~Chapter 4~

Entering the med lab, Storm sighed. "How is she?"

"The transfusion is working, but it will take time." Hank replied.

Noding, she looked towards Logan. "Don't you have a class to teach?"

"I'm not leaving her."

"Rogue will be fine, here with Hank, wont she?" She finished, looking towards her friend.

Turning around, the blue man checked her chart.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing. Now go. I'm not leaving until she's back to normal." Logan stated, once more running his fingers through her hair.

Opening her mouth to speak, the doors behind her opened.

"Is she still in the red zone?" Jubilee voiced, as Bobby and Colosis stood behind her.

"She'll pull through just fine." Hank replied. "She just needs rest and she'll be back to her old self."

Smiling, she gave Logan a small smile. "You holding up alright, big guy?"

Noding, he kissed Rogue's hand.

Storm frowned. "I need you to teach today."


"Then who can I get that will cover it? In case you forgotten, all the teachers have their hands full."

Standing, he narrowed his eyes. "I don't give a rats ass, what you do. I'm not leaving her side. For all I care, give them a free fucken period and be done with it."

"Whoa! What's going on in here?" Scott voiced, as he entered. "I thought we were down here checking on Rogue, not attacking one another."

Retaking his seat, Logan once more grabbed her hand. "Tell her that." He coldly bit out, as he motioned towards a red in the face Storm.

"Why you mad?"

"He should be upstairs preparing for class, but instead he is down here refusing to do his job."

"Let him stay and..."

"Then what about the students? We need someone to see to them?" She bellowed.

Scott sighed. "Why can't you just teach, then come back down here afterwards?"


Narrowing his eyes, he balled a fist.

"For crying out loud, their sleeping together."

Falling silent, all eyes landed on Bobby.

"What? It's the truth." He replied, folding his arms.

Finding all eyes on him, Logan sighed. "It's true." He calmly stated. "And I don't give a damn what you all have to say. You can keep it to yourself, for all I care. Your opinion don't matter." Turning back to a slumbering Rogue, he once more laid a kiss on her hand.

Unbuttoning her shirt, she shook her head. "I can't believe it. Logan and Rogue?"

"I see nothing wrong with it." Kurt replied, later that night as he and Storm were geting ready for bed.

She frowned. "He's her teacher and old. Not to mention we don't know his exact age, but he's well over the Proffessor."

Sitting on the bed and grabing his book, he sighed. "I feel like you and everyone are judging them, before anything could happen. Do you not think that they deseve a chance, to see where they can go?"

Opening her mouth to reply, she promptly closed it. "What if he pushed her to have sex?"

"He didn't."

"How do you know?"

Placing his book down, he faced her. "After all that he has done and been through with her, do you honestly think that he would do that?"


"So let them be and give them a chance."

Giving a nod, she joined him in the bed. "What would I do without you?"

Wrapping an arm around her, he smiled. "Lose your mind?"

Playfully hitting him in the chest, she reached over and cut the light off. "Then let me show you, how I lose my mind."

Laughing, they became lost to the other.

Feeling a nudge on his shoulder, Logan jerked awake. Looking up, he found saddened eyes of hazel staring down at him.

"Hey." Her sleepy and groggy voice sounded.

Leaning forward and kissing her lips, he smiled. "How you feeling?"

"Like a buss ran me over."

"Good...Now why did you do it, Marie?"

Turning away, tears threatened to fall. "Ah just...ah don't want to go back to living, like ah did before. "

"And you won't."

Sitting up and being careful of the i.v.'s in her arm, she faced him. "And what about you? You don't want to stay with someone, ya' can't touch?"

Smiling and tangling his hand in her hair, he pulled her closer. "There are always a way around that and I'm not going to let that stop me."

Blinking, her tears fell. "Ya' promise?"

Noding, he claimed her lips. Standing and taking a seat on the bed beside her, he deepened it and plunged his tongue in her cavern.

"Hope I'm not interrupting?"

Jumping back, Rogue looked from him to Hank.

"It's quite alright, deary. Everyone here knows." He calmly stated, walking over. "Now, are you feeling a little dizzy?"

She shook her head.

"Thats good. I'm just going to check your vitals."

Standing, Logan took a step back as he worked.

Smiling a good two minutes laters, Hank grabed her chart and started to scribble. "Seems like all is in perfect order and I may be able to take you off the transfusion in a few hours."

Sighing, she glimpsed her wrapped and bound wrists.

"Oh and you will be going through counceling with Emma once she arrives tomorrow." He added. Looking up, he frowned. "Whatever caused you to try to take your life, isn't worth it. Remember that."

