Author's Chapter Notes:
Not 100% on this chapter but figure I should just let it go before making it worse than it is.
Time flew by at Westchester before Marie knew it she’s been there for several weeks and is set to finish her Sophomore year. She was very apprehensive about moving to Westchester, and about Professor Xavier’s school. Circumstances turned out to be much better than she expected, Wolverine is a legend of sorts within the school. Apparently, he often sends kids here but never has he dropped anyone off in person before. And everyone is interested in the girl that required the Wolverine to come in the flesh.

Being here, at the mansion, not as the daughter of a Senator, but just Marie is liberating. She can be herself, take care of herself and make friends because of herself. Well almost because of herself, she has memories of this place, of the school, of the teachers, and of some of the students. Making friends is easier when she has a pretty good idea who she gets along with.

During the first few days, she had found an easy rapport with Jubilation and Katherine, helped along tremendously by her strange memories of them. She knows their temperaments, and habits, and often it has fallen to her to de-escalate arguments brewing between Kitty and Jubes. She mixes with them easily, and the three of them together quickly became a common sight in the mansion, like they have been friends for decades.

The presence of John and Bobby, however, is far more complicated. From her lingering memories, she recalls them competing for her affections when she first arrived at the school. This time it is no different, they both approach her the very next day asking her to hang out with them. Marie finds the attention of the two handsome young men flattering, but she can’t help but be reserved with her reaction.

She still remembers, how much anguish she felt when John, whom she thought of as a friend, left them to join the man who practically killed her. She could never forget the pain that pierced her when she returned from taking the cure and saw Bobby and Kitty together on the ice. While she and Kitty eventually reconciled, the distance between her and those two boys never closed.

“Marie? Are you ready, we’re going to be late!” A young Asian girl decked all out in a tight, revealing leather outfit, with a bright yellow overcoat rushes into the room. Her cheerful voice snapping Marie out of her reverie. “OMG! chica you’re going like that?”

“What's wrong with what I’m wearing?” Marie looks down on her favorite silk lace, green summer dress with matching petticoat, before looking back at Jubilation perplexed.

“We’re going to a party! No one would go to a party in a dress like that!” Jubilation looks positively horrified.

“I’ve gone to many parties dressed like this, you specifically said it was not a formal party. Besides, the stuff you lent me can’t really be consider clothing.” Marie waves her hand towards the bed, and several tight fitting, very revealing, low cut dress strewn upon it. She picks up one of them and places it in front of her, looking straight at Jubilation. “No self-respecting, Southern lady would go out wearing this, Jubes”

“This is New York chica, this is how we dress here!” Yanking the dress out of her hands Jubilation retorts in mock outrage. “Just you wait, I’ll be the most fashionable girl there.”

“Hey, come on, they’re going to leave without us.” A brown haired girl appears through the door, in knee high boots, a tight one piece dress, with a leather belt. Marie ties her silk ribbons into her hair, while Jubilation pulls her towards the door, “We’re coming, Kitty! Don’t let them leave without us!”

Marie has to practically run to keep pace with her friend. Kitty simply sinks through the floor and is waiting for them in the garage. Jubilation enters first nearly breathless, Marie silently thanks Emma for insisting that she keep in shape with self-defense classes. She feels the eyes of their escorts focus on her as she steps through the door.

Piotr is already behind the wheel in a white shirt and what Marie imagines to be matching black slacks. Piotr always seems more conservative compared to the other students here, something Marie shares with the tall Russian. John and Bobby, on the other hand, are as far from conservative as she can imagine. Both are considered “hunks”, borrowing a word from Jubes, by the girls at the school.

They both lean nonchalantly against their ride, a Cadillac Escalade, dressed in what Marie assumes is the current New York fashionable style. The casual suits and open shirts, the gaudy gold chains and slicked back hair, the faux leather dress shoes and dark sunglasses are meant to convey a sense of sophistication. Instead, it reminds Marie of some rather unscrupulous jewelry salesmen that once visited her home.

All three turn to look at her, and their eyes widen in surprise as their gaze sweeps over her. She flashes all three of them a friendly smile, and their faces flush with color. Despite what Jubes had said before, the boys obviously approve of her attire, both John and Bobby start to head towards her when the roar of an engine draws Marie’s attention away.

Logan chooses that exact moment to return. It is late evening, she smiles as she sees his black SUV pulling up to the parking garage, coming to a stop next to them, he eyes all of them with a scowl, his survey of them stops on Marie. His eyes linger over her form, taking in her attire and his lips curving into a fleeting smile. However brief his scrutiny, her cheeks always seem to flood with warmth under his intense gaze.

Logan was in his traditional get up again, leather jacket, white t-shirt, and well-worn jeans. He pulls out a duffle bag from the back seat and walks toward the mansion entrance. That door opens and Marie catches sight of a red-haired woman. The woman stands there, beautiful even in casual clothing, a warm smile on her face as she looks at Logan like she is welcoming him home.

A strange sense of dread creeps up Marie's spine at that sight, she is just about to chase after him when Jubes taps her on the shoulder. “Chica, we have to go, now.” Reluctantly Marie lets herself be pulled into the car, but her gaze remains on Logan and Jean, wishing that she had picked up some enhanced hearing.

