“There has been a change of plans.” All right. This is it. Here it comes. Well, bring it on, Funny hair!
“My employer called. He’s coming to pick me up in two hours. I can’t take you to the next town.” Should have guessed. He was too good to be true.
“I’ll better be going then. There might be some truckers at the diner. In this hour even sober ones…” I start to collect my clothes and stuff. I’m not going to cry. He was decent enough not to molest me while we slept, though I have to admit I didn’t sleep all too well. I’m not used to sleeping with somebody. Especially somebody as gorgeous as Funny hair. Have to think him like that. Funny hair. Not Logan. Logan was cuddly.
“I’ll buy you a breakfast. I want to talk with you about something.” Now he sounds almost exactly like he sounded last night. Mr. Funny hair. Not going to cry. Nope. I’m just folding my nightgown. It’s actually still little warm. And I have a warm, tingly feeling on my chest. Right where his head lay just half an hour ago.
“Breakfast sounds good.” I’m quite sure it came out normally. Casual tone. Around that huge lump in my throat.

And does my host have some serious issues with food? I think my arteries are planning a strike as I speak. Eggs, bacon, sausages, ribs… From the looks of it all dipped to generous amount of butter before, and after frying. And coke. Guess he noticed I’m addicted… We sit in a booth next to a large window, and he keeps stealing glances from outside all the while we eat. He doesn’t talk much aside urging me to eat. Might as well. I have no idea when I am going to get my next meal.

“So… Everything okay?” He asks. We have been here about an hour. I’m finishing my last pancake, and he’s sipping coffee, leaning his elbows to the table. I nod. It’s not polite to talk while chewing.
“I want to make a new deal with you.” Uh… Is this the part where he asks how much for the blowjob? I hope not. Right now it would be free.
“You said you were going to see snow. It’s a good plan, nothing against that. Would it be possible to you to postpone your plan for couple of years?”
“Huh?” Now he’s lost me. Postpone my oh so luxurious and exiting adventure through sea of filthy rednecks? Well, I could be persuaded…
“I live in Westchester, near N.Y. I’m working for this guy Xavier. Quite boring, actually, but pays well. And that place is a school. Would you like to come with me?” Oh, honey, I would like to come with you. But how that relates with your work and some school… Oh.
“Are you asking me to move in with you?”

Dear God. She looks so cute, little crumble of pancake in the corner of her mouth, lips blue from blueberries, eyes wide as saucers. I can hear her heart ticking. Like a bird. Fast and little erratic. Her pupils are little dilated. From sugar, caffeine or excitement? Hard to tell, but I’m hoping for the latter.
“I figured you need a place to stay. And I’m in a situation that I’m able to offer that for you. So how about it? Think you could stand me as a roommate?” Please. Say yes. Because if you don’t, this will turn to a kidnap. I’m sure as hell not going to leave you here alone.
“I won’t probably be at home that much, so actually my place would pretty much be yours alone…” Gotcha! Definitely interested now.
“I just… I’m tired of living alone.” And that’s the truth. I have been planning to leave for couple months now. Xavier does pay well, but no amount of money can replace that feeling I got last night, just from holding her.

“What?” She looks scared, eyes fixed to something behind me. And now I can smell it. Victor. Huge hairy paw locks around my neck and I can feel his foul breath tickling my ear when he leans closer.
“Nice to see you, runt,” he whispers and licks my cheek.
“Nice to see you too…” I manage to gasp and suddenly I’m airborne. Huge window shatters, and small shards of glass rain on me when Victor throws me through it. Oh, fuck. Have to get up, have to get up… Fucking glass is so slippery… And here we go again… Oh, fuck that hurt. I think I popped my shoulder… But looks like Victor is having problems, too. Oh, shit.

Nobody, and I mean nobody touches my ride! Not after what happened last night! That is some fucking scary hairy monster man, but if I can get my hands on his skin… I think he’s planning to go after Logan. He hasn’t noticed me yet. If I’m quiet enough… Maybe… Maybe… Nope. No skin. Crap. And I think he noticed me now! Ow! That paw looked big enough to strangle Logan, and it’s around my throat now! I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!
“Scream for me…” His face is so close I could kiss him. Not that I want to. But I can pat him to the cheek. I need air…

“Let go! Let go, kid!” Somebody’s shouting. Logan. Doesn’t he understand that I can’t let go? If I let this maniac go, he will get back on his feet. He’s like Logan. My both hands are on his face, I have a firm grip from his ears and he seems to be unconscious. His voice inside my head is screaming. I’m quite good at blocking those voices, but this one is impossible. And he keeps telling me all the things he would like to do to me. I tell you, this fucker has a dirty imagination. And he’s sick to the bone.
“I can’t let go! He is healing already! I don’t know how long I can hold him!” I’m crying now. Logan huffs, grabs the back of my jacket and tosses me to the side. Within two seconds hairy monster opens his eyes.
“You wanted her to scream?” I can hear Logan asking. Other man is snickering. Logan puts his fists against his chest, and I can hear crunching sound. Other man stops snickering, and suddenly there’s a river of blood, coming from his nose and mouth. Logan stands up, wiping his hands to his jeans, leaving huge bloodstains.
“Lets go. Grab your bag.”
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