~Chapter 2~

Groaning and blinking, he laid eyes on a mass of blue.

"I see that you're awake." Hank voiced, walking over with a clip board in hand.

Smirking and sitting up Logan raked a hand through his usually messy hair. "I'm the Wolverine, bub. Nothing can keep me down, fuzz ball."

"But apparently Rogue and her power can."

Eyes widdening as all what happened resurfaced in his minds eye, he gasped. "Where is..."

"She just left...I know that you want to go and seek her out my friend, but she needs time to herself. For what she was born with is a part of her, that proves to not want to leave her."

Sighing, he nodded. "Where's the other two kids?"

"You mean Kitty and Bobby?"


"After all that happened, Kitty had an emotional melt down and Storm is with her. As for Bobby, the proffessor still has him in his office." Turning and grabbing the clothes stacked in a chair, Hank handed them over. "Here...Rogue brought these in for you." Once more turning, he made move for the door.

Once he was alone, Logan stared at his hand that was now a light shade if red. "Oh Marie...what have you gotten yourself into now?"

Turning and climbing the steps, Rogue quickly went to her room. Closing the door behind her and moving towards her dresser, she gathered a pair of black jeans, a matching low cut long sleeve bell shirt and matching gloves.

Dressing in record time and slipping on her boots, she headed for the proffessor's office.

On her way, she soon found herself the center of all attention and whispers once more. Scruntching up her shoulders and lowering her head so her hair covered her eyes, she missed the body coming her way.


Feeling a hand reach out to steady her, she tensed and jerked her head up.


Forcing a smile, he slowly released her. "Easy there, Rogue. Don't want to have no accidents, now do we?"

Shaking her head, she looked away.

"Hey, don't feel bad about your powers coming back." He voiced, as he took up beside her, as she continued on her way. "They are a part of you and..."

"Ah hate 'em." She coldly spat. "They are n'thing but trouble. Ah can't even touch or enjoy life na' that they back."

He sighed. "I know that it's hard to accept them again, but..."

"Ah neva did."

"...later on, you will see that they did for a reason." He pressed, ignoring her comment. Coming to an oak door, he gave her shoulder a squeeze and walked off.

Groaning and raising her hand to knock, she found the proffessor in her head. Opening the door and freezing at the others, she tensed up.

Walking over from her position on the desk, Storm gave a warm smile. "Please, come take a seat. No one is here to redicule you."

Nodding, she allowed herself to be ushered into the chair, as Beast closed the door.

Clearing his throat, Charles gained her attention.

"I know that you are scared and frightened about your powers coming back, but we are all here to help." He began.

"The few tests that you allowed me to do during your stay in the sick wing visiting Logan, revealed a few findings." Hank stated, taking over the convensation. "Your mutation was at a weak level when you first cam here, all the way up until you took the cure. As you know from earlier this morning, it has become a great deal stronger. In fact, it leaves a scar now in place of where your skin comes in contact with another. It also..."

"Ah uh...ah was effected too." Her southeren bell accent sounded.

"How? "

Taking her glove off and raising her right hand, she balled a fist.


Charles swallowed the lump in his throat, as he came around his desk towards her. "Those are...are..."

"Miniture claws." Logan stated, walking over and running his hand over them. "They are sharp yet dull, but made out of bone and..."

"You had such before Striker gave you antamantium ones?" Hank questioned.

He nodded. "I don't remember anything of my past, but I do know that..."

"Sabortooth was your brother." Rogue added, coming to her feet.

His eyes narrowed. "No he..."

"He was...ah can..." Closing her eyes, memories flashed in her head. "You didn't know until your father killed the man that...that raised you. Then you...you and Sabortooth fought along each other in wars and... and..." Gasping and stepping back, she started to visibly shake. Looking directly at the proffessor, she summoned the claws back and hugged herself. "How am ah recalling his memories that 'he' don't even remember?"

Frowning, Charles, glanced towards Beast. "Is it possible that Rogue can go deeper into the human psyche, than even myself?"

"Possibly...but the cure must have not only advanced the strength of the energy pull, but that of the mind."

He sighed. "I do not know, Rogue, but if what Hank says is true, then..."

"Why can't I remember my past?" Logan demanded.

Jumping, Rogue moved to answer, but Storm stepped in.

"Please. This is not the time to search for your answers. She may have insight into what occured, but we must first access what is happening to her. Please be patient."

Growling, he stormed out of the office.

