Author's Chapter Notes:
This started as a ficlet for musesfool LJ anniversary, but RL and procrastination got in the way. I guess that makes it a little birthday fic. Sorry Vic, this is as close as I could get to the Harry Potter fandom. Also a big thanks to issuegirls, the Cat half, and roguewords for the great beta.
"What the...she can't do that!"

Logan peered at her from his overstuffed chair as she slammed her book shut.

"Rowling just killed off one of my favorite characters," she responded to his raised eyebrow. "How am I suppose to finish reading when he's dead?"

He snorted and went back to his newspaper. Rogue sat up. "Logan, I'm serious."

"I know darlin'. But you'll eventually finish it to see how Remus handles Sirius' death."

"Is that why you've been reading my books?" She barely caught the smirk as he once again lifted the paper. "He's devastated. Isn't he?"

His only reply was silence. "Come on, Logan, you have to tell me."

"Don't worry; everything turns out fine."

"He's not dead?"

"Didn't say that," he laughed at her confusion.

"Then what are you talking about?"

Carefully folding the paper before placing it on the end table next to his beer, he fixed her with a thoughtful look. "There's no body."

"That doesn't mean anything."

She was surprised he didn't pat her on the head as one would a child when they don't understand something. "Marie, how long have you been an X-Man?"

"Over a year."

"And that's more than enough time to know that if there's no body, they're probably not dead. Heck, sometimes even if there is a body, it doesn't mean they're dead."


"How many times has that Voldemort guy supposedly been dead?"

She slowly nodded. "Kinda like Jean."

"Yeah, except not as evil."

"Voldemort, or Jean?"

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