Author's Chapter Notes:
Rogues gone mia
Screeching alarms seemed to sound from all over the building, as Rogue ran through the hallway towards the barred doors holding mutants being used for experimentation. She reached the first set of holding cells, looking inside she saw the same face she wore when she was on the road, a piece of her was glad she never ended up in a place like this. Using the enhanced strength from Carol she was able to rip the doors off their hinges, and directed the scared mutants who varied in age to follow the stairs where Scott, Bobby, Jubilee, and Kitty would direct them to the jet. Considering the size of the building her other teammates were scoping the other levels for more captives. Reaching the final set of doors at the end of her area, she released those captives some so weak that they had to support themselves on one of the stronger captives. She stood in front of the last door and tore it away; a young boy who was curled in a ball on the floored shuddered when she neared him.

“It’s okay I’m here to help ya,” she said quietly as she squatted down to his level so he could see her face. “What’s ya name hun?”

“ G G G Gre Gregory Ri Ri Richards.” He responded between his teeth clicking together.

Rogue grabbed a blanket off the bed they provided him, it wasn’t great but it would do until they reached the jet. Scooping him up into his arms with the blanket, he clung to her for her body heat.

** Rogue are you okay? Logan said he smelled gas in the building hurry up and get out of there, ** Scott’s booming voice clicked in her ear-com.

**I’m coming Slim, I’m not far I’m almost at the entrance with a little bundle of joy. **

Logan joined the conversation, ** Darlin don’t make me come in there an’ get you. **

Finally reaching the front entrance of the lab, she saw all her teammates waiting for her a safe distance away should the building explode. Rogue couldn’t help noticing the look of assurance emerge on Logan’s face.

She was a few steps onto the front lawn when she felt extreme heat radiating around, she kneeled down to take the brute force of the explosion to protect Gregory. The last thing she heard other than the roaring of the fire and pieces of building falling back to earth was Logan screaming her name.
Chapter End Notes:
Where oh where has our Rogue gone to
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