I don’t know any of these people. And it looks like they have no intentions or will to get to know me. I thought it was supposed to be one man, Scott, who Logan asked to pick us up. Instead of that one man, there’s three man and two women. All eyeing Logan and me warily. Standing in front of a massive jet plane. Logan pulls me closer to his side, and I can more feel than hear small growl reverberating from him. He swallows it quickly, and plasters a fake smile to his face.

“Whole cavalry? I’m honored.” And surprised. Xavier must have picked up more than I thought during our short conversation. Beast, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Jean and Storm. Whole team.
“How are you feeling?” Scott asks, stepping forward.
“I have been better. But I think I can hold it long enough.” Long enough. Until we get to mansion. I’m sure there’s a cell waiting, my name written on the door. There better be. I can hear whispers already. Small voice inside me. Blood and flesh. Rage. Call of the pack.
“Lets get going then,” Scott says and herds his pack back in the Blackbird. We follow. Marie’s grasping my arm so tight it would leave a mark if it weren’t my mutation. She reeks of hesitation and fear. No wonder. My “friends” aren’t exactly touchy feely right now. But I have to clear this up with them before they lock me up. She needs somebody she can trust in case I don’t make it.

I’m explaining to Xavier who she is. What she is to me. My words may not come out sounding right, but he is scanning my mind all the while we are speaking. Usually I would throw him out from my head, but this time he is quite welcome. He holds me down while Scott is shackling me. Hands tucked tightly against my chest, several layers of heavy metal chain around my torso and feet. I’m growling and cursing, and trying to force the right words from my lips. It gets little better when Scott finishes and retreats from the room, leaving me alone with the professor.

“I want you to take care of her. She’s mine.” Professor just nods and smiles. I have to make him understand. Have to make it clear she is worth more than this whole fucking world.
“She’s carrying. Cub is mine. She’s mine. They are mine.” And again he just smiles and nods. But I can see from his eyes he understands every word crystal clear. And that is a good thing, because all reason and higher brain functions take a vacation soon, and I’m not going to be here looking after her.
“I want Scott to take care of her… Not Jean or Ororo. Has to be Scott.” This is important. I need another alpha. Another that can take up responsibility of growing my offspring if I don’t make it. Suddenly Professor lifts his head.
“She’s outside. I’ll leave you two alone.”

Heavy chains are weighing him down, but he struggles to his feet. New kind of fire burns in his eyes. He leans closer, towering over me and growls, nuzzling his face to my hair.

“You have a place in here. Scott will look after you, and help you out.” Confusion veils her face. Time to tell the whole ugly truth.
“I have no idea if I’m going to make it. My bones… Metal on them is indestructible. If I transform, they won’t. They won’t adapt to my new form.” And once you transform, you’ll stay that way. There’s no going back. I can only pray my transformation affects only my mental capacities. That one can be reversed to some extent. They can make me a human being again if that happens. If my body transforms, I’ll turn to a shapeless sack of meat and guts, metal bones jutting out from funny places. I have already given to Professor instructions what to do if that happens.
“Can I stay with you?” She asks, and wraps her hands around me hesitantly. Fuck. I want to let her stay. I want her to stay. I don’t want to let her go. But it isn’t safe. I’m not safe. Whispers are turning louder already. Everything, this room, Marie, shackles around me won’t matter after a while. Won’t matter a thing.
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