Seeing the distress shadowing her face, Charles sighed. "Why don't we continue this tonight after dinner?"

Giving a small smile, she nodded. "Thanks proffessor." Turning, she followed the angered Wolverine.

Hearing her footsteps become farer and farer away, Beast dropped down into her vacant chair. "If this continues, she must learn control over her mutation. She may have been a risk before, but now she is a series danger to all."

Storm nodded. "I must agree with Hank, Charles. Rogue's power is more stronger and can kill alot more quicker, if it only took seconds to knock Logan unconcious. And thats not mentioning her ability to see what may be hidden in one's mind."

"I know you both are concerned and so am I. But in order to find a way to aid her in controling her gift, we must first understand it... But how was it triggered? It laid dorment up until this morning and..."

"She was angered and her powers felt this. They allowed the cure to push them back, but with the anger and the violent attitude that she was in, they felt a need to aid her." Beast answered. "We know of mutants that come across their gift when they are in danger, so why don't her skin do the same to protect her?"

"But when she first came into her power, she was kissing a young boy." Storm added. "She was in no danger then?"

"Yet it was her first kiss and she was nervous and 'scared' about what he would think. It may not be the same form of scared, but in a way she was giving off the same vibe."

Watching as the two continued to bicker back and forth, Charles became lost in his own thoughts.

Entering the kitchen and moving for the fridge, all the teens hurried out of his way. Grabbing three beers he made for the patio out back. Breathing in the fresh air, he cracked open a beer and took a nice long swallow.

"Trying to drawn yo'self, there?"

Glimpsing red sun glasses out the corner of his eyes, Logan growled under his breath. "What ya' want, four eyes?"

"Nothing." Scott calmly replied, taking one of his beers and opening it. "Does this have anything to do with Rogue?" He asked, motioning to the other beer he was now starting on.

He shrugged. "What's it to ya' bub?"

"Just asking...Because I know she's hurting and needs someone to talk to, but no one will go to her."

Gulping down his beer, he eyed him. "You going to keep beating around the bush or are you gonna get to the point, of ya' little pep talk?"

Scott sighed. "I know that the proffessor and Beast told you to give her time, but she's starting to with draw in her self. She needs someone to be her crutch."

"And you can't be that, because..."

"She wants you, Logan."

"And what gave you that..."

"Your always there when she needs someone or she goes to for advice. Ever since you both arrived here, your the only one that she feels that she can be herself around. Go to her."

"If the kid wants me, then she can come to me."

He shook his head. "Didn't what I just told you say anything?...Rogue wont come to you, because you are the one that she hurt. She feels guilty and doesn't want to hurt you any more than she already has. She would do anything you tell her, just so you wont hate her or lose your friendship."

Seeing her sad face in the proffessor's office, he closed his eyes. "She said that she can see my memories."

"Thats nothing new and..."

"The ones that I don't even recall." He voiced.

Closing his mouth and looking down at the students in the yard playing or just relaxing with their friends, he smirked. "She wanted to tell you all that happened?"

"Yeah, but Ororo stepped in and said that she needed time to herself."

"Well, she's right...but it's Rogue who you have to talk to. Just be there for her and she'll tell you when you're ready."

Opening his eyes and moving to reply, the scene down in the yard caught his eye.

Sitting alone on the fountain's edge, she stared down at the fish playing in the water.


Tensing and coming to her feet, she found Bobby giving her a small smile. "What do you want?"

"I just uh...I wanted to see how you were doing?"

"You mean after ya' cheated on me with ma best friend?" She angerly voiced.

Paling, he nodded. "I'm sorry, Rogue. Truely I am. I just..."

"You don't have n'thing to say to me. You cheated on me and thats it. We're done."

Bobby gasped. "Come on, Rogue. I love you and..."

"If ya' loved me, ya' woundn't have cheated and slept with Kitty."

Taking a step towards her, he moved to grab her gloved hand. "I still want to be with you and..."

Pulling her appendage free of his hold, she folded her arms. "We're done Bobby. Ah don't want n'thing to do with you."

Narrowing his eyes, he frowned. "This has to do with Wolverine, don't it?"

"Wha'? Where did that come from?"

"Don't play stupid now, Rogue. Everyone around knows about your little crush on that monster."

Her eyes widdened. "Ah...Ah don't..."

"I've been with you for almost three years. You honestly think you could hide that from me?" He yelled, drawing unwanted attention.

