Rogue woke up to the feeling of hot liquid splattering along her cheek.

Absently raising a hand to wipe at it, she opened her eyes to see Logan’s face right above her own, a large gunshot wound to his cheek, the cause of the liquid, knitting itself closed before her eyes. She startled suddenly and then grabbed him tightly when she realized he was carrying her while running along a long hallway. She saw him wince slightly from her grip and then stop, looking down at her. “Thank God,” he muttered, setting her down on her feet, still a bit wobbly, “You okay for a moment kid?” he asked, looking her over. She nodded slowly and leaned against the wall for a bit of support.

He was off in a heartbeat and it was when her head finally cleared enough to recognize the sound of gunfire close by that she realized what was going on. They were somewhere inside the compound and a small squad of guards were attacking. She watched as Wolverine ran in, claws out and slashed through a guard that was about to start using Sabertooth’s back for target practice. They were outnumbered four to one, but together, the two ferals were rapidly diminishing those odds.

She closed her eyes and reached a hand up to rub her aching neck. When it touched pure skin she stopped, eyes flung wide open. Her other hand came up and she rubbed all along the soft, unobstructed skin along her neck. The collar, that had been the bane of her existence, which she had worn with shame and hatred since they first clamped it on her so many years ago, was finally gone. She felt a small laugh slip from her lips. It was really gone!

She stretched her arms and her legs, testing, enjoying the feel of the energy running through her skin. Looking for the place in her mind, that switch she had found before while battling Cyber, she grabbed ahold and felt the energy slowly fade away. She could still control it. Turning, she punched a hole straight through the wall and grinned. She had her strength back. Her body ached though, telling her the healing factor had been working overtime. Her face hurt worst of all and she reached up, running fingers lightly along the still swollen and sensitive flesh. That didn’t matter though, she was finally free!

And now it’s time for some payback.

As she turned to go and help Wolverine and Sabertooth, her attention was suddenly diverted when she caught wind a few steps away of the blue one, Hank. He was bleeding and he wasn’t alone. Wild Child was with him. Following the direction of the smell to a closed office, she bust through the door.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she growled, seeing Wild Child leaning over something behind the desk. He looked up at her, his eyes immediately going to her neck, and a hand coming to finger the collar still around his own. Standing, he took a few steps back.

“Just keeping the good doctor company,” he said, his eyes shifty and cautious.

She didn’t trust him and quickly made her way over to kneel next to where Beast was laying against the desk. He didn’t look good. His face, which was normally a vibrant blue was now a paler version and the smell coming off his leg wasn’t easing her worries any. They needed to get him out of here. She noticed the collar still around his neck.

Standing up she whirled on Wild Child, “You touch him, I’ll kill you, understand?” He nodded but his eyes glared at her in anger. He didn’t like being told what to do, especially by a girl.

She ran quickly back out into the hallway and almost didn’t notice when a bullet pierced her shoulder, a soft pinprick. She touched at the small wound and then looked up to see a stray guard who had managed to get his way past Sabertooth and Wolverine heading towards her.

She crouched down, ready to attack, when his progress was stopped by the appearance of three claws jutting through his chest. She stood back up, slightly disappointed. “I could have taken him,” she grumbled, glaring at Logan as he stalked towards her, looking her over as he did.

“Your still not 100% kid, you need to save you strength,” he replied, grabbing her shoulder gently, the wound was closing itself, but very slowly.

“I’m fine,” she replied, glaring at him, but not pressing the issue, “But Hank’s not. I need the key for the collar.”

He nodded and reached in his pocket, pulling out the small metal device and putting it in her hand. The feel of his skin barely touching hers, for just a moment, caused everything to stop.

She couldn’t breathe, all she could do was stare at her hand and the small object in it, and it was if she could see every single part of it his hand had touched, like glowing little embers. A knuckle grazed there, his thumb there. She looked up to find Wolverine had frozen just as she had, his eyes dark and intense staring at her, nostrils flaring and the thought of what he might be smelling made her embarrassed enough to snap out of the sudden daze and turn, half running back into the room with Hank.

She closed the door and leaned against it, trying to calm her heartbeat, control her body. When finally she got ahold of herself, she looked back down at the small key in her hand.

Well, that was interesting.

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