I took a deep breath and wiped the mirror so that I could look at myself. “Well,” I murmured. “You’ve gone and done a number haven’t you?” I clenched my teeth together before grabbing my toothbrush and trying to calm myself down. It’s only 10:00 am. It’ll be fine. Nothing has to change. I can simply act as though nothing happened whatsoever. He can’t argue with that, right? He’s always complaining about the girls he ends up with not being able to keep their mouth shut. It’ll be fine.

I let my wet hair fall down my shoulders, not bothering to do anything with it today. My head was pounding making it even more difficult to think clearly. I walked towards my bed and was about to lay down but I realize my covers were strewn about.

I could have sworn I made my bed when I woke up on my birthday. In fact I’m sure of it. How on earth did this happen? Oh... Wait...

Six hours earlier...

I felt the bed moving and I glanced over to see Logan’s outline standing up. My mind scrambled around. “Noooooo...” I giggled fiercely. “Logan stay here.” He turned around, and grinned down at me, leaning over and mashing his lips against mine. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“Darlin, we both know my rooms better.” He sounded drunk, woozy. “‘Sides, I’m aloud to smoke in my room.”

I shook my head overdramatically. “But... But...” I stumbled trying to remember what word I had been wanting to use. “My room... my room has windows.”

“Throw some clothes on, don’t want to give Kitty a scare.” He told me still smiling. I pulled on my jeans slowly, with his gaze on me all the while. I grabbed my loose black t-shirt from a drawer before he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “How the hell do you look sexy in a T-Shirt?”

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me around, kneeling over and throwing me onto his back. When I shrieked he laughed that fierce Logan chuckle of his that drives me wild. I can’t begin to explain how happy that one sound can make me.

As we stumbled into his bedroom he landed me on my feet and his hands slipped up my shirt, pulling it off he threw it high over his shoulder with a growl. My arms locked around his neck as he kissed me and we slammed against the bathroom door. We broke apart briefly and I giggled as I pulled my bra off, leaving it hanging off something.

“Do you think anyone can hear us?” I whispered frantically as I undid his belt buckle.
He laughed as we fell to the bed.

“We’re lucky of the entire school doesn’t hear us.”
And his jeans were off.

Present Time...

I started making the bed trying not to remember exactly what happened on every inch of it. I fluffed the pillows slowly before I saw something sticking out from under the bed. A box. Shit, condoms? I looked closer at the box. It was mostly empty. Exactly how many of these did we fucking go through? I threw the rest of them in the nearby garbage. I won’t need them again.

I need a coffee...
Chapter End Notes:
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