Story Notes:
Response to Khaki’s opening sentence challenge. Unbetad cause I did this in like, 20 minutes.
He should have seen it coming.

Seriously. All the signs were there. Her dreamy looks, the giggling, the *sighs*. He shuddered just at the memory of those. But how was he supposed to know? Teenage girls were always giggling and sighing about something, and they usually forgot it the very next week. Besides, she grew out of all that long ago and he hadn't thought about it in years.

But he really should't be so surprised. Jean had talked about it for weeks. How the poor naïve Rogue was going to be heartbroken. How the less than tactful Logan was going to crush her when he returned. She was going to be getting headaches for months. Rogue would need years of therapy. Logan would feel guilty and leave, and in his haze of tortured agony, get captured by one or possibly several governments.

"This can only end in tears!" she had yelled at him one night, throwing her hands up in the air. "Do you hear me? Tears!"

He hadn't given it any serious thought though. He thought Jean was overreacting. He was secure in the knowledge that Logan lusted after his fiancé with an all consuming intensity. (And how twisted is -that-?)

So when Jean stopped ranting about it nightly, he happily forgot all about it. But he had to be really oblivious not to see what was going on when Logan finally came back to the mansion. Rogue had literally flown down the stairs and into Logan's arms. Right there in the middle of the foyer. They had definitely held each other tighter than necessary. And their hands had been placed in places that weren't exactly appropriate, especially considering the audience they had.

He could be forgiven for missing that, right? His mind had been on his motorcycle. Really, there was no telling what Logan might have done to it.

And so what if they spent every waking minute together? Hell, with all that Rogue had absorbed from the guy, they were practically the same person. Whenever he heard them talking it was always about hockey or fighting. And he was glad that Rogue had someone to be that close to. Logan was like her mentor or something. Right.

There was nothing concrete. Nothing to give him definite evidence.

But still, when he'd heard the sounds coming from the kitchen while he was on the prowl for a midnight snack, he should have expected -something-. But he hadn't. He had opened the door, blissfully unaware of ... well, anything.

That is, until he got a good look at what was in the kitchen. He was still staring, in fact.

Oh God, did it have to be the counter?

"Did ya need something Scooter?" Logan asked, not even breaking his damn rhythm. Wow, he didn't think Rogue bent that way. Was Logan growling?

He slammed the door and hurried back to his room as fast as his feet could carry him. Ignorance was definitely bliss.

All in all, he'd rather still be oblivious.
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