Marie waited in the sanctuary of her father’s church for Jubilee to find an excuse to get away from the rest of the X-Men; she hoped her friend would make it quick there was only a short window of opportunity for this plan to go off without a hitch.

Logan and Remy were meeting in the small room that led to the baptismal, because Logan thought Jube would feel more secure if she wasn’t feeling pressured to accept their plan, to discuss the new information Remy’s thieves had already uncovered in regard to Magneto’s ultimate plan.

The Cajun mutant had looked shaken by the information he received when one of his ten thieves arrived from Phoenix’s camp that morning just after Remy and the others pulled in from the road. Remy had taken an extra day in New Orleans to be sure his thieves were ready for the coming ordeal.

Logan said he would fill her in on the new information as soon as she had Jube’s primed for the plan; he’d looked haunted when he met her gaze and that spoke volumes about how disturbing the news was from the front line.

Marie was startled out of her thoughts by the creaking of the sanctuary door opening and was relieved to find Jubilee alone. With a squeal Jube’s launched herself at
Rogue with all her usual ardor, “Chica,” she proclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her friend. “This is all so cloak and dagger-y.”

“Well, there is a war goin’ on,” Marie informed her rolling her eyes a little, “what sorts of things are y’all hearin’ about the government and Magneto?”

“Not much, Chica, Hank and Storm are treating the beta team like mushrooms.”

“Sounds about what we expected then,” Marie nodded. “Logan and Remy will let you in on the newest information once I set the stage, so to speak.”

“What is goin’ on,” Jubilee asked as she stretched her gum over her tongue and blew a small bubble that she immediately popped and began chewing again. “You said on the phone you guys had some idea how to end the conflict.”

“Well,” Marie sighed, “you know Logan can’t go head to head with Magneto because of his skeleton, right?”

Jubilee nodded and rolled her fingers in a go-on motion when Marie hesitated. “Well, we decided we would join Magneto’s group and with the help of Remy’s den try and end the whole thing before it can blow up.”

“You’re going to play spy,” Jubes laughed excited, “cool!”

“That’s the plan, but in order for Magneto to buy into our idea we have to break from the X-men in a very public way.”

“That’s why we’re here,” Jubilee nodded, “so how public?”

“We’re going to attack the X-Men when they try to take Decan,” Marie ignored the other girl’s gasp of surprise. “Decan is one of the youngest in Remy’s den only thirteen.”

“Who is this Remy,” Jubes asked, tension in her voice, “you plan to attack the X-men?”

“Well, really only one of them,” Marie chewed her lip as she met her friends eyes and she nearly laughed when Jubilee cottoned onto the gist of the plan. “As for Remy,” the door behind her opened and Marie knew the instant Jubilee saw Remy because her mouth fell open and her gum landed in a wad on the Sanctuary carpet. “Well, you did ask me to bring you a present.”
Chapter End Notes:
Sorry it is so short, but I feel like crud that was scraped off of crud. Hope you enjoyed this little bit.
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