Noding, Rogue looked over towards the figure entering. "Hey."

Walking over, Storm smiled. "How you doing?"


"Thats good to hear." Looking towards Logan, she frowned. "I still don't approve of this relationship you two have, but your health is more important to me. "

Logan smirked. "That's good to hear, because I was thinking of taking the kid and hoping town."

Her eyes widdened. "You wouldn't?"

"I would."

Shaking her head, she released a breath and calmed down. "All your classes has been deemed a free period and I have noted that once you return, the classes shall be two hours. I wish for them to learn all they can, since their self-defense has been on hold."

Tightly noding, he watched as she left.

Laughing, Hank folded his arms. "You and that woman there, will no doubt continue to fight. God help us all."

Smiling, Rogue watched as Logan gave a hardy laugh.

Sliping on her boots, Rogue sighed.

"You'll be fine. Emma won't hurt you." Hank stated, as she headed for the door.

Standing, she gave a small smile. "Ah hope you're right."

"I am. Is Logan waiting for you?"

She shook her head. "Ah told him to go teach. "

"Right on. Storm may actually like you two, if you can reign him in a bit."

Shaking her head, she swiftly took her leave and headed for the elevator. Entering it, she gave the man beside her a small greeting.

"You are fairing well, ma'chere?"

"Ah'm good thank you."

Noding, Gambit eyed her. "May Gambit be so bold to say, he is glad that he can see your beautiful face once more?"

Blushing and looking down, she shook her head.

"That is good then."

As the doors opened and she moved to exit, she found a hand on her arm. Turning back, she found saddened eyes staring back at her.

"If you truely care for Logan, keep him away from the Frost woman."


"She knows too much of his past and wants to get even. I tell you, if you let them near each other, he will lose it." Releasing his hold on her, Gambit walked off.

Watching as he vanished around the corner, she frowned. Shaking her head and exiting the elevator, she headed down the hall to her right.

All the while, she found whispers and even caught a few words. Blushing and hugging herself, she soon came to her destination. Raising her hand to knock, the door before her opened.

Placing her mug of coffee down, Storm gave her a smile. "Come in, Rogue."

Ignoring the unease she felt over come her as she spotted the other female eyeing her, she did as asked. Closing the door and taking a seat before them, she raised an eyebrow. "Beast told me to come see an Emma Frost?" She voiced, locking gazes with the blond.

Smiling, she gave a tilt of the head. "I am Emma Frost and I shall be over seeing you, from here on out. I just wanted to meet you and get a general idea about you and..."

"Why don't ya' like Logan?" Her southern drawl sounded.

Eyes instantly narrowing, she fell silent.

"We are here to help you, Rogue." Storm admonished. "There is no need to be rude and..."

"Ah'm not saying another word, until she answers my question."

Folding her arms, Emma frowned. "So be it." Turning she gave Storm a look.

Looking from her to the younger woman, she came to her feet and left them alone.

Once the door sounded, Rogue came to her feet. "Ah'm waiting."

"I know of him, from his past and association to my...my sister." Emma rather calmly stated, looking out the window to her right. "I'm not going to go into detail, but I was captured by Striker and..."

"The one who put that antimanium in him?"

Raising an eyebrow at her for interrupting, she nodded. "My sister made a deal with him, that if she worked for him, he would release me. She was put on the assignment to watch and befriend him. From there, all I know is she did her job and led him to the island where we mutants were being kept. They freed us and when we were to leave, she somehow was found dead." Facing her, her entire face went hard. "And he just left her there. The woman that he loved and swore to protect. So forgive me, if I do not hold the warm and fuzzies for him. To me, he is nothing but an animal and doesn't deserve to live."

"He can't remember wha' happened." Rogue replied. "Whatever happened that day on the island is not his fault. Stirker did something to him and because of that, he didn't know who your sister was." Closing her eyes as a name came to her, she frowned. "Kayla wouldn't want you to seek vengence against the man she loved. And you know that."

Instantly appearing before her, tears could be seen in her eyes. "How do you know her name?"

"Ah just do."

"Tell me."


Narrowing her eyes father, she tilted her head as her eyes gave a small glow. "Then I shall find it for myself."

And with that, Rogue found herself on the ground, as her mind was becoming stripped from her.

Watching as the last of the students leave and following, Logan ran a hand through his hair.

"We all knew it was coming."

Droping his hand and staring at the man to his left, he raised an eyebrow. "What was that four eyes?"

Steping from the wall and following after him towards the elevator, Scott smirked. "Everyone knew you was only waiting until she got older, to finally claim her."

As the doors closed, Logan rounded on him. "What was that bub?" He growled, as he lifted him by his throat.