"But...if ya' knew, then why...?"

"I thought I could change the way you saw him or over look it, but the moment he saved you on Staten Island you fell all over him. When ever he needed something, you never denied him. When he was wasted and couldn't get to his bed, you helped him. When he went on his nightly runs around the mansion, you were there with a towel and beer. When Striker made him have a mental melt down, it was you who picked up the pieces. And when Jean died, it was you who dropped everything to comfort him. And..."

"Ah get it." Her low voice rang, as she folded her arms. "Ah am always there for him and that wont ever change, Bobby. He saved my life and..."

"So all this goes back to Staten Island and..."

"No...from the very first time when ah saw 'em back in Laughlin, when he was cage fighting."


Nodding, a smile creased her lips. "Yeah...He jus'...when ah saw him, ah knew that he was more then that wild man ah saw take out man after man with one single hit. His eyes told me that he was a man with a secret and ah felt drawn to him...from that very day, ah knew he would never let me down." Eyes hardening, she gave a small growl in the back of her throat. "And he has of yet to do so. Ah owe him more than anyone could eva' comprehend. Logan is more than jus' my friend, he is my hero. Ah nev' had an'thing after my mutation, but he...he assured that ah got all that ah eva' wanted and needed." Taking a step and allowing her arms to fall at her sides, she stared him directly in the eyes. "And if you want to stand before me and degrade him or ev'thing that we went through, you have another thing com'n, bub." Her now rough and cold voice sounded.

Looking her up and down, he shook his head. "What are you gonna do? Hit me? You woundnt dare to..."



Hand going to his rapidly bleeding lip, he gawked at her.

"Don't dare someone, if you can't handle the repercussions, boy."

Jumping to his feet, he moved to swing on her.

Moving her head to the left, she raised an eyebrow. "Is that it?" She taunted, cracking her knuckles. "My turn." And with that, her fist found home in his gut. As he curled over her, she tsked and brought her knee to his head, sufficently knocking him unconcious. Watching as he fell and sprawled out on the lush green grass, she caught the sound of fast footsteps coming her way. Slowly turning and finding both Scott and Logan eyeing her, she raised an eye brow and rolled her neck, which gave a loud pop. "What?"

Sharing a look with the other man, Scott kneeled beside Bobby's bloody form. "This was uncalled for."

Narrowing her eyes, she raised her other eyebrow. "He came up to me and started this, four eyes. Not the other way around."

Seeing where this was going, Logan grabbed her arm and dragged her away.

Sitting on her bed and watching as she leaned on the wall near her window drinking a beer, he sighed. "Marie?"

Turnig, she gave him a bored look.

"You need to get a hold of yourself."

"What if ah don't want to?" She challenged, placing her bottle on the dresser with her other empty one. Walking over and taking his cigar form his hand, she took a strong pull. Blowing out smoke in a huff, she handed it back. "What ya gon' do if ah don't? Spank me? Ground me? Take away my new bike?"

Growling and grabbing her arms, he forced her into his lap. Baring his teeth, his hold tightened. "What the hell do you expect to accomplish with this lil stunt?"

"N'thing." She rather calmly replied.


She nodded.

"Why? Why must you lose yourself to the Wolverine that I myself fight everyday? He is nothing but a monster and..."

"He is strong and don't allow n'thing to hurt 'em." She spat, with a growl behind every word. "No one questions or dares to disrespect 'em. Others are n'thing, but a small speck in his life."

Eyes widdening, he frowned and pulled her into his arms. Hugging her to him, Logan, sighed. "You delt with the whispers and more over the years, kid. Don't allow it to get to ya' now. You're better than them and don't you forget it." Rubbing her back, he gave a soothing growl from his chest. "The only person who opinion matters, is mine. And you are nothing short of a beautiful, smart, and strong woman."

Sagging against him and allowing all her emotions to catch up with her, Rogue turned her heand and buried it in his chest.

Feeling the tears soak through his shirt, he pulled back and stared in her face. Pushing back her white streaked hair, he sighed. "Now theres the Marie I know."

Smiling, she brushed her cheek against his hand. "Thank you." Turning her face, she kissed his palm.

Jerking his hand back and staring at it, he gasped.

"What's wrong?"

Raising his hand, he lightly traced her jaw. "I can touch you...I can touch you, Marie."

Softly gasping, a lone tear fell from her eyes.
I know its not that long, but tell me what you think.
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