
“Marie, you need to start breathing again hun,” Raven was trying to calm a very hysterical Marie. Watching her walk backwards and forwards across the room, Raven could read the panic on Marie like she was a book.

“How is he? Is he alive? Tell me again to make sure I heard right.”

“I will but I need you to sit down your making me dizzy,” Marie moved over to the sofa trying to calm her nerves.

“From what I know yes he is alive, but he is in bad shape. They cant seem to wake him up, from what my source clams ‘Its like he’s given up’.”

“Given up? This is Logan, the Wolverine he just doesn’t give up, he fights,” Marie couldn’t believe what she was hearing, the man Raven was talking about couldn’t be her Logan, could it?

“Well according to my source Logan gave up fighting some time back, around the time you were pronouced dead. They said it was like the flame in him was blown out,” the realisation of how important Marie was to Logan struck her hard.

“Oh god, I’m killing him,” tears slowly feel down her face at the though of hurting the man she loved by not being there.

“I have to go back, Logan needs me,” with a stern look upon her face Marie slowly rose from the sofa and made her way up stairs to pack her things.

“I had a feeling you would say that, so I made sure the car has a full tank of gas. But there is one condition,” Marie turned to face Raven from the top of the stairs.

“And what would that be?”

“That I drive you there. And before you start I will feel better knowing your there in one piece and I’m pretty sure Logan would feel the same. And there’s no fighting me on this young lady you hear.”

“Well it’s nice to know where I get my stubborness from, fine deal. Give me 5 minutes to get my things."

^2 Days Later^

Seeing the familiar shops was very awaking for Marie. Seeing the shops she and her friends hung-out at made her realise there was no going back. She would see Logan again, though not at his best, or hers for that matter. But she would also finally have to face Bobby. That’s what she was dreading most having to see his slimy, greasy, alien shape face. But also the number of questions she would receive upon her arrival, where she had been, what had happen to her, and why she was so big. In truth Marie was quit big for 4 months, but when your carrying the Wolverines child I think it’s expected.

“Can we wait till it’s dark? That way it will give me time to prepare,” she asked ripping up a piece of paper.

“We will do as you like sweetie, you don’t have to rush into anything you hear,” Marie couldn’t help but smile she truly had come to love Raven as her mother, like they had never been split apart.

“Thanks mama for doing this. The truth is, I don’t think I can go through with this. I’ve never seen Logan at his weakest point; even when I touched him he’s never seemed weak. I just, I just don’t know how I can get through this alone,” Marie wiped away the tears, for the last two days she had try not to break down, but being back in New York seemed to be hard on her.

“Well honey your not alone. Although he’s not awake now Logan is still with you he always has. He’s in your head, your heart, even in that child you carry inside you. That child is a symbol of how much you two love each other. And you will always have me, no matter what you hear.”

Raven was right; if it hadn’t been for the Logan in her she would not have made it through the last four months. Marie reached down to her stomach rubbing her hand over the bump.

“Your right he always has been with me.”

“And now it’s your turn to be there for him. Logan needs your love Marie, needs to know that you’re still fighting, loving him, and giving him a future. One I’m pretty sure he never though he would have,” Raven also reached over to rub Marie’s stomach.

“Your not wrong there mama. Can I ask for a favour?”

^Few Hours Later^

Night had fall upon New York, a light snow fell over the city and the areas around it. Marie and Raven had spent the day trying to work out what Marie would say to the awaiting questions she would receive. They also spent the day looking for things that baby would need for when it’s born.

But right now both Marie and Raven sat in the car, which was facing the gates of the mansion.

“Thanks for coming with me mama.”

“It’s not a problem sweetie,” both Marie and Raven sat in silent for a few more minutes. Raven turned in her seat to face Marie.

“So are you going to ring the door bell, or should I?”

“Well I would be more then happy to ring the bell, there’s just one small problem.”

“And what would that be?”

“There’s no door bell,” Raven laughed lightly at the joke.

“So then, how do we get in there?” Raven turned in her seat again to faces the mansion.

“Each person has an individual code to get in, and I’m pretty sure that Charles would have taken mine off the computer by now. It’s a good thing Logan told me his just in-case. Drive over to that panel there.”

Raven slowly drove over the panel that Marie was pointing to, however with the panel being on the driver’s side Marie had to get out and walk around the car to enter Logan’s code. Although Marie trusted Raven with all of her heart, she couldn’t risk the Brotherhood taking Raven and finding out the code to get in.

When Marie entered the last number the mansion gates slowly began to open, moving fast back round the car, Marie hopped back into her seat.

“You ready for this Marie?”

“Ready then I will ever be.”

Slowly Raven drove up the pathway leading to the mansion doors.
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