Author's Chapter Notes:
miss rogue where are you?
It seemed like days passed as I trekked up the abandon highway, my lips were starting to feel like sandpaper as they begin to crack and peel under the blistering heat, and I had to look toward the pavement to avoid the glare of the sun reflecting off the car surfaces.

~Professor? Jean? Can you hear me? HELP!!!~

Considering I was extremely uncomfortable I couldn’t use the meditating techniques the professor taught me to contact him or even determine where all the personalities in my head went. I was running out of options I knew I needed to find some type of shelter from the heat, and at the rate I was walking without water I would probably have a heatstroke in the next 30 minutes to an hour. Flying wasn’t an option either since I was already severely dehydrated. Deciding my best option would be looting the cars in my vicinity, I could look for food, supplies, and if I was lucky water.

I rummaged through four cars not finding much of anything, so I walked to the next cluster of vehicles to see what they carried; using my enhanced strength it was fairly easy to open the vehicles doors. I found some MRE’s in a crappy looking pickup truck, a beach bag with sunscreen, lip balm, and a beach-hat in a minivan, and a decent bag of groceries with edible food. I still needed to find water, as famished as I was I knew I wouldn’t make much longer without water.

I stuffed the elements I obtained in the beach bag and continued in the original direction I was headed on the highway. I wasn’t even ten feet away from where I started and something caught my eye, curiosity outweighed caution and I made my way over to the foreign object. Seeing it was a frayed looking old newspaper I picked it up and the headline caught my eye.

“Hmm... that’s odd,” I spoke aloud to myself.

Trying to make sense of what I was reading I happened to look at the date on the top right. It was at that moment I knew my luck went from bad skipped worse and went straight to disastrous.
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