It will be fun. Those had been Marie's exact words, one of the few things in the last six months I do remember clearly. I don't know about fun, but she's had a good time. So by proxy, my time has been well spent.

We've meandered our way across the lower forty-eight, with the only plan being to see the sunrise at the Grand Canyon. However once out of New York State, Marie found all kinds of places she wanted to visit. We've been to spots like Rock City in the middle of freaking nowhere Kansas, which led to stopping at the biggest ball of twine. If there is no hotel nearby, we sleep in the back of the SUV. That happens more often than not.

I'm not complaining. It's given me plenty of time to sort out my thoughts and memories without people constantly scrutinizing me. Drifting is something I know how to do. Doing it with Marie at my side, keeps me grounded and moving forward.

We drove into Bright Angel Point of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon yesterday evening. Who knew you would need to book a place to sleep almost a year in advance. After scouting around some I found her the perfect spot to park overnight and get a good view of the sunrise.

It got cold last night, seeing how it's mid-October, but she says she doesn't mind cause I keep her warm. In turn, she makes me hot. Probably a good thing the park is empty this time of year.

Marie's been up since six working over the little camp stove making coffee and bacon. She told me to stay put and relax awhile. Can't argue with that logic.

"Logan!" She shakes my foot, holding out a cup of coffee that sloshes with her every bounce.

I take the cup and watch her as she jumps around and claps her hands in excitement. Crawling out, I stretch and fish a piece of bacon out of the frying pan. She finally joins me to lean back against the SUV and steal my last piece of bacon.

She chatters on about the colors, clouds, and streaks of morning light. I decide if Marie ever wants to have my kids, I want them all to be like her. Full of enthusiasm for the little things of life. I can picture myself out here with a small pack of cubs as they revel in the beauty of the sunrise.

Suddenly she turns to hug me, I'm too late moving my coffee out of the way. It lands on the ground. It's the last of the coffee and I lift an eyebrow at her. Just as abruptly, all of her gusto turns on me. She wets her lips and slowly traces my eyebrow with a fingertip.

"Let me make that up to you." She kisses me and I know where this is going.

Her hands have become skilled and confident over time. My cock is hard and my body aches for release when she takes me into her mouth. I might have to agree with her that this is one of the best sunrises I've seen as the colors explode before my eyes.

I already know our next destination by the time I'm breathing normally again. We'll head far to the north, probably Canada. There I'll find a nice place to camp and I'll make love to Marie under the Aurora Borealis.

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