Logan had grabbed my wrist and was dragging me down the hallway, not gently whatsoever. I had long since realized that he had no intention of stopping, all I could do was hold on for the ride as he pulled me towards Xavier’s office. Well... Storm’s office now. We walked in and the second Storm looked at my face and then to Logan’s she spoke. “What’s this?” she asked, only interested because she had clearly never seen Logan treat me this way before.

“The kid had been hiding something from us.” Logan growled fiercely. His gaze never met mine as I watched his fists clench and unclench. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was angry about me keeping this from him, or what he had just seen me do with Remy. Just then the door opened and Remy walked in, his expression just as pissed.

“Chere is not wrong for doing dis.” He snarled furiously. “Dere are reasons dat she wouldn’t want to tell us.” His gaze flickered to mine briefly before back to Storm who looked confused, but a mixture of anger with that confusion. “It makes sense dat she would want to keep it to herself a while, before exposing herself.”

A silence fell over the room, and slowly Storm turned her gaze to me. “Well Rogue?” she murmured, her voice thundering with frustration. “Tell me what they’re talking about.”

I looked at Logan, who still refused to return my gaze. I never thought that something so simple could hurt so much. But I knew why he was doing it. He had realized that if I had Jean in my mind, she wasn’t gone. Not completely. I took in the way he was standing there, broken, but his body positioning somehow still on the defence mode. The wall he put up to keep his true feelings out, was in place.

I took a deep breath. “That night at Alcatraz... I had decided not to take the cure.” I kept my gaze on the floor, worried that what I said might break me into the sorry bundle of tears that I really was. “I planned on running away,” Logan’s head snapped up. “and I was in a bar when I saw what was happening on the news.”

I remember it all too clearly. The sight of so many mutants being punished for something they couldn’t control; for fighting for their share of the world. “I crossed the golden gate bridge and when I saw what was happening... to Jean, I didn’t know what to do.” My teeth clenched. “Logan helped me get to her.” Storm was staring at me in absolute shock. “And when I did. I killed her.”

“Gambit, you knew about this?” Storm hissed angrily, and I shrunk backwards a little.
He glared at her. “Chere never told me.” He admitted. “If you had paid enough attention to dah girl, you would have seen what I saw.”

Storm took a deep breath before turning to me once more, her face softened a little. “Rogue, you knew we needed a telepath.” She murmured. “Why would you keep this from us for so long?” I kept my head down, and tried not to think, not to breathe.

“I was scared.” I whispered slowly. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes as I admitted the truth. “I don’t know how to control it.” I realized that my arms were wrapped around myself as I forced myself to continue. “Jean had more control than I did, and she had the professor.” I squeezed my eyes closed for a moment and tried to say more, but the words stopped flowing.

“Dere’s no wonder why she didn’t tell you.” Remy spoke up, his voice coloured with recent frustration. “She could lose control. Remy don’t want what happen to Jean to happen to Rogue.”

At that I heard Logan growl something along the lines of “Enough Cajun.” And stormed out, not saying anything else, but simply slamming the door behind him.

I opened the door to hurry after him, desperate to explain myself. I wanted to tell him I was sorry... for everything. “Logan,” I gasped out after him. But he ignored me and continued. Just before he rounded the corner at the end of the hall, I saw his claws come out.
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