He watched as she rode away with the boy. He felt miserable. He always felt miserable. He loved her so. And it was killing him. Every time he saw the two of them together. The looks—those big-eyed, sparkling looks. The touching. It just ate him up inside.

It was time to go. She had control of her mutation. She would be fine without him. She didn’t need him anymore. She was having fun. She was happy. That should be enough, he thought to himself. If he really, really loved her, he would leave here and let her get on with her life. He knew, deeply knew, that she would never, could never, love him. He just wasn’t her type.

Time to go.

His backpack was tied onto the motorcycle. The sun was just edging up on the horizon.

He turned for one last look … and saw her running toward him.

“Logan,” she said breathlessly, “where are you going?”

“Time to move on, kid.” He answered brusquely.

“Oh,” her forehead wrinkled, “when will you be back?”

“Don’t know.”

“Will you come back?” Her voice grew tentative.

“Maybe.” He thought not.

“Well, then,” she gathered herself together, “wherever you go, whatever you do, have a good time!” Her voice was almost gay. “I will miss you!”

“Not as much as I’ll miss you,” he said, starting the motorcycle and pulling away.


Logan’s hand and foot hit the brakes.

She leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth.

“Goodbye, then.” She turned and walked back to the mansion.

The motorcycle roared down the road.

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