Story Notes:
You have no idea how scared I am of posting my first story *gasp*
mostly because I don't usually write...but Marie and Logan were begging for it. Even though they probably didn't imagine it would be like this.
I honestly don't know what in the world has posessed me to turn that Katy Perry CD into a fic. I don't even like her that much.
But I guess the universe wanted it to be done ;)

so here we go....
Is there a light
At the end of the road
I'm pushing everyone away
'Cause I can't feel this anymore
Can't feel this anymore

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost

I pressed the Stop button on my CD player and sat down on the bed, staring out of the window, into the darkness that lay over the garden.

I had been counting on a new CD to cheer me up a little, but look where it got me.

It was pathetic, really, being so bad-tempered. I couldn't complain: I hadn't nearly killed anyone lately and hadn't been abducted by any bad guys – all right, all right; to sum up, my life at Xavier's school was awfully boring. Yep, I'd become one of the geeks.

And there was still the whole you-can-look-but-you-can't-touch thing that was bothering me.

Yes, I might be a tad more fashionable than before I got my power, now wearing fancy gloves all the time (if it's good enough for Audrey, it's good enough for me), but that was about it.

Kitty and Jubilee called my skin “drop-dead beautiful” and tried to make it all into a big joke, but they didn't really understand how I felt.

I couldn't blame them though.
Life is just so much funner if you can walk through walls; wouldn't want anyone to rain on that parade either.
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