It was a large mansion just outside of the city. Much like Xavier’s school. We flew once over it, and I asked Scott to drop me off few kilometers from it.
“I could take you to the roof…”
“And alert the whole fucking pack? Are you nuts?” Well, I was going to alert the pack. I was going to walk in through the front doors, but before that I had to eat. And about that I wasn’t going to tell him. I don’t think he would have appreciated my new diet that much. Fuck. I don’t appreciate it. But I don’t have much choice in the matter.

I found a fresh trail immediately. It was only a field mouse, but it was better than nothing. I would find more on my way to the lair. Night was alive around me. Filled with scents and sounds. I found few more mice, and then I hit the jackpot. A deer. Young one. Not far ahead of me.

I ate half of the carcass, and left rest for others waiting in the shadows. Now that it was taken care of, other kind of hunger rose in me. Not for food. Lust. Lust for blood. And there just happened to be lair full of pathetic fur balls with what I could quench my hunger. But first things first. I had to find Marie and take her out.

Finding her wasn’t a big problem. I could see closed door to the cellar on the north wall of the building. Two lycans guarding it. Two big lycans. Either they kept their cubs in there, or my cub and its mother were down there. Either way, I was going to enjoy when I got down there…

Other guard went down immediately. I crushed its skull between my paws. Other wasn’t as easy. It tried to put up a fight. Had to rip out its throat before it alerted the whole fucking mansion. Blood was warm and tasted even better than that deer earlier. I snapped its neck. Both would be out of commission at least a week. I wasn’t planning to let them live. First I was going to get Marie away from here, then come back, kill them all and torch the place. After that? No need to worry anymore.

Magneto really did a number on me. In a good way. My nails are nearly as sharp as my claws were. I’m not sure if I still have those, he had to take extra metal to my teeth and nails from somewhere… I ripped off the lock and opened the double-doors in front of me. Steep steps to darkness. Scent of dirt and moisture. Hint of vanilla and peppermint underneath.

Why is this so fucking easy? I stand at the end of a long corridor. There’s a door in front of me. Marie is on the other side of it. I can’t detect any other presence in that room. She’s alone. Why the fuck this is so easy? I better not touch that door yet. I need to calm down. I need to think. Why would they leave her relatively unguarded to a place that I can easily reach? Wolverine in me is screaming warnings; lycan spurs me to go on. I can’t listen either of them. Decision must be unanimous. All thoughts of unanimous decision disappear when I hear door opening and Marie screaming. So, there’s another entrance to that room.

Door opens again. I expect they come to see if I have eaten. Instead of lycan grinning Victor stands in the doorway.
“Scream for me…” I’m more than happy to oblige when he lunges at me, clawed hands groping my breasts through my nightgown. Suddenly a lycan bursts through another door. Victor backs off from me and his grin widens. Lycan doesn’t waste time. It charges at Victor and they fall on the floor, tumbling twirl of gnashing teeth and claws. Victor manages to kick lycan away. It crashes against the table, and bounces back with a furious snarl, shredding Victor’s face with one careless swipe of its paw.
“I always knew it would end like this…” Victor gasps. Lycan jerks and howls. Victor’s hand bursts through its back, pushing bloodied mess of innards and muscle out from its path.

Fuck… His hand is groping something inside of me, awful close to my heart. Have to get off from him…

Lycan seems to recover some, and leaps to its feet. There’s a gaping hole on its stomach, but it’s healing rapidly. And now would be a good time for me to run. When they are still too occupied with each other. I have a bad feeling, that this is one of those situations where the winner gets to keep the girl, and I have no intentions to let either of those beasts grope me anymore. Just as I’m sneaking past them towards the door that seems to lead outside I hear familiar sound.

“Well, well. You still have those…” Victor snickers when claws ooze out from my hands. I can hear Marie gasp behind me. I can’t turn to look. I have to take care of Victor right now, before it’s too late. Only way he can still be alive is that he has taken lycan inside of him. I have to kill him before he transforms because Victor is bigger than me. I know that beast in him will be huge. And most likely able to mop up the floors with me.

Logan. Black and brown beast in front of me is Logan. I recognize the sound of his claws. I would recognize it anywhere. He throws his head back and howls. Something is happening to Victor. He looks like he’s melting. Thick stubs of grey fur push their way out through his skin, and he’s howling too. He’s transforming.

Fuck. Time to finish him. I chop his head off. Turn to look at her. She stands there and just stares at me, eyes wide as saucers. She lifts one trembling hand and points behind me. I turn to look. Lycan is tearing its way out from Victor’s decapitated body. And there’s not a scratch on it. Time to go. I grab Marie’s hand and pull her after me. I have to get her away from here. Now. Lycan that had been residing in good old Vic. I know it. It’s the leader of the whole pack. Mean fucker. Crooked as a corkscrew.

We run for what feels like hours, but in truth must be only few minutes. Logan stops and tilts his head, listening. Satisfied nod, and then he crouches next to me, pulling me to a fuzzy embrace. His jaw is resting on my shoulder. He’s shivering, but I can feel it isn’t fear. His erection is poking my knees.
“Take this,” he growls and wraps a locator around my wrist, pressing the button on it.
“Scott and others will pick you up in half an hour.”
“What about you? You’re coming with us, aren’t you?” He shakes his head.
“I have to go and finish this. But I’ll be home in the morning. I promise.” Heat in his golden gaze makes my knees tremble.
“You better keep that promise…” I don’t know what to do. Kissing him would be little too much like kissing a dog. I rub his ears, and low rumble escapes from his chest. He licks my cheek, and disappears to darkness.
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