Author's Chapter Notes:
Notes: The original idea was that Rogue's mutation could be controlled by an electromagnetic barrier (its a long story, mail me if you're interested). That was really hard to write, so here's what happened *after* she became touchable. This is my first X-fic, so feedback would be much appreciated.
“She’s my friend, and I love her, but I swear to God that if I have to hear one more word about Logan – EVER - I’m gonna hug her ‘til she kills me,” Kitty grumbled as she reached for the ice cream tub, “Which I realise could now take a very long time.”

“At least she half admits it. He talks about her the whole time but when I call him on it he insists it’s a big brother thing. Let me tell you, I’ve seen the way he looks at her and I’d be arrested if I looked my sister that way.”

“We don’t have a sister, Alex.”

“Shut up, Scott.”

“So what are we gonna do about it?” Bobby piped up, sending a small ice blast towards the ice cream container to keep the sweet mixture cool. “I mean, I broke up with her once she got a handle on her mutation, which I still can’t believe worked,” his eyes moved to the green-haired woman rifling through the cupboards, “so she could go be with him and they’re still acting like kids at the first school dance.”

“Anyone want some Smucker’s?” Lorna asked, passing the sauce bottles to the table. “And of course it worked! Eventually… But the way I see it, now that she can hold onto the electromagnetic barrier there’s nothing to stop her walking right up and kissing him. Hell it’s just a pity she can’t use it to dash that thick Adamantium skull of his against the wall until he admits he likes her.”

A giggle swept over the room.

“Well, all I know is we got to do something soon,” Kitty frowned, reaching in the freezer for the fourth carton of Ben and Jerry’s, “Or I may just kill them both. It’s days like this that I wish my mutation were more dangerous. I mean, I could walk through them a lot, but that’s more annoying than anything.”

“Where are they now?” Scott queried, reaching for the chocolate sauce.

“She’s in her room, he’s in his,” Bobby sighed. “Wish we could force them to stand in the same place for five minutes - they’re full-on avoiding each other these days. No thanks, I hate sprinkles.”

A giggle emerged from behind the cupboard door and as it closed Lorna stood there smiling.

“Scott, how well do you know the building plans? Could you tell me which room’s beneath Logan’s?”

Cyclops’ brow furrowed in concentration, as far as was possible with a visor on, and he used his spoon to trace a map in his ice-cream.

“Stock room, across the hall there.”

“And Marie’s?”

Alex’s arms circled Lorna’s waist as he realised what she was getting at and he began to grin as his brother extended his dessert-map.

“The bathroom at the end of the corridor. Can I get more ice cream, I’m running out of space here…”

“I just had the best idea. If you want to see something funny…” Lorna swooped out of the door and across the hall, “…head up to the next floor.”

Kurt, who’d been sitting quietly in the corner, bamfed to the floor above and waited for his team-mates to arrive.

“She said to hide at the end of the hall here,” Bobby told him as the team reached the top of the stairs and headed for the shadows.

After a moment, the sound of something scraping along the floor came from Logan’s room, followed by a…


It was another moment before the door opened and the man himself appeared, clearly being dragged down the hall by something neither he nor they could see.

“She’s using her power! She must be standing right underneath him!” Kitty hissed as Wolverine’s cusses drew Marie from her room. “Kurt, get Lorna, she should see this...”

Nightcrawler bamfed, returning a moment later with Polaris in his grasp, instantly extending one arm in front of her to continue her assault on Logan.

“SOMEONE’S GONNA DIE SCREAMING FOR THIS…” Wolverine bellowed over his shoulder towards the people he was unable to see but instinctively knew were there

“Logan, what’s going on?” Marie watched as he moved steadily towards her, clearly against his will. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and saw that Lorna was pushing him along.

“We’re kinda sick of you two living in denial,” Kitty informed her.

“So we thought we’d take matters into our own hands,” Bobby smiled.

“Or rather, Lorna’s…” Scott continued.

“MAGNET GIRL, YOU’RE GONNA DIE!” Wolverine hollered, trying in vain to look back at the group, because after all he’d have to kill them later.

“‘Magnet Girl’ not too scared of old Adamantium claws, funnily enough,” Lorna giggled, as she stopped his body moving and extended his arms around Marie.

“Now kiss her so we can all move on,” Alex teased.

Logan’s eyes turned towards Marie, who was blushing frantically.

“Dunno what they’re talkin’ about,” he mumbled.

“Me either,” she whispered back.

“We’re waiting,” Scott told them (in his very best school teacher voice) as the rest of the team collapsed in laughter, Lorna barely able to maintain her hold on the Wolverine.

“Look, we could just kiss and then they’ll leave us alone. I know you don’t want to but…” Logan fought valiantly to regain control of his arms, which were still wrapped gently, but firmly, around Marie’s neck. She mumbled some kind of assent and he leant towards her, his lips barely brushing hers…

To much applause from the watching crowd.

Lorna relinquished her hold on Logan, allowing him to break the embrace if he wanted to.

She wasn’t quite ready for what happened next. Her eyes fixed on Logan as he drew the young woman closer, losing himself in the warmth radiating from her previously untouchable body. His hands moved up her arms as hers pulled his flannel shirt from his waistband.

“GET A ROOM!” Bobby cried, but it was clear the couple were too lost in each other to even notice their previous tormentors. It was also clear that the scene in front of them was only going to get more intense…

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Kitty wailed, “First they don’t go near each other and now… Oh my God! That’s a part of him no-one needs to see…LORNA!”

Marie was now sliding Logan’s jeans down his legs, revealing a rather prominent erection that the whole crowd couldn’t help but stare at.

“What? I didn’t do that…” the green-haired woman replied indignantly “OH!” She held out her hand and pushed the couple through Marie’s still-open bedroom door and pulled it shut behind them as Rogue’s shirt left her arms. The group stood in silence for a few moments until grunts and moans started coming from the room.

“I’d say our work here is done,” Scott told them as he backed away.


“Yep. Definitely done,” Kitty added, moving towards the stairwell.


They all began to run.
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