?'” Logan’s patience was wearing thin.

“It says in your records the last time Rogue touched you, you were unconscious for two days. Of course, she was close to death at the time, and she drew out a significant amount of your energy. I’d venture to guess she only touched you for a few moments this time.” He turned off all the monitors and turned to face Logan.

It all came rushing back to him in an instant. The haze that had surrounded Logan’s mind dissipated and he could remember everything clearly. Standing in Marie’s doorway, trying to talk her out of leaving, wanting to claim her, and of course grabbing her and kissing her.

“Oh God,” he whispered.

“You remember now?” McCoy went to scribble in the medical chart on the counter.

“Where is she? I need to talk to her. Now.” Logan stood up and stalked to the door.

“She left, Logan. Right after it happened. No one has seen her. Ororo is on her way to talk to you.”

“And Rogue’s mutation? The Cure?” he asked as he paused in the hallway.

“A failure; it’s only a matter of time before the news becomes public. I’m sorry, Logan.”

“Me too, Doc.” He stopped outside the elevator and watched as the doors opened to reveal Storm.

“Logan! You’re awake!” She stepped forward and hugged him tight. He let her wrap her arms around him, and lay her head against his chest. She had been worried about him. That much was obvious. “Did Dr McCoy tell you about the Cure?”

“Yeah. Rogue’s mutation is back.” He shook his head and moved away from her. “I have to find her. I’m taking the truck.” He stepped into the elevator and waited for the doors to close. Storm moved to stand beside him.

She began to talk as the elevator lurched and carried them to the upper levels of the school.

“What if she doesn’t want to come back, Logan? You can’t make her.” Storm crossed her arms over her chest and regarded him coolly. “We need you here. She left on her own. There are kids that need your protection now. People that count on you, Logan. You can’t leave.”

“Watch me.” He looked into her eyes so that she’d be sure to understand him. “I am going to find her. She is the reason…” He stopped talking as memories swirled around in his mind. The first time he saw Marie in that shitty bar in Laughlin City. When he stabbed her in the chest in a midst of a nightmare, only to wake up and find that the waking world was worse than the one he dreamed. The night she nearly died in his arms, and nearly killed him as well. Their history was one of violence and tenderness. He longed to protect her and keep her safe from the big bad world, and at the same time he wanted to give her personal lessons on the intricacies of sex in public places. “I’m going.”

“You’ll leave me here alone? What happens when the truth about the Cure becomes public? All hell will break loose.” Storm narrowed her eyes and stood in front of the elevator doors, effectively blocking his path.

“Move out of my way.” Logan cracked his neck and tried to slow his breathing. This wasn’t going well.

“Please Logan, don’t go.” She was begging him now. Her eyes filled up with tears, her mouth quivered.

He didn’t want to do it. But it looked like he would have to. Logan grasped Storm around her upper arms and physically lifted her out of the way.

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to save the world. Stay here and keep the school safe.” They both knew what he didn’t say. Rogue was more important to him than the school, the world, and all the mutants in it.
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