“Really, Wolverine?” Wanda exclaimed as she sat down on the picnic bench. Her gaze was unwavering as she raised both eyebrows in Logan’s direction.

He stood leaning against the picnic bench with a can of beer in his hand. He pretended to be oblivious to Wanda as he watched the different people move in and out of the gas station.

“Hey!” Jaime exclaimed from his spot on the other side of the picnic bench as Wanda swiped one of his fries.
She rolled her eyes and Jaime continued to mumble around the hamburger in his mouth.

“That’s your second burger, you can spare it.”

“In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve got a metabolism to keep up.”

“You hungry, Wolverine?” Wanda asked with a hint of mocking.

“No,” he answered sternly as he took a sip.

“But you sure are thirsty aren’t you,” she remarked highly.

A trickle of a growl passed his lips but he ignored her.

“Lay off, Wanda its one beer, he heals and besides the store didn’t have much of a selection anyways, where in the middle of nowhere.”

“That’s not the point,” Wanda snapped back. “We’re on a mission right now.”

Logan snorted.

“What’s your problem now?” She directed at him harshly.

“Pick one,” he snapped back before tossing his beer can into the garbage. He turned to face her. “We’ve been driving for almost a day and a half with no actual purpose. I’m beginning to think you’re just paranoid.”

Wanda’s dark eyes narrowed at him. A sudden tension filled her body before she spoke next. “No one’s forcing you to stay.”

Logan glared back at the gas station where he spotted Pietro filling the tank. “Ain’t stayin’ cause of you,” he muttered.

Wanda opened her mouth slightly before closing it again.

“You guys are worried about something and you’re not letting on. It doesn’t make that much sense. How does Magneto know so much about you guys?”

“He just does...” she started before he interrupted her.

“Cut the bull alright,” he demanded back. “I accept that you may not know what happened to Rogue but you wouldn’t be on the run like this unless you had some damn good reliable information about Magneto. So how is it that you know enough about him to be concerned?”

Wanda’s eyes suddenly became like steel as her lips remained tightly shut.

“Suddenly, quiet now are we,” he smirked back but his eyes were still demanding. “How...?”

“He’s our father,” Pietro answered as he approached them.

Logan narrowed his eyes as he observed both Wanda and Pietro. “That bastard is your father,” he gasped.

“Unfortunately,” Pietro answered with his usual stern face. “But don’t go thinking blood is thicker than water.”

“We’re nothing like our father,” Wanda spat with ferocious disdain.

“He’s tried to recruit us before but since we’ve rejected his way, his become adamant in getting us to join his brotherhood. We know what he’s capable of far better then perhaps even you, so we take this very seriously.”

Logan suddenly laughed.

“Suddenly, I feel sorry for you guys.”

“Don’t,” Wanda bit back at him before walking towards the van. Pietro followed her.

The sound of rustling paper behind Logan drew his attention as Jaime scrunched up his garbage and threw it away.

“Suddenly it all makes sense,” he remarked as he stretched and nodded after Wanda. “The chip on her shoulder.”

Logan watched the two siblings as they got into the van with a keen eye as he rubbed his scruffy jaw. “I suppose but doesn’t mean I think she’s any less of a bitch.”

Jaime barked with laughter. “No, no I guess not,” he murmured with some humour.

“Let’s go,” Jaime directed as he walked past him. “I promise not to drool on you this time.”

When he didn’t hear a remark from Logan, Jaime turned around in confusion. Logan stepped forward but his face creased in concern and he tilted his head as his nose scented the air. Jaime easily spotted the abrupt tension to the other mutant’s stance.

“What is it?”

Logan held up his hand as his eyes quickly darted around them, scanning the perimeter.

“I smell decay.”

“Decay?” Jaime questioned before his eyes widened at a realization. “Oh shit, you don’t think...”

Logan’s gaze suddenly focused on a small figure that was covered in a dark sweater, the hood blocking their view of the person’s face. Their focus was unusually on the van.

“Go,” Logan directed with no room for argument. “Get in the damn van and tell them to get as far away as possible.”

Jaime ran for the van and he noticed out of the corner of his eye, the hooded figure moving towards the van with a sudden urgency.

“Pietro, Wanda we’ve got a problem!” he yelled as he approached.

Logan stalked the figure quickly coming up behind them as they were too focused on their objective, but Logan knew the moment that he was caught as the person’s back went completely still and straight.

“Something of a sudden interest to yah, bub,” he remarked.

For his remark he got a high kick directed towards his head as the person spun around. He ducked and came up quickly as he caught his attacker’s momentum and pinned their own arms against their body.

“That wasn’t very nice,” he gritted through his clenched teeth as he tried to ignore the stench coming off of the person.

He got a hiss in response as the attacker struggled, the hood falling off in the process and Logan’s eyes widened as he came face to face with Dead Girl.

Her blonde hair was still vibrant but noticeably brittle at the same time. Her skin was a pale blue shade and was incredibly dry but remarkably her dark eyes were still vibrant with life.

“I have no problem with you,” her dry voice cracked at him, her tone noticeably at a lower octave.

“Well you see, I think you do,” he countered as he caught her attacking kick with his own leg and kicked out knocking her to the ground with a noticeable crack. “’Cause what you’re after ain’t yours and I’m not letting you anywhere near Rogue and also you work for Magneto which doesn’t put you high in my books.”

She hissed at him again and sprang back up, mindless of the injury he’d just caused to her shin. She was quick as he darted her first couple of attacks but she caught him under the chin with surprising force. He stumbled back a bit which gave her time to move back towards the van.
The loud sound of the van’s tires screeching as Pietro stepped on the gas echoed throughout the suddenly deserted station.

“Oh no you don’t,” Logan spoke as he dove after the mutant. He caught her in a tight grip around her mid section but she spun around with surprising agility and threw him off of her body.

Logan landed with a thud against another parked car and left a noticeable dent. Standing up he cracked his neck as his claws slid out of his knuckles. “Well, I guess were in a disagreement,” he remarked as he charged at her.

She was prepared for his attacked and put her arm up to catch him but she wasn’t prepared for the claws and she released a small muffled cry as the claws slid through her wrist and dismembered her hand.

The hand lay on the ground in between them as both of them glanced at it, Logan with more shock then her. He was surprised to notice there was no blood. He was shaken out of his reverie when he noticed the fingers suddenly twitching on their own as they moved forward like tiny insects as the hand itself dragged itself back towards Dead Girl.

“Oh, hell no,” Logan muttered. Stepping forward he kicked the hand as far away as he could just as she paused to reach down for it.

Her glassy like eyes bore into him with anger as he took a step back and she lunged for him. He kicked out with his feet and she fell back down.

The van’s tire’s screeched behind him again and he was furious to find it was still in the parking lot. The van swerved up behind him as Jaime swung the door up.

“Logan get in!” he yelled.

Logan noticed Dead Girl’s interest was suddenly on the field where he’d kicked her hand and he bolted for the door and jumped in as Pietro drove off.

Logan glanced out the back window all the way for three blocks until they were back on the highway before he settled in his seat releasing a breath.

“Now do you believe us,” Wanda asked seriously, her voice lacking her usual snide tone.

Logan nodded. “Yes.” His face turning grave.
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