Author's Chapter Notes:
Guys...I know I said big chapter...and this isnt very long buuuutttt the plot is actually developing now soooo Enjoy!

And thank you for your reviews and support: Killing_time

Nothing had happened since the last shift change, which had been two days, 7 hours and 20 minutes ago- oh yah, he was counting.

Of course, nothing would happen, he was standing guard of a plastic door in a plastic prison that lead to one of the most dangerous mutants in the world. Officer Morello had taken this job hoping for a little change to his humdrum life as a bored security guard. Instead he had been given a plastic stick to guard a withered old man, bitter with hate to the human race, with not so much as one family member to visit him. Nothing ever happened around here.

Morello fought a yawn, his fifth infact, but like all the others it lazily slipped passed his lips and he raised a heavy hand to cover it.

Suddenly the elevator doors hissed open, alerting him to attention. A woman stepped into the plastic white hallway, face impassive.

Morello's jaw dropped at the sight of her. God she was flowing locks framed her mature face, slender but curvy figure that was wrapped in a pencil suit, and from beneath it- legs that ran for miles until they ended at her six inch stilettos. Her hips swayed in a hypnotic motion as she walked towards him-well the door.

"I'm sorry miss, but no one is allowed passed this point without notice and an escort from Level B6..."

Her sharp eyes landed on him, staring him down and he became lost in his black orbs. A shiver of fear wracked down his spine. A cold smile graced the woman's face, "I have already spoken with your lieutenant officer Morello, and you are my escort. Of course if there are any issues i could simply-"

"No! That's fine!" he turned to scan his card and the doors hissed open.

"If you'd be so kind as to keep guard officer, thank you" She said as he nodded.

And she strolled through onto the transparent platform showing a one way path and a fifty foot drop.

Click. Click. Click. Click. Her heels echoed as she walked along. One would think her stilettoes would indeed break the plastic path, and any but her would immediately fall through.

First she saw his muscled torso hanging upside down from the plastic container and watched as his surprisingly well toned abdomen tensed with every sit up. She rapped her knuckle on the plastic container as she entered, even though he could already sense the iron in her blood.

Subtle shock was evident on Magneto's face as he watch one of the most threatening beings on the planet approach him whilst he remained upside down...a being that should have been dead.

"You were the last person i'd have ever expected to see, perhaps charles...or Mystic"

She sat in the plastic chair opposite, and cocked her head, black abyss for eyes observing him.

"To remain strong with my abilities, I must be stronger physically to handle the strain." He answered her unasked question, "You only ever saw me in my armour."

"Last time you tried to save your race, you failed." Magneto scowled at her words, almost. None the less he pulled his uniformed shirt back on and also sat. She continued, "as your abilities have returned, rapidly. I have a proposition for you."

"And what could possibly interest me?"

This time, a real smiled curled her lips, "I can guarantee your success. A better world for all mutants. Peace...for one price." He gestured for her to continue. "You protect my treasure. It's worth is three of these worlds combined."

Magneto frowned, "Greater than the entire homosapien race?" he leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees.

She reciprocated his gesture and leaned in close as if she were disclosing a secret in a room filled with people, "Are you familiar with the story of pandora's box? It's original name was..."




Marie circled the professor like a hawk, and he, in turn calmly watched her. She wasn't angry, she was upset, scared. The moment Marie had opened the connection in that room she had felt it...everything. From the structure of the entire mansion, the outer grounds, to everything that lived and breathed in the house. It was overwhelming. And when she had tried to close it, she found herself unable, connected. Everything that happened, was happening or was about to happen- she could feel it. Of course she couldn't hear their thoughts, but she could feel their life force, their emotions. And the professor was currently trying to get Marie to control her own emotions. The house had already shaken, twice.

"Marie you must calm yourself, I understand you are afraid, that is why i created this room, it limits your abilities to only connect with the school grounds. Anymore and it may have driven you insane." Xavier mumbled the last part.

"You're worried," Marie let a small laugh, but continued to pace, "How did you know this would happen?"

"My dear, when you connected with me I was able to catch a glimpse of the extent of your powers. Fortunately you are no longer ‘poisonous' as you like to put it, however now you connect with everything you touch with your bare skin of course. Until we can help you gain the capacity to completely control it and not become overwhelmed, it would be wise for you to stay on school grounds. Preferably in this room..."

"W-what if i go into the garden?"

"I'll go with you," Kitty interjected, "if it's too much I can just phase you back inside." She finished with an encouraging smile.

"Do not worry Marie, in near future you will be able to connect and disconnect as you please." The professor added to the silence, before wheeling out of the room.

Marie turned to Kitty, red rimmed eyes and entire body shaking with strain and tension. The young brunette grabbed Marie's hand, "How about a bath? We can warm you up, get you clean and you can sort through everything in your head, before the big bad wolf comes knocking."

She managed a shaky smile, "He won't. He's in the danger room."




Phoenix walked back across the path from the plastic prison, magnetos footsteps marching in time with her own. Using her telekinesis, the doors swished open a second time, and the two walked through without even acknowledging the now sleeping Morello.

She smirk, at least he won't be so bored when he wakes up.

As they made it to the upper levels, magneto wasn't surprised to see the massacre that occurred. Magneto was impressed, the woman did not hold back...Blood stained the walls and ceiling, and flooded the floor; limbs lay strewn across the floor, organs raw. It was a Bloodbath.

And Magneto wondered how far was the Phoenix willing to go? None the less, he had made a deal with the devil and Magneto intended to follow through.


What is your name? - A child's voice

I don't have one...what is a name?

I don't know. But people have them and mommy gave me one...
Then I will name you Phoenix!

You are...Marie...

Let's be bestfwiends!


Chapter End Notes:
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