I blinked before I glanced over at Logan who chuckled slightly as he stared straight ahead. Finally with a smile on his face he looked over at me. I glared at him and his smile faded. “You think this is funny?” I demanded angrily.

He rolled his eyes. “Come on now, I didn’t do it on purpose.”

I grimaced as I reached into my pocket to grab my cell phone, only to realize it wasn’t there. My eyes widened and he let out another laugh. “This isn’t funny! I left my damn phone on the dash!” I stomped my foot out of impulse as my fists tightened. I looked back to him who was laughing still. “Do you have your phone?”

He shrugged and reached into his pocket. After looking at it briefly he smiled. “No signal.” He chucked it at me to prove it.

I glared at the screen that showed no bars, simply the little sign. “No service.” I groaned and looked around. “The last sign we passed, how many kilometres are we from the next gas station?”

“Twenty three.” He answered without hesitation. “We’re better off waiting here.”

“Fantastic.” I muttered under my breath as I started walking down the road towards where the SUV had fallen. The sun was beating down on us and I pulled my hair into a ponytail. These damn black leather suits are not any fun without air conditioning.

As I undid my suit I sighed, as a cool breeze washed across my face. I was suddenly glad I was wearing my jean shorts and a tank underneath. When I got it off completely I met Logan’s gaze for the first time. “What.” I growled.

He held up both hands in surrender. “I’m not gonna complain.”
“It’s hot okay?” I justified myself and kept walking.
He followed quickly behind me. “I know. It’s hot.”

I avoided smiling.

11:00 the night before.

Outside the main hall which was filled with people chattering and partying, I had wandered out to the balcony and leaned over the ledge, trying to breathe deeply. I had no idea why I was having a party. I’m not this kind of person, but of course Professor Xavier had insisted.

“Kid?” Someone said behind me. Logan walked up and leaned his back against the balcony next to me. “Are you alright?”

I shrugged without looking up at him. “What’s the point in counting birthdays Logan?” I sighed.

He chuckled slightly. “Maybe it’s to make us somewhat aware of the passing years...” I knew he was smiling when he used that tone. I looked up at him, and when he met my gaze his smile faded. “But with you... I’m all too aware of the time being lost.”

My eyebrows pulled together. “I’m nineteen. Not ninety.” He shrugged. “I wish I didn’t age.” I murmured slowly.

His eyes narrowed in a flash of white rage. “No you don’t.” He muttered, his tone startling me. I’ve never seen him be this serious. “After a while... everyone dies.” When I didn’t answer him he sighed and looked out at the dark horizon. “People are so naive. No one really knows the value of being able to grow old with someone.” His gaze flickered over to me for a moment.

He shook his head to himself. I took a deep breath before setting my hand on top of his. “Is that what you want?” I asked softly.

Logan muttered something to himself that I didn’t catch. “Come on Marie, your party is waiting.” He took my hand and started pulling me into the hall where everyone was waiting.

“No, Logan, come on.” I muttered just as we were getting into hearing distance of everyone. “What do you want?”

He turned around, his eyes full of the intensity and fire, of words that may never be said aloud.
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