Logan strolls along the underground passageway leading to the conference room, a red-haired young woman keeps a brisk pace beside him. Jean, she is possibly even more beautiful than he remembered and perhaps more than a little different. This woman that caused him no end of turmoil before, is now right before him, unattached, and by the scent, she is giving off obviously interested in him.

He is not sure what happened this time around that Summers apparently not only hasn't managed to seal the deal, he didn’t even manage to get his foot in the door. He glances at her again out of the corner of his eye, she seems to avoid his gaze, a hint of blush coloring her face, babbling on about something or another. He chuckles to himself, isn’t fate a bitch, now of all the times she decides that he is worth her attention.

His attention focuses back on the rather one-sided conversation. She’s been talking since they left the garage and he is having a hard time recalling any of it. He looks just in time to see her trying to catch his eye with a smile. “I am glad that you are finally back Logan. We never had a chance to get to know each other before you left.”

“Me and Chuck didn't see eye to eye on some things,” he replies offhandedly.

“But you’ll stay right?” She said looking straight into his eyes. He replies with a raised eyebrow, and she quickly stammers on “Be-Because we could use someone of your skill and experience.”

“Maybe, we still don’t agree on a lot of things.” He almost smiles at her but caught himself. She always seems to have an effect on him, but this time there is one difference. He not that confused sap with less than two decades of memories anymore. Counting the time travel he’s been alive close to two centuries now, it takes more than a blushing red head to side track him when he is on a mission. “Speaking of Chuck, where is he?”

She stops, raising a hand to her chin, apparently giving the question some thought before answering. “The Professor is with Dr. McCoy, Mystique, and Scott at a congressional hearing on mutant rights.”

“I'm surprised you're not with them.” He remembers from before, watching her testimony on a motel TV, the hearing had preempted that night’s hockey game. She looked good on TV then, and even better when he met her in person, and she looks damn incredible now. Scooter better get his ass in gear, before someone else is going to swoop in and take her.

“There has been a stomach flu spreading in the school, I decided to stay and take care of the students.” She had to jog a few steps to catch up to him, her red curls bouncing from the effort. He is relieved to see that she is still the kind and caring woman that he remembers her to be. Her death at his hand tore at him for a long time, being this close to her really brought back some memories and long-buried feelings.

“What about Forge?” He reminds himself of the new file he recently acquired, and focuses his mind on more important matters. He would have preferred Hank being the one to deal with it, having worked with the furry, blue mutant before. But every second could be critical, so this new guy that he heard about, Forge will have to do.

“He is in his workshop, I think.” She give him a curious glance and seems to want to say something more, but stop. Though her intention is as plain as day to him

He admits to himself that finally bedding Jean and rubbing it in Scooter’s face would be so very satisfying. But she wasn’t the reason he traveled back in time, she wasn’t the one that plagued his thought over the last few decades. Marie is what is important in his life now. And It was pretty obvious by her scent that she was upset in the garage, and even can he recognizes that his reaction to Jean was part of the cause.

“I can show you,” Jean finally says with a bright hopeful smile.

“No, I’m sure yer busy. I can track him down.” Cool and professional, he dismisses her rather bluntly. This little trip down memory lane is over, whatever feelings he had for her, it's in the past, and he wants them to stay there.

Marie’s gaze surveys the dance floor. Her mind is still back at the Mansion, still trying to follow Logan and that red hair woman. Jean, that was her name, she remembers her from her dreams. Her memories are both more fuddle and yet more intense ever since her powers manifested, sometimes it is difficult to separate her dream memories from her own memories.

Logan, that Logan, the one in her dreams was practically obsessed with Jean. She remembers that it caused her no small amount of pain to see the way he looked longingly at Jean, all the while wishing he was looking at her instead. Her mind combs over the event in the garage for every minute detail. Logan was smiling at her before Jean entered the garage, he turned his back to her then, and she couldn’t see his expression.

She saw Jean’s though, she looks younger and even more beautiful than in those strange dreams of hers, if it was even possible. She had a bright warm smile, her eyes obviously roaming over Logan’s body. Marie feels her heart sink, she can see Logan falling head over heels over this younger even more beautiful Jean.

“I can’t believe we just saw the Wolverine!” Kitty spoke from next to her at the bar, gushing with admiration, pulling Marie from her darkening thoughts.

“Yeah, he looks just as mean as I heard,” Bobby pipes up, and Marie feels his gaze lingering on her and fights off a nervous shiver, “Why do you think he came this time?”

“He must be here to help out with a mission, maybe another raid on a lab,” Kitty guesses, a fingertip tracing a circle on her bottom lip.

“I know why ” Jubes speaks up with a grin. She wraps an arm around Marie and pulls her close. "While I was sneaking- uh out for an evening stroll a few weeks ago, I saw Wolverine driving to the school, with none other than our little Marie.”