Surprisingly still calm, she gave a mock laugh. "The looks and little trinkets you gave her whenever you were out, spoke volumes. A person would have to be a fool, to not notice you loved her."

"The kid was never..."

"Did you only call her that, to denie your feelings for her?"

Hearing the ding of their destination and the opening of the doors, Logan gave him a hard shuve into the titanium. "Just because you lost something that you took for granted and didn't see worth fighting for, doesn't mean we all deserve to be miserable like you. And for the record, Jeany deserved better."

"Like you?" Scott sneered, righting himself.

"No, but that never stoped me from fucking her after the Black Bird was hit, on our way to Alkali Lake." Turning and walking through the sea of kids who was gawking, he headed for his room.

But just as he began to climb the steps, a scream was sounded throughout the mansion.


Hearing the door being thrown open, Emma quickly through up a barrior.

"What is the meaning of this?" Storm demanded, pushing against the invisable wall.

Eyes focused on the now kneeling and crying girl, she continued to push her way through her mind. "She knows something I must know." She ground out, as more and more personalities from the people Rogue absorbed passed in her mind.

Placing a hand on the unseen force abstructing their path, Beast frowned. "This is not the way. You are hurting her and with all those she hold inside her head, will start to consume her. I beg of you, seize the removal of the walls Xavier made. If you do not, she will lose herself and possibly you."

Falling to her knees as well and feeling faint, silent tears began to fall. "It is a risk, I must take."


Turning, none could miss the enraged Wolverine making an apperence. Claws out and being met with the barrior, he angerly banged his fist on it. "Open this damn thing up, you bitch!"

Narrowing her eyes on him, she reached out and grabed Rogue's hair. Coming to her feet and dragging the still screaming and pale faced girl, her voice became cold. "Or what? You're going to sit back and watch her die, like you did to my sister, Kayla?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. You damn well know what I'm talking about."

"No I don't."

"Why are you lieing?" She yelled, tightening her hold on Rogue's hair.

"He's not."

Jerking her hand back to reveal pained eyes, Emma stared down at the girl. "How do you know?"

"Ah just do."

"I'm not in mood for this..."

"Ah'm telling the truth." Rogue croaked out. "Everytime when Ah had to take his healing, Ah saw more of his past." She finished in a whisper, as her eye lids began to get heavy.

Twisting her hand and once more having pained eyes on her, Emma frowned. "Tell me. What happened to my sister."

"Kayla was....Styker...shot her." She mumbled, as darkness began to call to her.

Lowering his hand, Wolverine frowned. "She knew about..."

"Xavier was helping her sort out the flashes she saw." Storm replied, seeing the hurt in his eyes. "Rogue was going to tell you, but she wanted to wait until she figured everything out."

"Which is also why Emma came?" Scott voiced, watching as Rogue battled to stay concious.

Sighing, she noded. "I didn't think nothing of it, but when I mentioned she would be helping Rogue who was close to Logan, she quickly accepted."

"But that still don't make..."

"He got shot in the head, that's why he couldn't remember." Rogue mumbled, as Emma was know kneeling beside her to better understand her.

"Kayla? What happened to her? Why did he leave her to die?" She demanded.

Eyes swirling around the room and landing on pained brown hues, a sudden rush of energy ran through her. Eyes widdening, she slowly reached to remove her glove from her right hand. "She died when he was....unconcious."

"But he left her to..."

"He couldn't remember her. To him, she was...another dead woman..." Glimpsing the glove that was now free, she locked gazes with her. "Let me go."

Smirking, Emma fisted her hair tighter and watched as she cried out, at the pain. "I don't think so. I have more information, I need from you."

"Then let me show you...why they call me Rogue." And with that, her bare hand grabbed her.

Eyes widdening as she felt the life being sucked out of her, Emma released her hair and fell back to the ground. Doing the same and taking in deep breathes, Rogue looked to the others, giving a smile as the barrior fell, she soon was lost to the darkness.

Rushing over, Wolverine unlatched her from the Frost woman and craddled her in his arms. Brushing her hair back and finding her eyes cracked, he gave a smiled. "You scared me for a minute there, darling." He calmly replied.

Blinking and pushing him back, she eyed them all. "Who...who are you? Where am Ah?" Raising her hand and touching her face, she frowned. "Who am Ah?"

Standing and feeling a tightness in his chest, Logan and the other X-Men shared of look of disbelief.
Chapter End Notes:
~Note: Thanks for reading and don't forget to tell me what you think about the sudden twist. Can you believe it, Rogue has amnesia. lol. Plz review.~
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