When I got out of the med-bay Remy was waiting for me outside, leaning against the wall with a cigarette. His eyes black and frustrated, he projected every emotion he was feeling. There was annoyance, jealousy, anger and most of all worry. As he took a long puff he stared at the ground before looking at me and concentrating on my face for a long time. I had done my best to appear less pale, less ghostly as Logan described it when he tried to convince me to take his powers. Somehow, I knew I certainly didn’t look any less sallow.

We were outside, there were a few trees but mostly park benches and an empty field. We stood at the door, and I stared out at the sports equipment that had been left there. There were footballs and soccer balls left lying around and a couple sports mats. I was thinking about how it was probably here for Logan’s defence class when Remy spoke.

“You slept with Wolvie, no?” He stated quickly, desperate to get the foul tasting words out of his mouth. He met my gaze briefly when I nodded, and he did the same in response. “Remy was dere when you left chere.” He told me fiercely. “You were drunk.”

I vaguely remembered him trying to stop me, and I had assured him that I was just showing Logan my moves on the pool table... Consequently in more ways than one. Either way, I didn’t understand what he was getting at. “So?”

He took another puff of his cigarette and blew it away from me. “How much do you remember?” he murmured slowly.

My eyes narrowed. “Why?” My tone was no longer questioning, it was on the verge of dangerous demanding.
“Did he...” It seemed like he couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Did he what?” I demanded.

“Did you want to—”
I felt the glare shift across my face instantly as I interrupted. “You mean did Logan take advantage of me??” I spat incredulously, close to furious laughter. “Of course not you stupid Cajun! Disappointed I didn’t go to your bed that night?”

Fire flickered across his dark ruby eyes briefly. “No.” He snarled.
“Then what’s your problem.” I growled, my fists tingling, I realized I wanted to hit him.
He smirked. “Remy had two theories ‘bout why my chere was actin dis way for de last lil’ while.” I glared at him, but he continued. “Either you regretted it.” His gaze shifted, and the corner of his lips curled upwards. “Or chere has some serious feelings for dah wolverine.”

“You stupid cocky Cajun!” I yelled and tried to hit him. He caught my fist in midair and then the other. He held them there, far stronger than I was, but I struggled angrily trying to pull my hands free. “If you ever say anything like that again I swear I’m going to neuter you with a rusty jackknife.”

He pushed me backwards and swung my legs out from under me, lowering me gently to the ground aware of my bandages and pinned me there. “Tell me de truth den chere,” He murmured, unfazed by what I said. My arms were pinned to the ground beside me and he was sitting on top of me, making it impossible to move. “Tell me you’re in love with dah wolverine.”

I stared up at him, into his eyes for a moment, not wanting to admit it to him. How dare he? I felt the anger coursing through me. And then I felt strained, weakened and sore. My blood was boiling, and all I could hear was my own pulse. “No...” I whimpered softly.

Before I knew what was happening, Remy was leaning over me pressing his lips to mine, his lips parted and lightly traced over mine, still pinning me to the ground.

I heard a growl. “Get off of her Cajun.”

He sat straight up just as I realized. “Logan?” Just as I said his name, out of the corner of my eye I saw the park bench nearby topple to the ground, and all the sports equipment bounce down as well. I had been levitating everything within a three mile radius. I looked around and saw what I had done before I watched Remy get off of me and met Logan’s dark gaze.

Chapter End Notes:
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