“Wow! It's true! I heard that the Wolverine brought you here in person?” Kitty turns to her with wide eyes. John and Bobby mockingly imitated her expression, their eyes focusing on Marie as well. Their leering is seriously starting to make her nauseous, and she fights back an urge to slap both of them. She has to remind herself that these two are not the same persons from her memories, not the same two that abandoned her without a second thought as soon as an opportunity presented itself.

“Come on, it's not like that he is- he just found me in a bad situation and picked me up.” It took some effort for Marie to focus and remember her cover story. “Then he brought me here.”

“Wolverine picks up a lot of strays, but he has never dropped any of them off in person before you.” Jubilation leans casually on bar, seemingly unaware of the way the other boys in the club are now checking out her backside.

“Maybe it’s convenient for him, you know he was on his way here already, for a mission.” Kitty is her usual innocent self and effortlessly helps Marie escape from Jube’s interrogation.

“Yeah! That must have been it!” Marie agrees readily with Kitty’s assessment and attempts to deflect the attention away from herself. “Hey, Jubes, you know I’ve never danced to this type of music. Think you can show me how?”

Marie takes Jubes' and Kitty’s hands, she enthusiastically drags both girls towards the dance floor.

The parties in New York are nothing like the parties she is used to attending, the music is louder, the lights flashier, and dancing, wild and strange. The most annoying aspect of this party are the wandering hands of the nearby men. Perhaps it is the unpleasant memories of Bobby and John knocking her off balance, but she feels all the lingering gazes on her body, the “accidental” brushes, and touches that these men seem to enjoy inflicting upon her. While the touching is disturbing onto itself, her budding powers add a whole to danger to this game their playing.

Finally, when she can't take it anymore, she excused herself and leaves Kitty and Jubes on the dance floor. Marie moves to linger at the edge of the party, where she now sways half-heartedly to the loud music. Her expression sullen and distant, the flashing lights, exciting atmosphere, and pulsing beats can't distract her from her thoughts. Soon as she finds a spare moment, Jean and Logan bursts into her thoughts, why did those two always find each other, didn’t she suffer enough last time? Why couldn’t it just be her and Logan this time?

Marie shakes herself free of those thoughts, she was never with Logan, she might be attracted him, very attracted, but she certainly wasn't ready to throw herself at him, yet. She searches the club for a distraction and spots Jubes, now in the center of the dance floor spinning and gyrating with great enthusiasm, almost dragging an obviously embarrassed Kitty along. Swarms of young men circle them, each competing with the others for their attention.

Marie also has her own fair share of male interest, but she is in no mood for company tonight, her cool expression, polite but cold smiles easily ward off even the bravest young men here, who are simply not used to someone of Marie’s caliber. After a short respite she senses another person approaching, and by the sound of his steps, this one is a man of confidence. Soon she feels the heat of his body behind her, she tilts her head away casually, exuding an icy aura refusing to even acknowledge the presence of this intrusive man.

“Wanna a drink?” a familiar voice rumbles beside her, a warm hand clasps her shoulder. She turns to see Logan holding a drink towards her. Her pulse speeds up as she reaches out to take the offered drink. Her determination on avoiding male company disappears in an instant, and suddenly she feels giddy and playful.

“Why, Mr. Howlett, are you trying to get me drunk?” Marie smiles teasingly while batting her eyelashes at him in an exaggerated manner.

Logan returns her smile with a rather wicked grin, her heart beating rapidly at the heat in his gaze. Swallowing reflexively, eyes opening wider, her cheeks turning scarlet, she tries to cover her reaction by quickly taking a large gulp of the cool drink. The carbonation stings her tongue, as the lightly sweet liquid with a hint of lemon flows into her. Her gaze stays low, and she toys with the rim of the glass with a finger, she meets his eyes again once her heart stops fluttering.

“Not enjoying yerself?” Logan’s question sounds more like a statement to her

“Not really no, I don’t really fit in here.” She answers back sheepishly.

He wasn't buying it, pulling her close he whispers again, “If anyone is bothering ya…”

And as if on cue, her stomach flutters wildly, and she barely manages a reply, “No- no! No one is bothering me.”

“No?” He still seems unconvinced, but he lets her lies slide. “Dress looks good on you.”

“You like what I’m wearing?” She stands up straighter and lets him inspect her current outfit. She feels Logan’s eyes sweep slowly over her, and he grins. “Yeah, I like it”

“Really? It's so different from what everyone is wearing, though.” She self-consciously tries to smooth out her skirt.

“Well, you look real good in it.” There is a rumbling behind his voice now, and she involuntarily shivers in excitement.

Looking up at him through her eyelashes, she pokes at him timidly, “You know you do owe me a dance.”

“Do I?” Logan gives her the now familiar look.

She felt her legs weaken when his gaze focuses on her, steeling herself, she replies with a smile. “Yes, it’s customary for a gentleman to ask a Lady to dance on her birthday.” Emboldened by his smirk, she looks straight at him slightly challenging “You never asked me to dance at my party.”

She was relieved to see the amusement in his eyes when he speaks again. “Rain check?”

“That is a promise, Mr. Howlett.” He gave the barest of nods in reply, yet somehow, this party that was just a few minutes ago was nearly unbearable, suddenly became a lot more interesting.
Chapter End Notes:
Up next, visitors.
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