Author's Chapter Notes:
More Rogue Logan action to make up for the lack of it in the last Chapter. Hope you enjoy.
Beep beep beep beep *Crash*
Logan glared bleary eyed at the alarm clock next to the bed now laying in many small pieced where he'd smashed it with his fist to silence it. Five am was too damned early to be conscious but damned if he was going to be stuck running Danger Room sims with Donella. She was killing him and given his mutation it was a feat.

He pulled on a pair of sweats and a battered old sweatshirt Rogue had given him then after two years of wearing it ragged had given him grief over and banished to the exercise hamper. He glared at the mirror as he passed it and slouched down to the Danger Room. He booted up his usual wake-up routine and started in. About halfway through he shed the sweatshirt and kept going. He heard the doors slide open and groaned inwardly, When was Donella going to get the hint that he preferred his first workout of the day by himself.
His nose informed him sarcastically that it was not Donella who usually smelled of mountain stream water and ozone but Rogue who teased his senses with Vanilla and the soft tang of something vaguely citrus.

"Hey Kid." He greeted her knocking a robot to the ground then grinding the metal components into so much scrap.

"Hey suga." She replied sounding not quite fully awake.

He turned to look at her his claws slicing a bot neatly into chunks. His breath caught in his chest at the sight of her. She was wearing a skin tight green and black catsuit her hair pulled into a ponytail that threatened to escape the over extended elastic at any moment. She looked sexy as hell but the look she gave him was all innocence. "Mind if Ah practice with ya?" She asked.

He grunted to cover up the fact that he couldn't seem to find words in the tangled mess she was making of his already fried brain. She grinned. "Thanks suga." She launched herself bodily at a foe and reduced the bot to scrap metal easily.

The practiced like that in near silence for almost an hour before Scott rapped on the glass of the observation booth to remind them that other people wanted to use the Danger Room. As they were walking to the locker rooms Logan reflected on just what kinds of changed Rogue had undergone while he was gone. In six months she'd gone from late teen gawkiness to full buxom womanhood. She also seemed to have gained some confidence somewhere and it looked good on her. "Thanks for the practice suga. It was nice hangin' out with ya. We neva seem to get any quality time togetha any more."

Logan grunted again. "We'll have to make a date or something kid." He replied reminding himself why he was leaving her alone and not doing what his latest fantasies were insisting he do. In his mind there were two distinct reasons not to get involved with Rogue. A: She was still a kid and God only knew how old he was, didn't seem right to saddle such a sweet young woman like her with a grumpy old cuss like himself and B: She was too good for a grumpy old cuss like himself. He blatantly refused to acknowledge the little voice in his heart that reminded him that when he was around her he didn't feel like such a grumpy old cuss.

"Yeah. We could go for a drink and some pool." She replied. "Maybe bring Donella along with us. Ah'd kinda like to get to know her betta ya know suga?"

Logan glanced at her sharply. "Get to know her? Why, far as I know she ain't planning on staying too long. She never does."

Rogue gave him a sweet smile that had an edge to it he'd never seen before. "Been following her Ah take it? Never thought there'd have been a woman left you behind."

"I have not been following her." He replied with some dignity. "We just always seem to be traveling the same way." He left out the part where it was Donella dragging him from one place to the other though he was damned if he knew why.

Rogue laughed. "Sure suga. I'd like to get to know her anyway. I like her. She shakes things up a bit and sometimes this place needs some shakin' up."

"So get Avalanche to drop by." Logan replied sourly. "She ain't the kinda gal you want to get too close to."

Rogue stopped just outside the woman's locker room. "Ya know they said the same about you and Ah didn't listen then so why would Ah listen now? Besides I said Ah like her and I meant Ah Like her, she's a cutey." She opened the locker rooms door and breezed in leaving Logan gaping at her in the hallway as the door closed behind her.

The only words running through his confused mind were; 'She Likes Donella? Well shit that ain't good.'
Chapter End Notes:
And by Like I mean attracted sexually. Hopefully I wasn't too subtle about it. Hard to gauge sometimes. Please Review!!
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