Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry this chapter took so long! In the middle of moving so it's kinda stressful at the moment...Thank you for the reviews and I hope this chapter answers a few of your questions-ish?....:)

Everyone but Jean left the Professor’s office. Logan being the last to leave took his time, lingering eye contact with the redhead, only to turn away when she blew him a kiss.

Jean Slammed the door shut behind him using her telekinesis and turned back to Xavier whom’s demeanor switched almost instantly, “What are your intentions towards rogue?”


“Nothing Professor.” She drawled as she settled herself into the chair Rogue had sat in only moments ago. “What would make you say that.”


“When both Wolverine and the Rogue arrived you were more...weary? Could it be-”


“Oh enough with the pretentious pleasantries,” Jean hissed, “I have changed professor. The girl now belongs to me.”


“Jean-” Xavier sighed, only to be interrupted.


“That is not my name!” Her voice thundered and black veins became visible around her eyes as she demonstrated a small percentage of her power, inflicting her wrath upon the room. Jean knew what the professor was playing at, trying to coax the phoenix to abandon her act. All week he had been doing minor things to irritate her, asking personal questions; prodding the surface of her mind, giving any excuse for her to constantly be supervised. Well It worked. This little game of cat and mouse was now over. Now he knew, now he had proof. She was not Jean. Jean died at Alcatraz, this was the Phoenix...all that was left.


“I know.” He calmly replied. And he did know. The only reason he hadn’t disclosed what he knew to the team was because he wasn’t fully aware of her intentions and the x-men- especially scott- would not have been able to handle having to lose Jean (or the image of what she was) a third time. So he reasoned that as long as Phoenix kept on her facade, no one would be able to tell of the difference. At least not for a while. “What is it that you want?”


This time, Phoenix decided to answer truthfully, she could use this to her advantage.




It was later that night when Rogue awoke from yet another nightmare. She bolted upright into the spotlight of the moon's light that shone through her balcony window, chest heaving as  beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, cheek, neck, and between the valley of her breasts. Almost hesitantly she crawled out of bed and walked to her desk wrapping her pearl white, chiffon dressing gown around her body, to shield her from the chilled breeze the managed to slip through the cracks of the windowpane. Sitting down she flicked open her diary where c=she kept a sort of record of her dreams, writing them as she imagined them.


As her pen danced across the page she read out what she wrote trying to make sense of the words her fingers were creating. So engrossed in the natures of her nightmare, she did not notice the female silhouette sitting on the banister of her balcony, staring up at the stars watched the stars. The woman too began to speak along with Rogue, perfectly in sync.


“It pains me to see you hurting,

Crying with exhaustion,

And crumpled on the floor like that as if broken beyond repair,


Every heartbeat, every breath, in time with my own,

Tears streaming down your cheeks and soaking your clothes,


Why are you crying?


My question followed by that irritating silence,


Look at you,

I spit with venom, tired of all the self pitying and emotions

Is this how you want to be seen? You're on your fucking knees!


You just stare back at me, lifeless, it makes my blood boil,

You think it's my fault you can't deal with your issues?


I land a punch right where your eye centres,

And you fall to the floor in millions of pieces,

Some shards bury within my shaking fist as blood drips,

Only, I can't feel it.


I look up again, half of you remains,

But your expression has changed, carved with rage,

We pull back our fists, and bring them to our lips-”


The balcony doors burst open by a sudden gust of wind, knocking Rogue off her chair and thwacked her into the wall, however she did not land in a crumpled heap like you’d expect. She remained pinned against the wall by an invisible force. And Rogue’s breath got caught in her throat as the Phoenix glided across the room towards her, graceful, like an enraged goddess, for that was what she was.


“I am tired of waiting, you will remember. You will remember you home, who you are. Remember our promise !” The Phoenix leaned in close until her lips brushed the shell of Rogues ear, just as Logan’s had, but closer. “Please,” The woman’s plea dripped with desperation, loneliness and sorrow “Remember me.”


Pain shot through Rogue’s entire body, coursing through her veins like black blood, poison, thicker than the tar on a smoker’s lungs. And when her eyes found Phoenix, as the woman’s hair turned black and irises lit to red; it was as if rogue was reliving her dream, staring at a darker version of her soul. “J-Jean” She choked as the Phoenix continued to transform into it’s true human form and the black veins arose on her face. Rogue became blinded by the excruciating pain, the last thing she heard from Phoenix was barely a whisper.






When Logan returned to the mansion, he had expected for everyone to be asleep by then and the mansion to be a peaceful silent. His relief of screaming kids and chemical scented bodies all tucked up in bed. Just another night. Calm. Peaceful. But no. From the gate he could see Rogue’s balcony doors blown off its hinges and objects flying out of the room and crashing against the concrete ground. Logan immediately went into “panic assassin mode” as Rogue loved to call it, and leapt of the bike and used his claws to half climb, half run up the mansion wall leading directly to her bedroom. And as he landed in her bedroom he presented his claws as a warning to any enemies inside. It took him a moment to recognise the intruder due to the black hair. So you could imagine the confusion, anger and shock to see Jean standing over Rogue’s limp form as shadows danced around her, not even affected by the wind that raged around them.


“Jean, the fuck are you doing?” He growled, trying to keep his feet planted to the ground and edge closer to Rogue.


The Phoenix turned towards whoever interrupted her, only to find it was the mutt. Her eyes flickered between him and the girl, he’s going to be a bit of a problem, she thought. The girl was obviously attached to the mutt, he was a threat.


She grasped control of his body, keeping him rooted to the spot as the flew over to him. Her hand reached out towards his face. As soon as their skin made contact she began to drain his lifeforce. Logan gasped in pain as he felt his organs tighten in resistance to the leech power. It was ten times stronger than Rogue’s, Logan’s teeth began to crack under the force he used to clamp his jaw shut.


The bedroom door blasted open and Cyclops stumbled in followed by the professor and the rest of the x-men. “Jean!” Cyclops yelled, “What did you do?”


Phoenix’s lava red eyes stayed trained on Logan, staring right through him like a lifeless doll. “Say hello to your god for me.”


...And like that, she was gone...


Chapter End Notes:

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