Author's Chapter Notes:
Yes I know its been a long time since I updated this story, but college work got in the way then me jumping from job to job, ive been quite tired lol. But now i finished college, at 1 job (for now) and ive got some free time on my hands, so now its back to writing, yah.

And thanks to every who reviewed (and if you didn't thank you for reading it)

This chapter is dedicated to my beta’r Jezz, who is expecting her first baby. Congratulation hun.

BTW this is un-betad lol
::Oh god::

“Logan?” Marie was in a state of shock, Logan was awake, barely but he was awake.

“” again Logan called her name, hoping against hope that it was and not a dream. He tried to raise his arm to find her but was still too weak.

“Logan it’s Hank I need you to listen, you’ve been through a great deal of trauma, the best thing for you right now is to rest, so don’t try to speak or move. Hopefully your healing ability will work better now that your awake. But like I said rest, try and get more sleep, I will be checking on you every hour okay,” Hank looked over to Marie, he gave her a genital smile and left the room.

Logan did as commanded and feel back to sleep, Marie on the other hand found it very difficult to settle in Medbay, She kept walking around the room looking at nothing in particular.

“Sit your ass down, it’s not good for a woman in your condition to stay on her feet worrying.”

“Bite me this is how I think,” turning to smile at the woman, “Beside if I sit down all I’m gonna do is worry more.”

“Has he woken up yet?”

“Only for a minute but Hank order him to rest.”

“Maybe you should listen to that as well, all this stress can not be good for baby,” the figure place a hand on Marie’s shoulder, “He will be alright now, so stop worrying.”

“It’s not that easy.”

::Why the hell is it so fucking bright in here? You’d think they’d turn them down just a little, where the fuck am I anyway?::

Logan slowly open his eyes allowing them time to adjust to the brightness of the room, looking round Logan noticed all the medical equipment, but something was off, there was something there that wasn’t meant to be. Looking around more closes Logan noticed in the far corner a person curled up on a chair. Find the little straight he has, Logan pushes himself off the gurney and placed his shaking legs on the ground, but as he stood up straight his legs could not carry the his weight and collapsed. Swearing at his lack of strength Logan pulled himself back into a standing position but this time held onto the gurney till he felt strong enough to stand alone. The person in the chair had not moved an inch, even with the sound off him falling had made enough of a nose for someone to notice.

“She not had much sleep in the last week, I guess it finally took its toil on her,” behide him a woman stood holding a blanket. Gracefully she moved over to the sleeping form and placed the blanket over them, “You should be in bed, from what I hear your body been through a lot and you need to rest,” she turned round to face him, something in her faced remind him of a woman he once knew, the only woman he ever loved, Marie.

“Who are you to be giving me orders?”

“Well I am your mother in-law for a start and if your going to be with my daughter I want you 100%, understand me?” the woman said whilst stroking the hair of the sleeping person.

“What the hell are you going? Who are you? And where there hell do you get off calling your self my mother in-law?” Logan was becoming very anger and agitated at the person how stood in front of him.

“My dear boy, you do know me. My name, my really name is Raven, but you know, how did you once put it, oh yes ‘The Blue Bitch’.”

“Mystique! What the fuck?” The anger was becoming too much for Logan’s still healing body, a sudden wave of dizzies washed over him.

“My dear you need to calm down, I’m not here to fight you, would be to easy to win at this moment. I guess I should tell you what I know. Well when your little X-freaks went into that lab in Yellow Stone they left one of the prisons behide. Me. Well as you can guess I wasn’t very happy with that, I was also very angry at the fact one of your own tried to kill her,” Raven said turning round to face Rogue.

“WHAT!!! WHO THE FUCK TRIED? I’M GONNA RIP THEM A NEW BELLY BUTTON” caught up in his rage Logan failed to notice how loud he had gotta, or the fact that he had realised his now bone claws.

Silent fell upon the two mutants who were both looking from each other, to his bleeding hands. Suddenly a small pair of hands were covering Logan’s big ones. “Oh my gosh Logan your hands. Let me find a banged,” Marie start to search franticly around Med Lab.

“Marie, Marie,” Logan tried to grab her but couldn’t due to his claws being out. “Marie its find look,” Logan started to retract the claws and held out his hands for Marie to look at.

Turning to face him, Marie felt stupid for over reacting to his injury. “Sorry.”
Logan started to walk over to her, but stopped a few inch’s in front of her. Logan held his hands by side and hung his head. Confused, Marie closed the gap and placed a hand on his check, feeling moisture on them.

“Logan, why are you crying?” without answering Logan grabbed hold of Marie and pulled her into a bear hug burying his head into the crook of her neck.

“God Marie, I though…I though I lost you there for a moment,” Logan said moving his face from her neck to look into her eyes.

“OH Logan you big ape, you know you cant get rid of me that easily. Though I have to say I didn’t exactly come back on my own this time,” Marie moved one of Logan’s hands from her base of her back and placed it onto her swollen belly.

Logan looked down at his hand, and then back up to Marie’s face, giving her his famous eyebrow lift. “Surprise,” Marie whispered. “Yeah baby, a really big one,” Logan kept staring into Marie’s eyes, whilst rubbing his hand over her stomach.

“SO… are you going to kiss her or what?”
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